Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

"Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. "In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction, read more.
That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol. "Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones; So that his life loathes bread, And his soul favorite food. "His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones which were not seen stick out. "Then his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those who bring death. "If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him, Then let him be gracious to him, and say, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom'; Let his flesh become fresher than in youth, Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor; Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man. "He will sing to men and say, 'I have sinned and perverted what is right, And it is not proper for me. 'He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit, And my life shall see the light.' "Behold, God does all these oftentimes with men, To bring back his soul from the pit, That he may be enlightened with the light of life.

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. read more.
"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men.”

For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, read more.
so that no man may boast before God.

according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

"Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. "In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction, read more.
That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol. "Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones; So that his life loathes bread, And his soul favorite food. "His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones which were not seen stick out. "Then his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those who bring death. "If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him, Then let him be gracious to him, and say, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom'; Let his flesh become fresher than in youth, Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor; Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man. "He will sing to men and say, 'I have sinned and perverted what is right, And it is not proper for me. 'He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit, And my life shall see the light.' "Behold, God does all these oftentimes with men, To bring back his soul from the pit, That he may be enlightened with the light of life.

A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul.

"No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. "It is written in the prophets, 'AND THEY SHALL ALL BE TAUGHT OF GOD.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me.

"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. "And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment; concerning sin, because they do not believe in Me; read more.
and concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father and you no longer see Me; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

He opens their ear to instruction,
And commands that they return from evil.

Then He opens the ears of men,
And seals their instruction,

Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and report to John what you hear and see: the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM.

And He answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them.

Now He said to them, "These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, read more.
and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.

Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count. Sacrifice and meal offering You have not desired; My ears You have opened; Burnt offering and sin offering You have not required.

"Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. "In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction, read more.
That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol. "Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones;

"Behold, God is mighty but does not despise any; He is mighty in strength of understanding. "He does not keep the wicked alive, But gives justice to the afflicted. "He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous; But with kings on the throne He has seated them forever, and they are exalted. read more.
"And if they are bound in fetters, And are caught in the cords of affliction, Then He declares to them their work And their transgressions, that they have magnified themselves. "He opens their ear to instruction, And commands that they return from evil. "If they hear and serve Him, They will end their days in prosperity And their years in pleasures. "But if they do not hear, they shall perish by the sword And they will die without knowledge. "But the godless in heart lay up anger; They do not cry for help when He binds them. "They die in youth, And their life perishes among the cult prostitutes. "He delivers the afflicted in their affliction, And opens their ear in time of oppression.

The Lord GOD has given Me the tongue of disciples, That I may know how to sustain the weary one with a word He awakens Me morning by morning, He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord GOD has opened My ear; And I was not disobedient Nor did I turn back.

"But as for me, I would seek God, And I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, Wonders without number. "He gives rain on the earth And sends water on the fields, read more.
So that He sets on high those who are lowly, And those who mourn are lifted to safety. "He frustrates the plotting of the shrewd, So that their hands cannot attain success. "He captures the wise by their own shrewdness, And the advice of the cunning is quickly thwarted. "By day they meet with darkness, And grope at noon as in the night. "But He saves from the sword of their mouth, And the poor from the hand of the mighty. "So the helpless has hope, And unrighteousness must shut its mouth. "Behold, how happy is the man whom God reproves, So do not despise the discipline of the Almighty. "For He inflicts pain, and gives relief; He wounds, and His hands also heal. "From six troubles He will deliver you, Even in seven evil will not touch you. "In famine He will redeem you from death, And in war from the power of the sword.

"I will say to God, 'Do not condemn me; Let me know why You contend with me. 'Is it right for You indeed to oppress, To reject the labor of Your hands, And to look favorably on the schemes of the wicked? 'Have You eyes of flesh? Or do You see as a man sees? read more.
'Are Your days as the days of a mortal, Or Your years as man's years, That You should seek for my guilt And search after my sin? 'According to Your knowledge I am indeed not guilty, Yet there is no deliverance from Your hand. 'Your hands fashioned and made me altogether, And would You destroy me? 'Remember now, that You have made me as clay; And would You turn me into dust again? 'Did You not pour me out like milk And curdle me like cheese; Clothe me with skin and flesh, And knit me together with bones and sinews? 'You have granted me life and lovingkindness; And Your care has preserved my spirit. 'Yet these things You have concealed in Your heart; I know that this is within You: If I sin, then You would take note of me, And would not acquit me of my guilt. 'If I am wicked, woe to me! And if I am righteous, I dare not lift up my head. I am sated with disgrace and conscious of my misery. 'Should my head be lifted up, You would hunt me like a lion; And again You would show Your power against me. 'You renew Your witnesses against me And increase Your anger toward me; Hardship after hardship is with me. 'Why then have You brought me out of the womb? Would that I had died and no eye had seen me! 'I should have been as though I had not been, Carried from womb to tomb.' "Would He not let my few days alone? Withdraw from me that I may have a little cheer Before I go--and I shall not return-- To the land of darkness and deep shadow,

"The tents of the destroyers prosper, And those who provoke God are secure, Whom God brings into their power. "But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; And the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you. "Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; And let the fish of the sea declare to you. read more.
"Who among all these does not know That the hand of the LORD has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind? "Does not the ear test words, As the palate tastes its food? "Wisdom is with aged men, With long life is understanding. "With Him are wisdom and might; To Him belong counsel and understanding. "Behold, He tears down, and it cannot be rebuilt; He imprisons a man, and there can be no release. "Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up; And He sends them out, and they inundate the earth. "With Him are strength and sound wisdom, The misled and the misleader belong to Him. "He makes counselors walk barefoot And makes fools of judges. "He loosens the bond of kings And binds their loins with a girdle. "He makes priests walk barefoot And overthrows the secure ones. "He deprives the trusted ones of speech And takes away the discernment of the elders. "He pours contempt on nobles And loosens the belt of the strong. "He reveals mysteries from the darkness And brings the deep darkness into light. "He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away. "He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth's people And makes them wander in a pathless waste.

"Behold, let me tell you, you are not right in this, For God is greater than man. "Why do you complain against Him That He does not give an account of all His doings? "Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. read more.
"In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction, That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol. "Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones; So that his life loathes bread, And his soul favorite food. "His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones which were not seen stick out. "Then his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those who bring death. "If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him, Then let him be gracious to him, and say, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom'; Let his flesh become fresher than in youth, Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor; Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man. "He will sing to men and say, 'I have sinned and perverted what is right, And it is not proper for me. 'He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit, And my life shall see the light.' "Behold, God does all these oftentimes with men, To bring back his soul from the pit, That he may be enlightened with the light of life.

"Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. "In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction, read more.
That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol. "Man is also chastened with pain on his bed, And with unceasing complaint in his bones; So that his life loathes bread, And his soul favorite food. "His flesh wastes away from sight, And his bones which were not seen stick out. "Then his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those who bring death. "If there is an angel as mediator for him, One out of a thousand, To remind a man what is right for him, Then let him be gracious to him, and say, 'Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom'; Let his flesh become fresher than in youth, Let him return to the days of his youthful vigor; Then he will pray to God, and He will accept him, That he may see His face with joy, And He may restore His righteousness to man. "He will sing to men and say, 'I have sinned and perverted what is right, And it is not proper for me. 'He has redeemed my soul from going to the pit, And my life shall see the light.' "Behold, God does all these oftentimes with men, To bring back his soul from the pit, That he may be enlightened with the light of life.