38 Bible Verses about Blood

Most Relevant Verses

Revelation 16:4

And [then] the third [angel] poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned into blood.

John 6:55

For my physical body is real food and my blood is [the] real drink.

Hebrews 9:22

And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood.

1 Corinthians 11:27

Therefore, whoever eats the [Lord's] bread or drinks from the Lord's cup in a way that is unworthy [of them. See verse 21], will be guilty of [dishonoring] the body and the blood of the Lord.

Matthew 27:25

And all the people answered, "Let his blood be on our hands, and on our children's [as well]."

Acts 15:29

Avoid [eating] things sacrificed to idols; avoid [drinking] blood; avoid [eating] things [that were] strangled [to death] and avoid sexual immorality. If you avoid [all] these things, you will be doing well. Goodbye."

Matthew 9:20

But just then a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the edge of His robe.

Revelation 16:3

Then the second [angel] poured out his bowl into the ocean, making it turn into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the ocean died.

From Thematic Bible

Blood » Innocent, allusions to the shedding of

Blood » Jesus Christ’s blood

Matthew 26:26-28

And as they were eating, Jesus took a [small] loaf of bread, asked God's blessing on it, then broke it and gave pieces to His disciples and said, "Take some and eat it; this is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body." And He took a cup [i.e., probably wine made from fresh or possibly preserved grape juice], gave thanks to God, then passed it to them, saying, "All of you, drink from it; for this is [i.e., represents] my blood of the Agreement [i.e., between God and mankind], which is [to be] poured out for many people in order for [their] sins to be forgiven.

Mark 14:22-24

And as they were eating He took a [small] loaf of bread, and when He had asked God's blessing on it, He broke it and gave [pieces] to His disciples and said, "Take this, it is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body." Then He took a cup [i.e., probably wine made from fresh or possibly preserved grape juice], and when He had given thanks to God, He passed it to them and they all drank from it. And He said to them, "This is [i.e., represents] my blood of the Agreement [i.e., between God and mankind] which is [to be] poured out for many people.

Luke 22:19-22

Then He took a [small] loaf of bread, and after He had given thanks to God, He broke it and gave [pieces] to His apostles, and said, "This is [i.e., represents] my [physical] body which is [to be] given for you; continue to do this [i.e., eat it regularly] to remember me by." And in the same way He took [another] cup, after the [Passover] meal, and said, "This cup is [i.e., represents] the New Agreement [i.e., between God and mankind] made by my blood, which is [to be] poured out for you. But look, the hand of the one who is turning me over [i.e., to the Jewish leaders] is with me on the table [i.e., dipping his hand in the sauce bowl. See Matt. 26:23]. read more.
For the Son of man is certainly going [to die], just as it has been [pre-] determined, but it is too bad for that person through whom He is [to be] betrayed!"

Blood » Sprinkled

Hebrews 12:24

and to Jesus, the Mediator of a New Agreement [between God and mankind], and to the sprinkled blood [of Jesus], which says better things [to us] than [the blood of] Abel did. [Note: The contrast seems to be that "Abel's blood called for vengeance and death (See Gen. 4:10) whereas the blood of Christ provides mercy and life"].

More verses: Hebrews 11:28 1 Peter 1:2

Blood » Forbidden to be used as food

Blood » Forbidden to be eaten

Acts 15:20

but to write [urging] them to avoid [eating] what is contaminated by [its association with] idol worship, from sexual immorality, from [eating] strangled animals and from [drinking] blood.

More verses: 1 Samuel 14:34

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Applied to persons

Blood » Upon men

Luke 11:50

so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the beginning of the world, may be required of this generation of people.'

Acts 5:28

"We strictly commanded you not to teach in this name [i.e., the name of Jesus] and look [what you have done]; you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you intend to hold us responsible for this man's [i.e., Jesus'] death."

Acts 18:6

When the Jews resisted [Paul's efforts] and spoke against him and his message, he shook out his clothing [i.e., an expression of rejection and contempt] and said to them "Let your blood be on your own heads [i.e., you are responsible for whatever harm comes from your action]; I am not responsible. From now on I will go [and preach] to the Gentiles [only]."

Blood » Of animals » Poured on » Earth

Blood » Eating of, forbidden to » israelites » Under the law

Blood » Is the life

Matthew 27:24

So, when Pilate saw that he was not convincing anyone, but that a riot was brewing instead, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd saying, "I am not responsible for this man's blood. [Note: Some ancient manuscripts say "righteous man's blood"]. You tend to the matter."

