John 18:30

They answered and said to him, “If this Man were not an evildoer, we would not have delivered Him to you.”

Mark 10:33

saying, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and the scribes; and they will condemn Him to death and will hand Him over to the Gentiles.

Mark 15:3

The chief priests began to accuse Him harshly.

Luke 20:19-26

The scribes and the chief priests tried to lay hands on Him that very hour, and they feared the people; for they understood that He spoke this parable against them.

Luke 23:2-5

And they began to accuse Him, saying, “We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar, and saying that He Himself is Christ, a King.”

Luke 24:7

saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.”

John 19:12

As a result of this Pilate made efforts to release Him, but the Jews cried out saying, “If you release this Man, you are no friend of Caesar; everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes Caesar.”

Acts 3:13

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus, the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release Him.

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