16 occurrences

'It is Written' in the Bible

Certainly not! Let God be found true [as He will be], though every person be found a liar, just as it is written [in Scripture],“That You may be justified in Your words,And prevail when You are judged [by sinful men].”

(as it is written [in Scripture], “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the sight of Him in whom he believed, that is, God who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.

Just as it is written and forever remains written,“For Your sake we are put to death all day long;We are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.”

As it is written and forever remains written, “Jacob I loved (chose, protected, blessed), but Esau I hated (held in disregard compared to Jacob).”

As it is written and forever remains written,“Behold I am laying in Zion a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offense;And he who believes in Him [whoever adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Him] will not be disappointed [in his expectations].”

just as it is written [in Scripture],“God gave them a spirit of stupor,Eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear,[a spiritual apathy that has continued] to this very day.”

and so [at that time] all Israel [that is, all Jews who have a personal faith in Jesus as Messiah] will be saved; just as it is written [in Scripture],“The Deliverer (Messiah) will come from Zion,He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.”

For it is written [in Scripture],“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me,And every tongue shall give praise to God.”

For even Christ did not please Himself; but as it is written [in Scripture], “The reproaches of those who reproached You (the Father) fell on Me (the Son).”

and for the Gentiles to glorify God for His mercy [to them, since God had no covenant with them]. As it is written and forever remains written,“Therefore I praise You among the Gentiles,And sing praises to Your name.”

but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture],“They who had no news of Him shall see,And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”