13 Bible Verses about Sin Produces Death

Most Relevant Verses

Romans 5:14

Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the manner in which Adam transgressed; who is a type of him who was to come.

Romans 5:15

But the free gift was not as the transgression. For if through the offence of the one the many died, much more hath the grace of God, and the gift which is by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abounded to the many.

Romans 6:16

Know ye not, that whomever ye choose to obey as a master, his bondmen ye are, whether of sin whose fruit is death, or of obedience whose fruit is righteousness?

Romans 7:11

For sin, seizing the opportunity, deceived me through the commandment, and through it slew me.

Romans 7:13

Did then that which is good become death to me? Far be it! but sin; that it might become manifest as sin, causing death to me by means of that which is good; that sin by means of the commandment might become exceedingly sinful.

Romans 6:21

What fruit then had ye at that time from those things of which ye are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.

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