22 Bible Verses about Living Not For The Material

Most Relevant Verses

2 Corinthians 5:16

So from this moment on, I do not estimate anybody by the standard of outward appearances. Although I once did estimate Christ by this standard, I do not do so any longer.

Romans 8:4

so that the requirement of the law might be fully met in us who do not live by the standard set by our lower nature, but by the standard set by the Spirit.

Romans 9:8

That is, it is not Abraham's natural descendants who are God's children, but those who are made children by the promise are counted his true descendants.

2 Corinthians 10:3

For though I do still live the life of a physical human creature, I am not waging this war in accordance with physical human standards,

Romans 2:28

For the real Jew is not the man who is a Jew on the outside, and real circumcision is not outward physical circumcision.

Romans 7:23

but I see another power operating in my lower nature in conflict with the power operated by my reason, which makes me a prisoner to the power of sin which is operating in my lower nature.

1 Corinthians 14:37

If anyone claims to have the prophetic spirit, or any other spiritual gift, let him recognize that what I now am writing is the Lord's command.

Colossians 2:11

And through your union with Him you once received, not a hand-performed circumcision but one performed by Christ, in stripping you of your lower nature,

Hebrews 9:11

But when Christ came as the High Priest of good things that have already taken place, He went by way of that greater and more perfect tent of worship, not made by human hands, that is, not belonging to this material creation,

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