Numbers 29:25

and one male goat for a sin offering, besides the continual burnt offering, its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:11

one male goat for a sin offering, besides the sin offering of atonement and the continual burnt offering and its grain offering, and their drink offerings.

John 8:31

So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;

Acts 13:43

Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and of the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, were urging them to continue in the grace of God.

Romans 2:7

to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life;

Galatians 2:5

But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.

Galatians 6:9

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.

2 Thessalonians 3:13

But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good.

Hebrews 3:14

For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end,

Hebrews 10:39

But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.

Hebrews 13:15

Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.

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