31 Bible Verses about Explanations

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Genesis 40:6-19

And Joseph came in unto them in the morning, - and looked at them, and lo! they were sad. So he asked Pharaoh's courtiers who were with him in the ward of his lord's house, saying, Why are your faces troubled to-day! And they said unto him, A dream, have we dreamed, but there is none, to interpret, it. Then said Joseph unto them - Is it not unto God, that interpretations belong? Relate it. I pray you, to me.read more.
And the chief of the butlers related his dream to Joseph, - and said to him, In my dream, then lo! a vine, before me; and, in the vine, three shoots, - and the same at sprouting time, had shot up her blossom, and her clusters had brought to perfection ripe grapes. Now, the cup of Pharaoh, being in my hand, I took the ripe grapes and pressed them out into the cup of Pharaoh, and set the cup upon Pharaohs palm. And Joseph said to him, This, is the interpretation thereof, - The three shoots are three days: In three days more, will Pharaoh lift up thy head, and restore thee to thine office, and thou shalt set the cup of Pharaoh in his hand, according to the former custom when thou wast his butler. But if thou remember how I was with thee when it shall go well with thee, then wilt thou I pray thee do me a lovingkindness, - and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me forth out of this house; For I was, stolen, out of the land of the Hebrews, - and, even here, had I done nothing, that they should have put me in the dungeon, Then the chief of the bakers, seeing that he had well interpreted, said unto Joseph, I, too, was in my dream, when lo! three wicker baskets of fine bread were on my head; and, in the uppermost basket, was some of every kind of food for Pharaoh that a baker could make, - but, the birds, kept eating them out of the basket from off my head. And Joseph responded and said, This, is the interpretation thereof, The three baskets, are, three days: In three days more, will Pharaoh lift up thy head from off thee, and hang thee upon a tree, and the birds shall eat thy flesh from off thee.

Genesis 41:10-32

Pharaoh, was wroth with his servants, - and put them in the ward of the house of the chief of the royal executioners, me, and the chief of the bakers. Then must we needs dream, a dream in one night, I and he, - each man, according to the interpretation of his dream, did we dream. And, there with us, was a young man, a Hebrew servant to the chief of the royal executioners, and we related to him, and he interpreted to us our dreams, - to each man - according to his dream, did he interpret,read more.
And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so, it happened, - me, he restored to mine office but him, he hanged. Then sent Pharaoh and summoned Joseph, and they hastened him out of the dungeon, - so he shaved himself and changed his garments, and came in unto Pharaoh. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, A dream, have I dreamed, but none can interpreted it, - but, I, have heard say concerning thee, that on hearing a dream, thou canst interpret it. And Joseph answered Pharaoh saying, Not to me, doth it pertain! May, God grant in answer, the prosperity of Pharaoh! Then spake Pharaoh unto Joseph, - In my dream, there was I, standing on the lip of the river; When lo! out of the river, were coming up seven heifers, fat in flesh and comely in form, - and they fed among the rushes. And lo! seven other heifers, coming up after them, poor and very uncomely in form and lean in flesh, - I had never seen such in all the land of Egypt, for uncomeliness. Then did the lean and uncomely heifers eat up the first seven fat heifers; and they passed into their stomach yet could it not be known that they had passed into them, their appearance, being uncomely, as at the beginning. So I awoke. Then looked I in my dream, - And lo! seven ears, coming up on one stalk, full and good; And lo! seven ears, withered lean shrivelled by an east wind growing up after them. Then did the lean ears swallow up, the seven good ears. So I told these things unto the sacred scribes, but there was none that could explain them to me. Then said Joseph unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh, is, one. What God is about to do hath he announced to Pharaoh. The seven good heifers, are, seven years, and, the seven good ears are, seven years, - the dream, is, one. And the seven lean and uncomely heifers that were coming up after them, are seven years, and the seven lean ears, shrivelled by an east wind, will turn out to be - seven years of famine. The very word that I spake unto Pharaoh, what, God, is about to do, hath he showed unto Pharaoh. Lo! seven years, coming in, - of great plenty, in all the land of Egypt. Then shall arise seven years of famine, after them, so shall be forgotten all the plenty in the land of Egypt, - and the famine shall consume the land; neither shall the plenty in the land be discernible, because of that famine coming after, - for it shall be livery severe. And for that there was a repeating of the dream unto Pharaoh, twice, it is because the thing, is established, from God, and God is hastening to do it.

Daniel 2:16

So Daniel entered in, and desired of the king, - that, an appointed time, he would give him, and then, the interpretation, he would declare unto the king.

Daniel 5:12

Forasmuch as, a distinguished spirit, and knowledge and intelligence, ability to interpret dreams and solve riddles and unravel knotty points, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar, now let, Daniel, be called, and, the interpretation, will he declare.