Matthew 27:4

saying, "I have sinned by delivering up an innocent man to die." But they replied, "What is that to us? It is your affair!"

Blood » The life » Of animals

Blood » Illustrative » (on one's own head,) of guilt

Blood » Sacrificial » Of burnt offering » Sprinkled all around, and upon the altar

More verses: Deuteronomy 12:27

Blood » Sacrificial » Of sin offering » Altar » Horns

Blood » Not consuming blood

Blood » Those that drink the blood of jesus Christ

John 6:53-56

So, Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the physical body of the Son of man and drink His blood, you do not have [spiritual] life in yourselves [Note: The references to "body" and "blood" throughout this section allude to taking Jesus' life and teaching into one's heart. See verse 56]. The person who eats my physical body and drinks my blood has never ending life [See note on 5:24], and I will raise him up [from the dead] on the last day [i.e., the judgment day]. For my physical body is real food and my blood is [the] real drink. read more.
The person who eats my physical body and drinks my blood lives in me and I [live] in him.

1 Corinthians 11:25-26

In the same way [He took] the cup also, after supper, and said, "This cup [i.e., its contents] represents the New Agreement [ratified] by my blood. [Continue to] do this, whenever you people drink from it, in memory of me." For whenever you eat this bread and drink from this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord's death until He comes [again].

Blood » Illustrative » (given to drink,) of severe judgments

Revelation 16:6

For they [i.e., the followers of the beast. See verse 2] have shed the blood of God's holy people and [their] prophets, and you have given them blood to drink because they deserved it [i.e., these persecutors deserved the punishment they received for shedding blood].

Blood » What blood is

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Atoning

Blood » Of legal sacrifices » For purification

Hebrews 9:13

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a [burnt] heifer's ashes sprinkled on people who had been [ceremonially] defiled, could purify them so as to make them [ceremonially] clean on the outside,

Hebrews 9:19-22

For after Moses had declared every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats and [mixed it] with water, then sprinkled both the scroll [of the Agreement] and all the people with a hyssop branch covered by red wool [dipped in the mixture]. He said [Ex. 29:8], "This is the blood of the Agreement, which God commanded you [to observe]." In the same way he also sprinkled blood on the Tabernacle and all of the utensils used in its ministry. read more.
And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood.

Blood » Of legal sacrifices » For atonement

Blood » Shedding of human » Jews often guilty of

Blood » Figurative » Of guilt

Blood » Plague of

Blood » Of legal sacrifices » How disposed of

Blood » Sacrificial » Of atonement » Sprinkled on the mercy seat

Blood » Of legal sacrifices » Not offered with leaven

Blood » Beasts of prey delight in

Blood » Sacrificial » Blood of the ram of consecration put on the tip of right ear, thumb, and big toe of, and sprinkled upon, aaron and his sons

Blood » Illustrative » (washing the feet in,) of victories

Blood » Sacrificial » Sprinkled on altar and people

Blood » Water turned into, as a sign

Blood » Red

Blood » Eating of, forbidden to » The early Christians

Acts 15:20

but to write [urging] them to avoid [eating] what is contaminated by [its association with] idol worship, from sexual immorality, from [eating] strangled animals and from [drinking] blood.

Acts 15:29

Avoid [eating] things sacrificed to idols; avoid [drinking] blood; avoid [eating] things [that were] strangled [to death] and avoid sexual immorality. If you avoid [all] these things, you will be doing well. Goodbye."

Blood » Those that drink the blood of jesus Christ unworthily

1 Corinthians 11:27-29

Therefore, whoever eats the [Lord's] bread or drinks from the Lord's cup in a way that is unworthy [of them. See verse 21], will be guilty of [dishonoring] the body and the blood of the Lord. So, a person should examine himself [first] and then he should eat the bread and drink from the cup. For a person who eats and drinks without determining the significance of the body [of Jesus], [i.e., without showing proper reverence for Christ, as represented by the bread and cup (see verse 27), or without distinguishing this sacred memorial Supper from a common meal], eats and drinks judgment upon himself. [Note: Some apply "the body" in this verse to the church and explain it as a warning against failing to appreciate the unity that the Supper is intended to signify].

Blood » Sacrificial » Used for cleansing of leprosy

Blood » Sacrificial » Sprinkled on door posts

Hebrews 11:28

By [having] faith, he established the Passover Festival [Note: This festival was first celebrated in Egypt by the fleeing Israelites, then observed annually in commemoration of that event], and had [lambs'] blood sprinkled [on the door jambs] to prevent the one who destroyed the firstborn children from touching them. [See Ex. 12:23].

