22 Bible Verses about Glory, Revelation Of

Most Relevant Verses

Revelation 19:1-2

After this, I heard what seemed to be a great shout from a vast throng in Heaven, crying-- 'Hallelujah! To our God belong Salvation, and Glory, and Power, for true and righteous are his judgments. For he has passed judgment upon the Great Harlot who was corrupting the earth by her licentiousness, and he has taken vengeance upon her for the blood of his servants.'

Revelation 15:8

'The Temple was filled with smoke from the Glory' and Majesty of God; and no one could enter the Temple, until the seven Curses inflicted by the seven angels were at an end.

John 14:8-9

"Master, show us the Father," said Philip, "and we shall be satisfied." "Have I been all this time among you," said Jesus, "and yet you, Philip, have not recognized me? He who has seen me has seen the Father, how can you say, then, 'Show us the Father'?

Luke 9:32

Peter and his companions had been overpowered by sleep but, suddenly becoming wide awake, they saw Jesus glorified and the two men who were standing beside him.

John 12:41

Isaiah said this, because he saw Christ's glory; and it was of him that he spoke.

Hebrews 2:9

What our eyes do see is Jesus, who was made for a while lower than angels, now, because of his sufferings and death, crowned with glory and honour; so that his tasting the bitterness of death should, in God's loving-kindness, be on behalf of all mankind.

2 Peter 1:16-17

For we were not following cleverly devised stories when we told you of the Coming in power of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had been eye-witnesses of his majesty. For he received honour and glory from God the Father, when from the Glory of the Divine Majesty there were borne to his ears words such as these-- 'This is my Son, my Beloved, in whom I delight.'

John 12:27-33

Now I am distressed at heart and what can I say? Father, bring me safe through this hour--yet it was for this very reason that I came to this hour-- Father, honor thine own name." At this there came a voice from Heaven, which said: "I have already honored it, and I will honor it again." The crowd of bystanders, who heard the sound, said that it was thundering. Others said: "An angel has been speaking to him."read more.
"It was not for my sake that the voice came," said Jesus, "but for yours. Now this world is on its trial. Now the Spirit that is ruling this world shall be driven out; And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, shall draw all men to myself." By these words he indicated what death he was destined to die.

John 13:31-32

When Judas had gone out, Jesus said: "Now the Son of Man has been exalted, and God has been exalted through him; And God will exalt him with himself--yes, he will exalt him forthwith.

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