43 Bible Verses about Christ Would Be Killed

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Matthew 17:23

and they will kill Him, but on the third day He will be raised again." And they were crushed with grief.

Matthew 20:18-19

"Listen! We are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be turned over to the high priests and the scribes, and they will sentence Him to death, and turn Him over to the heathen to mock and flog and crucify, but on the third day He will rise again."

Matthew 26:2

"You know that in two days the Passover Feast will take place, and the Son of Man will be turned over to be crucified."

Mark 9:31

for He was now teaching His disciples, and saying to them, "The Son of Man is to be turned over into men's hands, and they will kill Him, but three days after that He will rise again."

Mark 10:34

and they will make sport of Him, and spit on Him, and flog Him, and kill Him, but three days after He will rise again."

Luke 18:33

and then they will flog Him and kill Him, but on the third day He will rise again."

Luke 24:7

He said that the Son of Man had to be turned over to wicked men and crucified, but was to rise again on the third day."

Matthew 26:4

and plotted to arrest Jesus by stratagem and put Him to death.

Matthew 27:1

As soon as day broke, all the high priests and elders held a consultation against Jesus, to put Him to death.

Matthew 26:3

Then the high priests and the elders of the people met in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas,

Mark 14:1

Now the feast of the Passover and of Unleavened Bread was two days later. So the high priests and scribes kept looking for some way to arrest Him by stratagem and have Him put to death,

Luke 22:2

So the high priests and the scribes continued to seek how they might put Him to death, for they were afraid of the people.

John 5:18

It was on account of this that the Jews tried all the harder to put Him to death, because He not only persisted in breaking the Sabbath, but also kept on saying that God was His Father, and so was making Himself equal to God.

John 7:1

After this, Jesus went on moving about in Galilee; He would not do so in Judea, because the Jews were trying to kill Him.

John 8:37

I know that you are Abraham's descendants, and yet you are trying to kill me, because there is no room in you for my teaching.

John 11:53

So from that day they plotted to kill Jesus.

Mark 11:18

Then the high priests and the scribes heard of this, and they kept looking for some way to destroy Him, for they were afraid of Him, for everybody was swept off his feet at what He said.

Luke 19:47

So He was teaching daily in the temple, and the high priests and the scribes and the leading men of the people were trying to destroy Him,

Luke 20:14

But when the tenants saw him, they argued among themselves, 'This is the heir; let us kill him, so that what he inherits may be ours.'

John 8:40

But right now you are trying to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that He has learned from God. Abraham never did that.

John 7:19

Did not Moses give you the law? And yet not one of you is keeping that law. If so, why are you trying to kill me?"

John 7:20

The crowd answered, "You are certainly under the power of a demon! Who is trying to kill you?"

John 7:25

Then some of the people of Jerusalem said, "Is not this the man they are trying to kill?

John 8:59

At this the Jews took up stones to stone Him, but Jesus made His way out of the temple unperceived.

John 10:31

The Jews again picked up stones to stone Him.

John 11:8

The disciples said to Him, "Teacher, the Jews just now were trying to stone you, and are you going back there again?"

Luke 13:31

Just at that time some Pharisees came up and said to Him, "Get out at once! Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you!"

Mark 12:7

But those tenants said among themselves, 'This is his heir; come on, let us kill him, and all that is coming to him will be ours.'

Matthew 26:66

What do you think now?" Then they answered, "He deserves to die."

Matthew 27:22

Pilate asked them, "What then shall I do with Jesus. the so-called Christ?" They all answered, "Have Him crucified!"

Matthew 27:23

He asked, "Why, what has He done that is wrong?" But they kept on shouting louder and louder, "Have Him crucified!"

Mark 15:13-14

They shouted back, "Crucify Him!" Then Pilate again asked, "Why, what has He done that is wrong?" But they shouted at the top of their voices, "Crucify Him!"

Luke 23:21

But they continued to shout at him, "Crucify Him, crucify Him?

John 19:6

When the high priests and attendants saw Him, they shouted, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "Take Him yourselves and crucify Him, for I can find no ground for a charge against Him."

John 19:15

But they shouted, "Kill Him! Kill Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate said to them, "Must I crucify your king?" The high priests answered, "We have no king but the emperor!"

Luke 23:23

But they continued to press him with loud voices in their ceaseless demands that He be crucified, and their shouts began to prevail.

Matthew 26:31

Then Jesus said to them, "You will all stumble over me tonight, for the Scripture says, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'

Mark 14:27

Then Jesus said to them, "You will all stumble over me, for the Scripture says, 'I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.'

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