Daniel 12:1

""At that time, Michael will arise, the great prince who will stand up on behalf of your people, and a time of trouble will come like there has never been since nations began until that time. Also at that time, your people will be delivered everyone who will have been written in the book.

Jeremiah 30:7

Oh how terrible! That time will be worse than any like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be rescued from it.

Daniel 10:13

However, the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for 21 days. Then all of a sudden, Michael, one of the chief angels, came to assist me! I had been detained there near the kings of Persia.

Matthew 24:21

because at that time there will be great suffering, the kind that hasn't happened from the beginning of the world until now and certainly won't ever happen again.

Daniel 10:21

I'll inform you about what has been recorded in the Book of Truth. No one stands firmly with me against these opponents, except Michael your prince.

Mark 13:19

because those days will be a time of suffering, a kind that has not happened from the beginning of God's creation until now, and certainly will never happen again.

Daniel 9:12

"He has confirmed his accusation that he spoke against us and against our rulers who governed us by bringing upon us great calamity, because nowhere in the universe has anything been done like what has been done to Jerusalem.

Revelation 12:7

Then a war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels fought back.

Exodus 32:32-33

Now, if you will, forgive their sin but if not, blot me out of your book which you have written."

Psalm 56:8

You have kept count of my wanderings. Put my tears in your bottle have not you recorded them in your book?

Ezekiel 13:9

My hand will oppose the prophets who see false visions and speak deceptive divinations. They won't be included with the council of my people, nor will they be entered into the registry of Israel's house or enter Israel's land. Then you'll know that I am the Lord GOD,

Luke 10:20

However, stop rejoicing because the spirits are submitting to you. Instead, rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Jude 1:9

Even the archangel Michael, when he argued with the Devil and fought over the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him. Instead, he said, "May the Lord rebuke you!"

Revelation 20:12

I saw the dead, both unimportant and important, standing in front of the throne, and books were open. Another book was opened the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to their actions, as recorded in the books.

Psalm 69:28

May they be erased from the Book of Life, and their names not be written with the righteous.

Isaiah 4:3

Whoever survives in Zion and whoever remains in Jerusalem will be called holy everyone who has been appointed to survive in Jerusalem

Isaiah 9:7

Of the growth of his government and peace there will be no end. He will rule over his kingdom, sitting on the throne of David, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will accomplish this.

Isaiah 11:11-16

At that time, the LORD will reach out his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people, from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

Isaiah 26:20-21

Come, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by.

Isaiah 27:12-13

At that time, the LORD will winnow grain from the Euphrates River channel to the Wadi of Egypt, and you will be gathered in one by one, O people of Israel.

Ezekiel 34:24

I, the LORD, will be their God, and my servant David will rule among them as Prince.' I, the LORD, have spoken this.

Ezekiel 37:21-28

Then tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "Watch me take the Israelis out of the nations where they've gone and return them from every direction. I'm going to bring them back into their own land.

Ezekiel 39:25-29

"Therefore this is what the Lord GOD has to say: "I'm going to restore the resources of Jacob and show mercy to the entire house of Israel. I'll be zealous for my own reputation and for my holiness.

Daniel 9:25-26

So be informed and discern that seven weeks and 62 weeks will elapse from the issuance of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed Commander. The plaza and moat will be rebuilt, though in troubled times.

Daniel 11:45

When he pitches his royal pavilions between the seas facing the mountain of holy Glory, he'll come to his end, and no one will help him.'"

Hosea 3:4-5

Likewise, the people of Israel will dwell a long time without a king, without a prince, without sacrifice, without sacred pillars, and with neither ephod nor teraphim.

Joel 3:16-21

"The LORD will roar from Zion, and shout from Jerusalem. The heavens and the earth will shake, but the LORD will be the refuge of his people, and the strength of the people of Israel."

Amos 9:11-15

"At that time I will restore David's fallen tent, restoring its torn places. I will restore its ruins, rebuilding it as it was long ago,

Obadiah 1:17-21

"But there will be a delivered remnant on Mount Zion. There will be holiness, and the house of Jacob will take back their possessions.

Zechariah 12:3-10

It will come about at that time that I will make Jerusalem a heavy weight; so everyone who burdens themselves with it will be crushed, even though all of the nations of the earth gather themselves against it.

Luke 21:23-24

"How terrible it will be for those women who are pregnant or who are nursing babies in those days! because there will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.

Romans 11:5-6

So it is at the present time: there is a remnant, chosen by grace.

Romans 11:15

For if their rejection results in reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance bring but life from the dead?

Romans 11:26

In this way, all Israel will be saved, as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from Zion; he will remove ungodliness from Jacob.

Ephesians 1:21

He is far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, and every name that can be named, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.

Philippians 4:3

Yes, I also ask you, my true partner, to help these women. They have worked hard with me to advance the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.

Revelation 1:5

and from Jesus the Messiah, the witness, the faithful one, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood

Revelation 3:5

The person who conquers in this way will wear white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the Book of Life. I will acknowledge his name in the presence of my Father and his angels.

Revelation 13:8

All those who had become settled down and at home, living on the earth, will worship it, everyone whose name had not been written in the Book of Life belonging to the lamb that had been slaughtered since the foundation of the world.

Revelation 16:17-21

The seventh angel threw the contents of his bowl across the sky. A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple and said, "It has happened!"

Revelation 17:14

They will wage war against the lamb, but the lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful are with him."

Revelation 19:11-16

Then I saw heaven standing open, and there was a white horse! Its rider is named Faithful and True. He administers justice and wages war righteously.

