84 occurrences

'Son of Man' in the Bible

"But that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins"??e then says to the paralytic, "Rise, take up your bed, and go to your home."

"But when they persecute you in one city, flee to the next. In solemn truth I tell you that you shall not have completed the cities of Israel, before the Son of man comes.

"you would not have condemned the guiltless. For the Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath."

"And if any man say a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age or in that which is to come.

"For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the sea-monster's belly, so the Son of man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

"The son of man will send forth his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all hindrances, and whoever practices iniquity,

When Jesus came into the neighborhood of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of man is?"

Solemnly I tell you, some of those who are standing here shall not taste death, till they have seen the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

While they were going down from the mountain, Jesus laid a command on them. "Speak to no man about the vision," he said, "until after the Son of man has been raised from the dead."

"Nay, I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they chose. Even so the Son of man also is about to suffer at their hands."

As they continued going from place to place in Galilee, Jesus said to them. "The Son of man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men;

"Look! We are on the way up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the scribes. They will condemn him to death,

"For I tell you that never shall you see me again until you say, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." "nor did they know until the deluge came and swept them away; so will be the coming of the Son of man.

nor did they know until the deluge came and swept them away; so will be the coming of the son of man.

"The Son of man is indeed to go as it is written concerning him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man shall be betrayed. It were good for that man if he had never been born."

Then he came to the disciples and said: "Sleep on now, and take your rest. Look! the hour is at hand; the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of wicked men.

"I am He," Jesus answered; "yet I tell you that from this time on you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven."

But to let you see that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins"??e said to the paralytic??11 "I bid you rise, take up your cot, and go home."

As they came down the mountain he strictly forbade them to narrate to any one what they had seen, until after the Son of man had risen from the dead.

"Elijah does indeed first come," he said, "and restores all things, But how is it written about the Son of Man, that he will endure great suffering, and be rejected?

for he was explaining to his disciples that the Son of man was to be betrayed into the hands of men, and that they would put him to death, but that after he had been put to death, he would rise again after three days,

"See," said he, "we are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of man will be betrayed to the high priests and the Scribes. They will condemn him to death, and will hand him over to the Gentiles,

For the Son of man is going his way, as the Scripture says, but woe to that man through whom the Son of man is betrayed! It were good for that man if he had never been born."

Then he came the third time, and said: "Sleep on now, and take your rest! It is over. My hour is come. Look! the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.

"I am," Jesus answered, "and you all shall see the Son of man seated on the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven."

But that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins (he said to the paralytic), "I bid you rise, take up your bed, and go to your house."

"Blessed are you when men shall hate you, And excommunicate you and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil because of the Son of man.

"For whoever is ashamed of me and of my teachings, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he comes in his own and in his Father's glory, and in that of the holy angels.

"Let these words sink into your ears; for the son of man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men."

"You know not what kind of spirit you share, for the Son of man came not to destroy men's lives, but to save them." And they went to another village.

"for as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, so shall the Son of man be to this generation.

"Do you also be ready, for in an hour that you think not the Son of man is coming."

Then he said turning to his disciples. "The days will come when you shall long to see one of the days of the Son of man, you shall not see it.

"For as the lightning when it lightens out of the one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so shall the Son of man be in his day.

"In the same manner it shall be in the day that the Son of man shall be revealed.

"I tell you that he will quickly see justice done to his elect! Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith upon the earth?"

Then he took the twelve aside and told them. "See, we are on our way to Jerusalem, and all prophets regarding the son of Man will be fulfilled.

"The Son of man indeed goes on his way, as it has been determined; but woe to that man by who he is betrayed."

"But from henceforth the Son of man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God."

that the Son of man had to be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and to rise on the third day?"

There is no one gone up to heaven, except the One who came down from heaven??he Son of man himself.

"Does this displease you? What then if you were to behold the Son of man ascending to where he was before?

Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when he had found him, he said, "Do you believe in the Son of man?"

Then the people answered. "We have heard out of the Law that the Christ abides forever. What do you mean by 'The Son of man must be lifted up'? Who is this Son of man?"

So when he was gone, Jesus said: "Now has the Son of man been glorified, and God has been glorified in him.

and in the midst of the candlesticks One like to a son of man, clothed with a robe down to the feet, and with a golden girdle round his breast.

And I looked, and lo, a white cloud; and on the cloud I saw One sitting like to a son of man, with a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand.