33 Bible Verses about Satan, Agents Of

Most Relevant Verses

Acts 13:10

said, O thou full of all guile and rascality, thou son of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease perverting the right ways of God?

1 John 3:8-10

The one doing sin is of the devil; because the devil sins from the beginning. Unto this the Son of God was made manifest, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Every one having been born of God does not sin; because his seed remains in him: and he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: every one not doing righteousness is not of God, and the one not loving his brother with divine love.

Acts 5:1-9

And a certain man, Ananias by name, with Sapphira his wife, sold an estate and kept back a part from the price, his wife knowing it along with him; and having brought a certain part, laid it at the feet of the apostles. But Peter said, Ananias, wherefore hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and keep back a part from the price of the land?read more.
Remaining with thee did it not belong to thee; and having been sold, was it not still in thy control? why hast thou placed this thing in thy heart? thou hast not lied to men, but to God. And Ananias hearing these words, having fallen down, breathed out his soul. And great fear came on all hearing; and the young men, rising up, took him, and having carried him out, buried him. And an interval of about three hours supervened, and his wife, not having known what had taken place, came in. And Peter responded to her, Tell me if you sold the place for so much? And she said; Yes, for so much. And Peter said to her; Why has it been agreed with you to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of those having buried thy husband are at the door, and they will carry thee out.

John 13:2

And the supper being on hand, the devil already having entered into the heart, that Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon, should betray Him,

2 Peter 2:1-3

However there were indeed false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you, whosoever shall bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their impurities; through whom the way of truth will be slandered: and in their covetousness they will sell you with their soft speeches: unto whom judgment from olden time tarries not, and their destruction does not slumber.

2 Peter 2:18-19

For speaking swelling words of vanity, in the lusts of the flesh they beguile with their impurities, those that have but partially escaped, who are still moving about in their delusion; promising them liberty, they themselves being the slaves of corruption: for to whatsoever any one has been subordinated, to this he has become enslaved.

Luke 13:11-16

And behold, a woman having a spirit of infirmity eighteen years; and she was bowed together, and not at all able to straighten up. And Jesus seeing her, called to her, and said, Woman, thou art loosed from thy infirmity: and He placed His hands on her: and immediately she straightened up, and continued to glorify God.read more.
And the chief ruler of the synagogue, responding, being grieved because Jesus healed on the Sabbath, said to the multitude, There are six days in which it behooveth us to work: therefore during these, coming, be healed, and not on the Sabbath-day. And the Lord responded to him, and said, Ye hypocrites, does not each one of you loose his ox or his donkey from the stall, and leading him away, give him water on the Sabbath? Did it not behoove this one, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan bound, lo, these eighteen years, to be loosed from this bondage on the Sabbath-day?

Matthew 12:22

Then a demonized man was brought to Him, blind and dumb: and He healed him, so that the blind and dumb man both spake and saw.

Luke 11:14-15

And He was casting out a demon, and he was dumb: and it came to pass, the demon having gone out, the dumb spoke; and the multitudes were astonished. And certain ones of them said, He casts out the demon through Beelzebul, the prince of the demons.

1 John 4:1-4

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits if they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world. In this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God: and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist, which you have heard that he is coming; and now he is already in the world.read more.
You are of God, little children, and you have conquered them; because he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-10

Let no one deceive you in any way: because unless there may first be an apostasy and the man of lawlessness may be revealed, the son of perdition, the one opposing and exalting himself above everything that is called God or divinity; so that he sits in the temple of God, showing himself off that he is God. Do you not remember that still being with you, I told you these things?read more.
And now you know that which hinders, that he should be revealed in his time. For already the mystery of lawlessness is working: only there is one now hindering, until he may be taken out of the midst; then indeed will the lawless one be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will remove by the spirit of his mouth, and will exterminate by the brightness of his coming; whose coming is according to the energy of Satan in all power and signs and wonders of falsehood, and in all the deception of unrighteousness to those who perish; because they did not receive the divine love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Revelation 11:7

And when they may finish their testimony, the beast which ascends up out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, and conquer them, and slay them.

Revelation 13:1-8

And I stood upon the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads; and upon his horns ten diadems, and upon his heads names of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of lions: and the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it had been smitten unto death; and the wound of his death was healed. And the whole earth wondered after the beast:read more.
and they worshiped the dragon, because he gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying; Who is like the beast? and who is able to make war with him? and a mouth was given to him speaking great things and blasphemies; and authority was given unto him to prevail forty-two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, those dwelling in the heaven. And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to conquer them: and authority was given unto him over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation. And all those who dwell upon the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world, will worship him.

Revelation 14:9-11

And another, the third angel followed these, saying with a great voice, If any one worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand, and he shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, having been poured out without mixture in the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment, ascends up into ages of ages: and they have no rest day and night, who worship the beast and his image, and if any one receives the mark of his name.

Revelation 16:13

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet;

Revelation 17:8

The beast which you saw was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss, and go into perdition: and those dwelling upon the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will be astonished, seeing the beast, because he was, and is not, and will be.

Revelation 16:19

And the great city was divided into three parts, and cities of the Gentiles fell. And great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the wrath of his indignation.

Revelation 17:1-18

And one of the seven angels having the seven bowls, came and spoke with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot, the one sitting upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and those dwelling upon the earth were made drunk from the wine of her fornication. And he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, having the names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.read more.
And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication: and upon her forehead her name was written; Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots And The Abominations of The Earth. And I saw the woman drunken from the blood of the saints, and from the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and seeing her, I was astonished with great astonishment. And the angel said to me, Wherefore wast thou astonished? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast which carries her, having the seven heads and ten horns. The beast which you saw was, and is not; and is about to come up out of the abyss, and go into perdition: and those dwelling upon the earth, whose name has not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will be astonished, seeing the beast, because he was, and is not, and will be. Here is a mind having wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sits upon them, and there are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, and another is not yet come; and when he may come it behooves him to remain a little while. The beast which was, and is not, and the same is the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going into perdition. And the ten horns which you saw, are ten kings, who live not yet received a kingdom; but they receive authority as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and they give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall conquer them, because he is the Lord of lords, and King of kings: and with him are the called, and the elect, and the faithful. And he says to me, The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which you saw and the beast, these will hate the harlot, and will make her desolate and naked, and eat her flesh, and burn her up with fire; for God has given it into their hearts to do his mind, and to have one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman whom you saw is the great city, the one having dominion over the kings of the earth.

Revelation 18:1-10

After these things I saw another angel coming down out of the heaven, having great authority; and the earth was lighted with his glory. And he cried with a strong voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and has become the habitation of demons, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the den of every unclean and hateful bird; because all nations have fallen of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the costliness of her delicacy.read more.
And I heard another voice out of the heaven, saying, Come out from her, my people, in order that you may not partake of her sins, and in order that you may not receive of her plagues; because her sins have mounted up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Give unto her as indeed she has given, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she mixed, mix unto her double: as to so many things as she has glorified herself, and lived wantonly, give unto her so much torment and sorrow. Because she says in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow; and I see no sorrow; therefore in one day shall her plagues come, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burnt up with fire: because God, the one judging her, is a mighty Lord. And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication with her, and lived wantonly, will weep and wail over her, when they may see the smoke of her burning, and standing afar off on account of the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, the great city, the strong city, Babylon! because in one hour thy judgment came.

Revelation 19:2

because his judgments are true and righteous; because he has judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth by her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his servants from her hand.

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