21 occurrences

'By Faith' in the Bible

By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God bearing witness to his gifts: and by it, though dead, he yet speaketh.

By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him; for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God:

By faith he sojourned in the land promised him, as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob the heirs with him of the same promise.

By faith Joseph when he died, mentioned the departure of the children of Israel and gave a charge concerning his bones.

By faith he observed the passover and sprinkling of the blood, that he, who destroyed the first-born of the Egyptians, might not touch them.

By faith they passed through the Red-sea, as by dry land, which the Egyptians attempting to do were drowned.

By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they had been encompassed seven days.

And these all, though they obtained an honorable testimony by faith, yet received not the promise;