Daniel 7:15-18

The spirit of, me, Daniel, was grieved in the midst of the sheath, - and, the visions of my head, terrified me. I drew near unto one of them who stood by, and made exact enquiry of him, concerning all this, - so he told me, and, the interpretation of the things, made he known unto me. These great wild beasts, which are four, - are four kings who shall arise out of the earth;read more.
but the holy ones of the Highest, shall receive the kingdom, - and shall possess the kingdom for the age, yea for the age of ages.

Daniel 8:15-16

And it came to pass, when, I Daniel, had seen the vision, - and had sought discernment, that lo! there was standing before me, as the appearance of a man. Then heard I a human voice, between the banks of the Ulai, - which cried out, and said, Gabriel! cause this man to understand the revelation.

Zechariah 1:8-10

I looked by night, And lo! a man riding upon a red horse, and he was standing among the myrtle trees, in the shade; and, after him, were horses, red, bay, and white. Then said I, What are these, my lord? And the messenger who was speaking with me, said unto me, I, will shew thee what these, are. So the man who was standing among the myrtle-trees responded, and said, - These, are they whom Yahweh, hath sent, to go to and fro through the earth.

Revelation 17:3-7

And he carried me away into a desert, in spirit. And I saw a woman, sitting upon a scarlet wild-beast full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And, the woman, was arrayed with purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls, - having a cup of gold in her hand, full of abominations and the impurities of her lewdness; and, upon her forehead, a name written, a secret: Babylon the great, the Mother of the Harlots and of the Abominations of the earth.read more.
And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I was astonished, when I beheld her, with great astonishment. And the messenger said unto me - Wherefore wast thou astonished? I, will tell thee the secret of the woman, and of the wild-beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and the ten horns.

Acts 11:4-17

But Peter, making a beginning, went on to set forth the matter unto them in order, saying - I was in the city of Joppa praying, and saw in a trance, a vision: - coming down a sort of vessel, like a large sheet, by four corners, being let down out of heaven, and it came even unto me: Into which steadfastly looking, began to observe, and saw the quadrupeds of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of heaven.read more.
Moreover heard a voice also, saying unto me - Rise, Peter! slay and eat. But I said - By no means, Lord, because, a common or unclean thing, hath at no time entered into my mouth. And a voice answered, a second time, out of heaven - What things, God, hath cleansed, be not, thou, making common. And, this, took place thrice, - and the whole was drawn up again into heaven; And lo! immediately, three men halted at the house wherein we were, sent from Caesarea unto me. And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. And there went with me these six brethren also; and we entered into the house of the man, And he related to us how he had seen the messenger in his house, standing, and saying - Send away unto Joppa, and fetch Simon, who is surnamed Peter; Who shall speak words unto thee, whereby thou shall be saved, thou, and all thy house. And, as I began to be speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as upon us also at the beginning. And I was put in mind of the word of the Lord, how he used to say - John, indeed, immersed with water; but, ye, shall be immersed in Holy Spirit. If therefore the like free-gift God gave unto them, as even unto us, when we had believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, who was, I, that could withstand God?

Mark 4:34

but, without a parable, was he not speaking unto them, - privately, however, unto his own disciples, was he explaining all things.

Matthew 15:15-20

And Peter, answering, said unto him, Declare to us the parable. And, he, said, To this moment, are, ye also, without discernment? Perceive ye not that, every thing which entereth into the mouth, into the stomach, findeth way, and, into the draught, is passed;read more.
while, the things which proceed out of the mouth, out of the heart, come forth, and, they, defile the man. For, out of the heart, come forth wicked designs, - murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, profane speakings: these, are the things which defile the man, but, the eating with unwashed hands, doth not defile the man.

Mark 7:17-23

And, when he entered into a house from the multitudes, his disciples began to question him as to the parable; And he saith unto them - Thus, are, ye also, without discernment? Perceive ye not that, nothing, from without, entering into the man, can defile him; because it entereth not into his heart, but into his stomach, and, into the draught, is passed - purifying all foods?read more.
And he was saying - That which, out of the man, cometh forth, that, defileth the man; For, from within, out of the heart of men, the base designs, come forth, - fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, covetousnesses, knaveries, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, profane speaking, foolishness, - all these wicked things, from within, come forth, and defile, the man.

Matthew 13:36-43

Then, dismissing the multitudes, he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying - Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field. And, he, answering, said - He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of Man; And, the field, is the world, and, the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom, - and, the darnel seeds, are the sons of the evil one;read more.
And, the enemy that sowed them, is the adversary, and, the harvest, is, the conclusion of an age, and, the reapers, are, messengers. Just, therefore, as collected is the darnel, and, with fire is burned, so, will it be in the conclusion of the age: - The Son of Man will send forth his messengers, and they will collect, out of his kingdom, all the causes of stumbling, and the doers of lawlessness, and will cast them into the furnace of fire: there, will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then, the righteous, will shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear!

John 16:25

These things, in similitudes, have I spoken unto you: There cometh an hour, when, no longer in similitudes, will I speak unto you, but, openly, concerning the Father, will I tell you.