Revelation 20:15

Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

At that

General references

Bible References

At that

Daniel 11:45
When he pitches his royal pavilions between the seas facing the mountain of holy Glory, he'll come to his end, and no one will help him.'"

The great

Daniel 9:25
So be informed and discern that seven weeks and 62 weeks will elapse from the issuance of the command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed Commander. The plaza and moat will be rebuilt, though in troubled times.
Daniel 10:21
I'll inform you about what has been recorded in the Book of Truth. No one stands firmly with me against these opponents, except Michael your prince.
Isaiah 9:7
Of the growth of his government and peace there will be no end. He will rule over his kingdom, sitting on the throne of David, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time onward and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies will accomplish this.
Ezekiel 34:24
I, the LORD, will be their God, and my servant David will rule among them as Prince.' I, the LORD, have spoken this.
Ezekiel 37:24
"""My servant King David will be there for them, and one shepherd will be appointed for them. They will live according to my decrees, keep my regulations, and practice them.
Ephesians 1:21
He is far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion, and every name that can be named, not only in the present age, but also in the one to come.
Revelation 1:5
and from Jesus the Messiah, the witness, the faithful one, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To the one who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood
Revelation 17:14
They will wage war against the lamb, but the lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those who are called, chosen, and faithful are with him."
Revelation 19:11
Then I saw heaven standing open, and there was a white horse! Its rider is named Faithful and True. He administers justice and wages war righteously.

There shall

Daniel 9:12
"He has confirmed his accusation that he spoke against us and against our rulers who governed us by bringing upon us great calamity, because nowhere in the universe has anything been done like what has been done to Jerusalem.
Isaiah 26:20
Come, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until the fury has passed by.
Jeremiah 30:7
Oh how terrible! That time will be worse than any like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be rescued from it.
Matthew 24:21
because at that time there will be great suffering, the kind that hasn't happened from the beginning of the world until now and certainly won't ever happen again.
Mark 13:19
because those days will be a time of suffering, a kind that has not happened from the beginning of God's creation until now, and certainly will never happen again.
Luke 21:23
"How terrible it will be for those women who are pregnant or who are nursing babies in those days! because there will be great distress in the land and wrath against this people.
Revelation 16:17
The seventh angel threw the contents of his bowl across the sky. A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple and said, "It has happened!"

Thy people

Isaiah 11:11
At that time, the LORD will reach out his hand yet a second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people, from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
Isaiah 27:12
At that time, the LORD will winnow grain from the Euphrates River channel to the Wadi of Egypt, and you will be gathered in one by one, O people of Israel.
Jeremiah 30:7
Oh how terrible! That time will be worse than any like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be rescued from it.
Ezekiel 37:21
Then tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says: "Watch me take the Israelis out of the nations where they've gone and return them from every direction. I'm going to bring them back into their own land.
Ezekiel 39:25
"Therefore this is what the Lord GOD has to say: "I'm going to restore the resources of Jacob and show mercy to the entire house of Israel. I'll be zealous for my own reputation and for my holiness.
Hosea 3:4
Likewise, the people of Israel will dwell a long time without a king, without a prince, without sacrifice, without sacred pillars, and with neither ephod nor teraphim.
Joel 3:16
"The LORD will roar from Zion, and shout from Jerusalem. The heavens and the earth will shake, but the LORD will be the refuge of his people, and the strength of the people of Israel."
Amos 9:11
"At that time I will restore David's fallen tent, restoring its torn places. I will restore its ruins, rebuilding it as it was long ago,
Obadiah 1:17
"But there will be a delivered remnant on Mount Zion. There will be holiness, and the house of Jacob will take back their possessions.
Zechariah 12:3
It will come about at that time that I will make Jerusalem a heavy weight; so everyone who burdens themselves with it will be crushed, even though all of the nations of the earth gather themselves against it.
Romans 11:5
So it is at the present time: there is a remnant, chosen by grace.


Exodus 32:32
Now, if you will, forgive their sin but if not, blot me out of your book which you have written."
Psalm 56:8
You have kept count of my wanderings. Put my tears in your bottle have not you recorded them in your book?
Psalm 69:28
May they be erased from the Book of Life, and their names not be written with the righteous.
Isaiah 4:3
Whoever survives in Zion and whoever remains in Jerusalem will be called holy everyone who has been appointed to survive in Jerusalem
Ezekiel 13:9
My hand will oppose the prophets who see false visions and speak deceptive divinations. They won't be included with the council of my people, nor will they be entered into the registry of Israel's house or enter Israel's land. Then you'll know that I am the Lord GOD,
Luke 10:20
However, stop rejoicing because the spirits are submitting to you. Instead, rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Philippians 4:3
Yes, I also ask you, my true partner, to help these women. They have worked hard with me to advance the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.
Revelation 3:5
The person who conquers in this way will wear white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the Book of Life. I will acknowledge his name in the presence of my Father and his angels.
Revelation 13:8
All those who had become settled down and at home, living on the earth, will worship it, everyone whose name had not been written in the Book of Life belonging to the lamb that had been slaughtered since the foundation of the world.
Revelation 20:12
I saw the dead, both unimportant and important, standing in front of the throne, and books were open. Another book was opened the Book of Life. The dead were judged according to their actions, as recorded in the books.

General references

Matthew 24:21
because at that time there will be great suffering, the kind that hasn't happened from the beginning of the world until now and certainly won't ever happen again.
Mark 13:24
"But after the suffering of those days, "The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light,

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