Blood » Shedding of human » Mode of clearing those accused of

Blood » Figurative » Of judgments

Revelation 16:6

For they [i.e., the followers of the beast. See verse 2] have shed the blood of God's holy people and [their] prophets, and you have given them blood to drink because they deserved it [i.e., these persecutors deserved the punishment they received for shedding blood].

Blood » Sacrificial » Of the bullock of sin offering, put on the horns of the altar

Blood » Sacrificial » Poured at the bottom of the altar

Blood » Sacrificial » Of peace offering » Sprinkled about the altar

Blood » The jews often guilty of eating

Blood » Fluid

Blood » Shedding of human » Hateful to God

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Liberating

Blood » Waters of egypt turned into, as a judgment

Blood » Illustrative » (building with,) of oppression and cruelty

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Sheltering

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Cleansing

Hebrews 9:22

And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood.

Blood » Of legal sacrifices » Ineffectual to remove sin

Blood » Shedding of human » Defiling to the land

Blood » Illustrative » (preparing to,) of ripening for destruction

Blood » The price of, not to be consecrated

Matthew 27:6

The leading priests took the silver coins and said, "It is not permissible by the law of Moses to put this money in the Temple treasury, since it is the price [paid] for [taking] a life.

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the blood of Christ » Securing pardon

Hebrews 9:7

But [only] once a year the head priest goes alone into the inner room [i.e., Holy of Holies], and never without [animal] blood, which he offers [as a sacrifice] for himself and for the sins done in ignorance by the people.

Blood » Eating of, forbidden to » Man after the flood

Blood » Shedding of human » Defiling to the person

Blood » Shedding of human » Always punished

Blood » Shedding of human » Forbidden

Blood » Sacrificial » Of sin offering » Sprinkled seven times before the curtain

Blood » Of sacrifices, typical of the atoning blood of Christ

Hebrews 9:6-28

Now after preparing these things [i.e., the table, incense, etc.], the priests regularly enter the outer room of the Tabernacle [i.e., the Holy Place] to carry out the duties of their service. But [only] once a year the head priest goes alone into the inner room [i.e., Holy of Holies], and never without [animal] blood, which he offers [as a sacrifice] for himself and for the sins done in ignorance by the people. [By his doing this] the Holy Spirit signifies that the way into the Holy Place [Note: This actually refers to the Holy of Holies, and represents heaven] had not yet been disclosed [i.e., made accessible] while the first Tabernacle was still standing. read more.
[That Tabernacle] is symbolic of the present time, [indicating] that both gifts and [animal] sacrifices, which are offered [by the priests], are not able to give the worshiper a clear conscience since, with foods and drinks and various [ceremonial] washings, they are only outward regulations imposed until the time when everything would be made right [i.e., under the New Agreement]. But when Christ became the Head Priest of the good things that have come, He entered the greater and more complete Tabernacle, not made by hand, that is, not part of this creation [i.e., heaven, See 8:2]. And He did not enter [the heavenly Holy of Holies] by means of the blood of goats and calves but, by means of His own blood He entered the Holy of Holies [i.e., heaven] once for all time, [after] having obtained never ending redemption [i.e., salvation for us on the cross]. For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a [burnt] heifer's ashes sprinkled on people who had been [ceremonially] defiled, could purify them so as to make them [ceremonially] clean on the outside, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Holy Spirit [or, His eternal Spirit] offered Himself without [moral] blemish to God, cleanse our consciences from deeds which lead to [spiritual] death to serve the living God? Therefore, Christ is the Mediator of a New Agreement, so that [all] those people who have been called [by God] can receive the promise of the never ending inheritance. [This is possible because] a death has taken place for the redemption of [people's] sins who lived under the first Agreement. For where a will exists, it is necessary to prove the death of the person who made it [i.e., in order to benefit by its provisions]. For a will is in force [only] when there has been a death; for it is not in effect as long as the one who made it is [still] alive. Therefore, even the first Agreement was not ratified without blood [i.e., without a death taking place]. For after Moses had declared every commandment of the law to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats and [mixed it] with water, then sprinkled both the scroll [of the Agreement] and all the people with a hyssop branch covered by red wool [dipped in the mixture]. He said [Ex. 29:8], "This is the blood of the Agreement, which God commanded you [to observe]." In the same way he also sprinkled blood on the Tabernacle and all of the utensils used in its ministry. And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood. Therefore, it was necessary for the copies of the heavenly things [i.e., the Tabernacle, its furniture and utensils, etc.] to be [ceremonially] cleansed by these things [i.e., the blood of animal sacrifices], but the heavenly things themselves [i.e., the church, both on earth and in heaven] require better sacrifices than these [i.e., the sacrifice of Christ]. For Christ did not enter the Holy of Holies made by hand, which is [only] a counterpart of the true one, but into heaven itself, where He now appears in God's presence for us. [See verse 12]. Nor was it necessary for Him to offer Himself [to God] often, like the head priest does, who enters the Holy of Holies year after year with blood that belongs to others [i.e., the blood of animal sacrifices]. For then He would have had to suffer often since the creation of the world; but now at the end of the ages [i.e., the final period of world history] He has been revealed once [for all] to remove sin by sacrificing Himself. And just as it is destined for people to die one time, and [then] after that to be judged, so Christ also, who was once [for all] offered [as a sacrifice] to take away the sins of many people, will come back a second time, not to take away sin, [but] to provide salvation to those who are waiting for Him.

