18 Bible Verses about Poverty, Causes Of

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 18:23-25

In this respect the gospel-kingdom may be represented by that of a temporal prince, who had a mind to call his servants to account. when he had begun to reckon, one was brought to him indebted the sum of ten thousand talents. but being insolvent, his lord gave orders that he, with his wife, and children, and all that he had, should be sold for payment.

Luke 16:20

a certain beggar named Lazarus, was lying at his gate, and tho' cover'd with ulcers, the very dogs came and fawned upon him.

Romans 15:26

for those of Macedonia and Achaia, have thought fit to make a contribution for the poor converts at Jerusalem.

Luke 16:3

upon which the steward said in himself, what shall I do, now my master strips me of my employment? dig I cannot: and 'tis shameful to beg: I see it now,

Mark 12:44

for all the rest contributed out of their superfluous substance; but she has contributed what she wanted for her bare subsistence.

Luke 21:4

for they have offer'd only part of their superfluous wealth; but she has given all that was then left for her subsistence.

2 Corinthians 8:2

who tho' labouring under great trial of affliction, and extreme poverty, have notwithstanding with exceeding cheerfulness contributed very liberally: being forward of themselves to the utmost of their power,

Revelation 2:9

"I know thy works, thy tribulation and poverty (tho' thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of satan.

Matthew 19:21-22

Jesus said, if thou wilt be perfect, go sell your estate, give the value to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: then come and follow me. but when the young man heard that, he went away dejected: for he had great possessions.

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