14 Bible Verses about Guilt, Human Aspects Of

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John 8:3-11

And the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman who had been detected in adultery; and they made her stand in the midst, and said to him: Teacher, this woman was detected in adultery; in the very act. Now Moses, in his law, commanded us, that such should be stoned; but what say you?read more.
This they said to tempt him, that they might bring an accusation against him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground. But as they continued to ask him, he stood up, and said to them: Let him among you who is without sin, first throw a stone at her. And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. But having heard him, and being convicted by their conscience, they went out, one by one, beginning from the oldest, even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. And when Jesus stood up, and saw no one but the woman, he said to her: Woman, where are those who accused you? Has no one condemned you? She said: No one, sir. Jesus said to her: Neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more.

Hebrews 9:9

which, as a symbol, remains to the present time, in which are offered both gifts and sacrifices that can not make perfect, as it respects the conscience, him that does the service;

1 John 3:19-20

And by this we know that we are of the truth; and we shall have our hearts at rest before him: for if our heart condemn us, we know that God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.

Matthew 12:35-36

The good man, out of his good treasury, brings forth good things; and the evil man, out of his evil treasury, brings forth evil things. But I say to you, That for every idle word which men speak, they shall give account in the day of judgment.

Revelation 20:12

And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before the throne; and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things that were written in the books, according to their works.

Hebrews 10:1-2

For the law, having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never, with the same sacrifices, which they offer year by year continually, make a perfect expiation for those who come to them: for then, would they not have ceased to be offered? because the worshipers, after being once cleansed, would no longer have a consciousness of sins.

Matthew 27:3-5

Then Judas, who had delivered him up, when he saw that he was condemned, stung by remorse, brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, saying: I have sinned in having delivered up innocent blood. They replied: What is that to us? You will see to that. And he threw down the money in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.

Luke 15:21

But his son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.

1 Corinthians 15:9

For I am the least of the apostles, and I am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.

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