11 Bible Verses about Do Not Hinder

Most Relevant Verses

Romans 14:13

let us not judge one another any more: but rather come to this determination, not to put a stumbling-block, or any thing in a brother's way, that may make him fall.

1 Corinthians 8:13

wherefore if my eating makes my brother offend, I will never eat flesh rather than make my brother offend.

2 Corinthians 6:3

as for us, we give no occasion of offence, that our ministry may not be blamed:

Mark 10:14

which Jesus observing was much displeas'd with them, and said, suffer little children to come unto me, do not hinder them: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Luke 18:16

but Jesus called the children to him, and said to his disciples, let the children come to me, without any hindrance, for they who belong to the kingdom of God, must be like them.

Matthew 26:10

Jesus perceiving this, said to them, why do you trouble the woman? for what she has done is out of regard to me.

Matthew 17:27

however, lest we should give offence, go you to the sea, throw in a book, and take the first fish that strikes: then open its jaws, and you will find a piece of money: that take, and give it to them for me and thee.

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