Blood » Idolaters made drink-offerings of

Blood » Of all men the same

Blood » Birds of prey delight in

Blood » Sacrificial » Without shedding of, no remission

Hebrews 9:22

And, according to the law of Moses, almost everything is [ceremonially] cleansed by blood, for there is no forgiveness [of sins] apart from the shedding of blood.

Blood » Figurative » Of oppression and cruelty

Blood » Figurative » Of destruction

Blood » Figurative » Of victories

Blood » Sacrificial » Of trespass offering » Sprinkled on the altar

Plague » The plague of » Blood

Topics on Blood

Blood Of Christ, Basis Of

Ephesians 2:13-16

But now [that you are] in [fellowship with] Christ, you [Gentiles], who were once far away [from God], have been brought near [to Him] through the blood of Christ.

Blood, as basis of life

Matthew 27:3-4

Then Judas, who had betrayed Him [to the Jewish leaders], when he saw that Jesus had been condemned to die, changed his mind [i.e., about betraying Him] and brought back the thirty silver coins [Note: See Matt. 26:15 for the amount of money involved] to the leading priests and [Jewish] elders,

Blood, as symbol of guilt

Acts 18:6

When the Jews resisted [Paul's efforts] and spoke against him and his message, he shook out his clothing [i.e., an expression of rejection and contempt] and said to them "Let your blood be on your own heads [i.e., you are responsible for whatever harm comes from your action]; I am not responsible. From now on I will go [and preach] to the Gentiles [only]."

Blood, Miracles Connected With

Acts 2:20

[In that day] the sun will become dark and the moon will [appear] as blood. [This will all happen] before the great and wonderful day when the Lord comes. [Note: Some view these last two verses as a reference to events occurring at the end of time. See Matt. 24:29-30].

Blood, of Jesus Christ

John 19:33-34

But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs.

Covered With Blood

Revelation 19:13

And He is dressed in a robe that has been dipped in blood, and the name by which He is called is "The Word of God."

Field Of Blood

Acts 1:18-19

(Now this man [Judas] paid for [in a sense] a [burial] field with the reward money he had received for his sinful act [of betraying Jesus, See Matt. 27:3-10]. [Then, some time after Judas hanged himself, See Matt. 27:5] he fell down headlong, [his swollen body] bursting so that his intestines gushed out.

Human Blood Shed

Revelation 18:24

And the blood of the prophets and the saints and all [others] who were killed on earth was found in her."

Innocent Blood

Matthew 27:4

saying, "I have sinned by delivering up an innocent man to die." But they replied, "What is that to us? It is your affair!"

People Consuming Blood

Acts 15:20

but to write [urging] them to avoid [eating] what is contaminated by [its association with] idol worship, from sexual immorality, from [eating] strangled animals and from [drinking] blood.

Responsibility For Blood Shed

Matthew 23:35

[This will be done] so that on you may fall the guilt for shedding on the ground the blood of all those innocent people, from the blood of righteous Abel to that of Barachiah's son Zachariah, whom you murdered between the Sanctuary and the Altar [i.e., in the Temple area].

Sprinkling Blood

Hebrews 9:13

For if the blood of goats and bulls, and a [burnt] heifer's ashes sprinkled on people who had been [ceremonially] defiled, could purify them so as to make them [ceremonially] clean on the outside,

Turned To Blood

Revelation 8:8

[When] the second angel sounded its trumpet [I saw] what seemed like a huge mountain, ablaze with fire, being thrown into the ocean. And one third of the ocean turned to blood,

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