John 4:25-26

The woman saith unto him - I know that, Messiah, cometh, who is called Christ, - Whensoever, he, shall come, he will tell us, everything. Jesus saith unto her - I, that speak unto thee, am he.

Acts 2:14

But, taking his stand, Peter with the eleven lifted up his voice, and sounded out unto them - Ye men of Judaea, and all ye who are sojourning in Jerusalem! Let, this, unto you be known, and give ear unto my declarations; -

Acts 8:30-31

And, running near, Philip heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said - Dost thou, then, understand what thou art reading? And, he, said - How indeed should be able - unless someone shall guide me? And he called upon Philip, to come up and sit with him.

Acts 17:2-3

and, according to Paul's custom, he went in unto them, and, for three sabbaths, reasoned with them from the Scriptures, - opening up, and setting forth, that it was needful for, the Christ, to suffer, and to arise from among the dead; and saying , This, is the Christ, - Jesus, whom, I, am declaring unto you.

Acts 28:23

And, having arranged with him a day, there came unto him, to the lodging, a larger number; unto whom he proceeded to expound, bearing full witness as to the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses, and from the prophets, - from morning till evening.

Acts 18:24-26

But, a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a learned man, came down to Ephesus, being, mighty, in the Scriptures. The same, had been orally taught the way of the Lord, and, being fervent in his spirit, began speaking and teaching accurately, the things concerning Jesus, - properly knowing, only the immersion of John. The same, also began speaking boldly in the synagogue; and Priscilla and Aquila, hearing him, took him unto them, and, more accurately, expounded unto him the way of God.

Judges 14:12-17

And Samson said unto them, I pray you let me put you forth a riddle, - if ye, tell, it me, within the seven days of the banquet, and find it out, then will I give you thirty linen wraps and thirty changes of raiment; but, if ye cannot tell me, then shall, ye, give me thirty linen wraps, and thirty changes of raiment. And they said unto him, Put forth thy riddle, that we may hear it. And he said to them - Out of the eater, came forth food, And, out of the strong, came forth sweetness. But they could not tell the riddle, in three days.read more.
And it came to pass, on the fourth day, that they said to Samson's wife, Entice thy husband, that he may tell us the riddle, lest we burn thee and the house of thy father, with fire. Was it not, to impoverish us, that ye invited us - was it not? And the wife of Samson wept upon him, and said - Thou dost, altogether hate me, and dost not love me, a riddle, hast thou put forth to the sons of my people, and, unto me, thou hast not told it! And he said to her, Lo! to my own father and mother, have I not told it, and, to thee, shall I tell it? So she wept upon him the seven days, - while their banquet lasted, - and it came to pass, on the seventh day, that he told her, because she urged him, and she told the riddle unto the sons of her people.

1 Samuel 8:9

Now, therefore, hearken to their voice, - save that thou, enter protest, against them, and tell them the manner of the king who will reign over them.

1 Samuel 10:25

Then Samuel declared unto the people the manner of the kingdom, and wrote it in a scroll, and laid it up before Yahweh. And Samuel sent away all the people, every man to his own house.

1 Kings 4:29-34

And God gave wisdom unto Solomon, and discernment, and very great largeness of heart, - like the sand that is on the shore of the sea: so that, the wisdom of Solomon, excelled, the wisdom of all the sons of the East, - and all the wisdom of the Egyptians, so that he was wiser than any man - than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman and Calcol and Darda, sons of Mahol, - and it came to pass that, his name, was throughout all the nations round about.read more.
And he spake three thousand proverbs, - and it came to pass that, his songs, were a thousand and five. And he discoursed of trees - from the cedar that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop, that springeth out in the wall, - and he discoursed of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fishes. And there came in, of all the peoples, to hear the wisdom of Solomon - of all the kings of the earth, who heard his wisdom.

1 Kings 10:1-3

And, when, the queen of Sheba, heard the report of Solomon, as pertaining to the Name of Yahweh, she came to prove him, with abstruse questions. Yea she came to Jerusalem with a very heavily-laden train, of camels bearing spices, and gold in great abundance, and precious stones, - and, when she was come to Solomon, she spake unto him all that was near her heart; and Solomon answered her all her questions, - there was nothing hidden from the king, which he told her not.

2 Chronicles 9:1-2

And, the queen of Sheba, heard the report of Solomon, so she came to prove Solomon with abstruse questions, in Jerusalem, with a very great train, and camels bearing spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones, - and, when she was come to Solomon, she spake with him, as to all that was near her heart. And Solomon answered her all her questions, - and there was nothing hidden from Solomon, which he told her not.

Nehemiah 8:7-8

And, Jeshua and Bani and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, and the Levites, did cause the people to understand the law, the people, remaining in their places. So they read in the book of the law of God, distinctly, - and, giving the sense, caused them to understand the reading.

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