24 Bible Verses about Second Comiing, Sudden And Unexpected

Most Relevant Verses

Matthew 24:37-41

But as the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were benore the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not, till the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.read more.
Then shall two be in the field: one is taken, and one is left. Two women shall be grinding in the mill; one is taken, and one is left.

Luke 17:26-27

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man. They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

Matthew 25:1-13

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like ten virgins, who taking their lamps, went forth to meet the bridegroom. But five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish, taking their lamps, took not oil with them.read more.
But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom delayed, they all slumbered and slept. But at midnight there was a cry, Behold the bridegroom cometh: come ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage; and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answering said, Verily I say to you, I know you not. Watch therefore; for ye know not the day nor the hour.

Luke 17:28-30

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded: But the day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day that the Son of man is revealed.

Matthew 24:42-44

Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord cometh. But ye know this, that if the housholder had known, in what watch the thief would have come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broke open. Therefore be ye also ready: for at an hour ye think not, the Son of man cometh.

1 Thessalonians 5:2-3

For ye yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. When they say, peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.

James 5:8-9

Be ye also patient, stablish your hearts; for the coming of the Lord is nigh. Murmur not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned; behold the judge standeth before the door.

Revelation 22:7-20

Behold, I come quickly: happy is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book. And it was I John, who heard and saw these things; and when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who shewed me these things. But he saith to me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them who keep the sayings of this book; worship God.read more.
And he saith to me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: the time is nigh. He that is unrighteous, let him be unrighteous still; and he that is filthy let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still. Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every one as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Happy are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the city. Without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie. I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you, to the churches, these things. I am the root and the off-spring of David, the bright, the morning-star. And the spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that thirsteth, come: let him that willeth, take the water of life freely. I testify to every one that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man add to them, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part of the tree of life, and the holy city, which are written in this book. He that testifieth these things saith, Yea, I come quickly. Amen: Come, Lord Jesus!

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3

But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write to you. For ye yourselves know perfectly, that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. When they say, peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape.

Mark 13:33-36

Take heed; watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore; for ye know not when the master of the house cometh; at evening, or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning:read more.
Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

Matthew 24:36-41

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, neither the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were benore the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark.read more.
And knew not, till the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field: one is taken, and one is left. Two women shall be grinding in the mill; one is taken, and one is left.

Acts 1:6-7

And when they were come together, they asked him, saying, Lord, dost thou at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? But he said to them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

1 Timothy 6:14-15

That thou keep the commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, Which in his times the blessed and only Potentate will shew, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords:

Matthew 24:36-42

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, neither the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were benore the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, till the day that Noah entered into the ark.read more.
And knew not, till the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field: one is taken, and one is left. Two women shall be grinding in the mill; one is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord cometh.

Luke 12:35-40

Let your loins be girt, and your lamps burning, And be like men that wait for their Lord, when he will return from the wedding, that, when he cometh and knocketh, they may open to him immediately. Happy are those servants, whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching; verily I say to you, that he will gird himself, and make them sit down to table, and will come forth and serve them.read more.
And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, happy are those servants. And this ye know, that if the master of the house had known, what hour the thief would have come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broke open. Therefore be ye also ready; for the Son of man cometh in an hour when ye think not.

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