12 Bible Verses about Distress

Most Relevant Verses

Luke 21:23-25

It will be too bad for pregnant women and those who are nursing [babies] in those days! For there will be great distress in this land [i.e., Judea, and especially Jerusalem], and raging anger [will be shown] against these people [i.e., by the Roman armies]. And people will die by the sword and be led captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled on by the [unconverted] Gentiles [i.e., by the Romans and later by others] until the times of [domination by] the Gentiles are fulfilled. "Then [Note: This event answers to the "immediately" of Matt. 24:29, and suggests the next major event on God's calendar] there will be [supernatural] signs [evident] in the sun and moon and stars. And on earth [there will be] distress among nations; they will be perplexed by the roaring of the ocean's churning waves. [Note: Probably this is figurative language for highly agitated conditions on earth].

Romans 8:35

Who [i.e., what] can separate us from Christ's love [for us]? [i.e., what unfortunate circumstance of life might suggest that Christ does not love us?] Would [it be] trouble? Or distress? Or persecution? Or inadequate food? Or inadequate clothing? Or danger? Or [even] death?

1 Corinthians 7:26

So, because of the impending crisis, I think it is a good thing for a man to remain as he is.

2 Corinthians 7:4

I have great confidence in talking to you; I have great pride in you and I am full of encouragement [over you]. In all of our troubles I am overflowing with joy.

1 Thessalonians 3:4

For even when we were with you, we warned you that we were going to be persecuted, and as you know, it has turned out that way.

1 Thessalonians 3:7

So, brothers, through all of our distress and persecution, we were encouraged over you because of your faith,

From Thematic Bible

Distress » Trouble, borrowing » Pain

Revelation 16:10

And the fifth [angel] poured out his bowl on the throne of the [first] beast [See 13:2], and darkness fell over his kingdom. And they [See verse 2] chewed their tongues in agony,

More verses: Job 14:22 Job 30:17

Distress » Sorrow » Common to all men

More verses: Psalm 116:3 Jeremiah 8:15

Soul » Distress

Acts 9:9

For three days he was blind and neither ate nor drank anything.

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