20 Bible Verses about Speech, Power And Significance Of

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James 3:1-12

My brethren, be not many teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. For in many things we all offend. If any one offends not in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits into horses mouths that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.read more.
Behold also the ships, which are very great, and are driven by violent winds; yet they are turned about by a very small helm, to whatever point the will of him that directs it may determine. So, also, the tongue is a little member, and boasts great things. Behold, how great a forest does a little fire set in a blaze. And the tongue is a fire, the world of iniquity. So is the tongue placed among our members, defiling the whole body, setting on fire the course of life, and being set on fire by hell. For every kind of beasts and of birds, of creeping things and of things in the sea, is tamed, and has been tamed by man: but the tongue no man can tame; it is an unruly evil; it is full of deadly poison. With it we bless God, even the Father: and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth come forth blessing and cursing. These things, my brethren, ought not so to be. Does a fountain send forth from the same cavern sweet water and bitter? Can the fig-tree, my brethren, bear olives, or the vine, figs? So no fountain can produce salt water and fresh.

Acts 2:40-41

And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying: Save yourselves from this wicked generation. Then they that gladly received his word were immersed, and on that day there were added to them about three thou sand souls.

Acts 28:23-24

And when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging; to whom, from morning till evening;, he earnestly testified, and set forth the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses, and from the prophets. And some believed the things that were spoken, and some believed not.

1 Peter 2:22-23

He did no sin, nor was guile found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile again; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but committed himself to him that judges righteously.

Matthew 26:63

But Jesus remained silent. And the chief priest answered and said to him: I adjure you, by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God?

Mark 14:61

But he was silent, and made no answer. Again, the chief priest asked him, and said to him: Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?

Mark 15:5

But Jesus gave no further answer; so that Pilate was astonished.

Luke 23:9

And he questioned him concerning many things; but he made him no answer.

John 19:8-9

Then, when Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid; and he went into the governor's palace again, and said to Jesus: Whence are you? But Jesus gave him no answer.

Matthew 12:34-37

Generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. The good man, out of his good treasury, brings forth good things; and the evil man, out of his evil treasury, brings forth evil things. But I say to you, That for every idle word which men speak, they shall give account in the day of judgment.read more.
For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned.

Matthew 15:10-20

And he called the multitude to him, and said to them: Hear and understand; That which enters the mouth does not defile the man; but that which comes out of the mouth, this defiles the man. Then came his disciples and said to him: Dost thou know that the Pharisees, when they heard that saying, were offended?read more.
But he answered and said: Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone; they are blind leaders of the blind; and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit. But Peter answered and said to him: Explain to us this dark saying. Jesus replied: Are you also yet without understanding? Do you not yet understand that whatever enters the mouth passes into the belly, and is cast out into the sink? But those things which go out from the mouth, come from the heart; and these defile the man. For from the heart come evil reasonings, murders, adulteries, lewd actions, thefts, false testimonies, impious words. These are the things that defile the man. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man.

Mark 7:14-23

And he called the whole multitude to him, and said to them: Hear me, all of you, and understand. There is nothing with out that, by entering into a man, can defile him. But those things which come out of the man, defile him. If any one has ears to hear, let him hear.read more.
And when he had gone into the house, away from the multitude, his disciples asked him about the dark saying. And he said to them: Are you also so void of understanding? Do you not perceive that nothing from without, by entering into a man, can defile him? Because it does not enter into his heart, but into his belly, and goes out into the sink, cleansing all food. And he said: What comes out of the man, is that which defiles the man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the purposes which are evil: adulteries, lewd actions, murders, thefts, schemes for extortion, wicked deeds, deceit, wantonness, an evil eye, calumny, haughtiness, impiety. All these evil things come forth from within, and defile the man.

Luke 6:45

The good man, out of the good treasury of his heart, brings forth that which is good; and the evil man, out of the evil treasury of his heart, brings forth that which is evil. For out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks.

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