Thematic Bible

John 4:1 (show verse)

Therefore, when the Lord [Jesus] knew that the Pharisees were aware of Him making and immersing more disciples than John,

John 4:2 (show verse)


John 4:3 (show verse)

He left Judea and returned to Galilee. (Although it was actually His disciples who did the immersing and not Jesus Himself).

John 4:4 (show verse)

[Now to get to Galilee] it required that Jesus travel through Samaria [Note: Samaria was the next country north of Judea].

John 4:5 (show verse)

So, He arrived at the Samaritan town called Sychar, which was near the piece of property that Jacob had given to his son Joseph.

John 4:6 (show verse)

Jacob's [spring-fed] well was there so Jesus, tired from His [long] journey, sat down beside the well just as He was [i.e., before doing anything else]. It was about six o'clock in the morning [Note: This would have been

John 4:7 (show verse)

[About then] a Samaritan woman came [to the well] to draw water. Jesus said to her, "[Please] give me a drink."

John 4:8 (show verse)

(Now Jesus' disciples had gone away to town to buy some food).

John 4:9 (show verse)

Therefore, the Samaritan woman asked Him, "Why is it that you, being a Jew, would ask a Samaritan woman [like me] for a drink?" (For Jews do not have any fellowship with Samaritans). [Note: The reason for this stemmed from longstanding religious, cultural and ethnic prejudices].

John 4:10 (show verse)

Jesus answered her, "If you [only] knew the [real] gift of God, and who it is that said to you, '[Please], give me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

John 4:11 (show verse)

The woman [then] said to Him, "Sir, you do not have anything to draw [water] with, and the well is deep. Where will you get that living water?

John 4:12 (show verse)

noon if Jewish time were meant].

John 4:13 (show verse)

Jesus answered her, "Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again,

John 4:14 (show verse)

but whoever drinks the water I give him will never get thirsty [again]. For the water I will give him will become in him [i.e., in his spirit] a spring of water, bubbling up and producing never ending life." [See John 7:38].

John 4:15 (show verse)

The woman [then] said to Him, "Sir, [please] give me [some of] that water, so that I do not get thirsty [again], or have to come all the way here to draw [water]."

John 4:16 (show verse)

Jesus replied to her, "Go call your husband and [then] come here."

John 4:17 (show verse)

The woman said to Him, "I do not have a husband." Jesus said to her, "You were right when you said, 'I do not have a husband,'

John 4:18 (show verse)

because you have had five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not [really] your husband. So, you have told the truth."

John 4:19 (show verse)

[Then] the woman said to Jesus, "Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.

John 4:20 (show verse)

Our forefathers worshiped on this mountain [i.e., Mt. Gerizim, which was visible from where they were sitting]; but you say that Jerusalem is the place where people should worship [God]."

John 4:21 (show verse)

Jesus replied to her, "[My dear] woman, believe me [when I tell you], the time will come when you people will not worship the Father on this mountain or in Jerusalem.

John 4:22 (show verse)

You [Samaritans] do not [really] know what you worship; we [Jews] know what we worship because salvation is from the Jews [i.e., through Jewish prophets, Jewish Scriptures and a Jewish Messiah].

John 4:23 (show verse)

But the time will come, and is now [actually] here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [i.e., from the heart] and truth [i.e., according to God's revealed will], for these are the people whom the Father seeks to be His worshipers.

John 4:24 (show verse)

God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

John 4:25 (show verse)

[Then] the woman said to Jesus, "I know that Messiah is coming ([He is] the One who is called Christ). And when He does come, He will tell us everything."

John 4:26 (show verse)

Jesus replied to her, "I, who am speaking to you, am [the Messiah]."

John 4:27 (show verse)

Just about then Jesus' disciples returned [from town], and were surprised to find Him talking with a woman. [Note: It was not customary for a Jewish male to engage a woman in extended conversation in that day, much less a stranger, and certainly not a Samaritan], yet no one said [to Him], "What are you looking for?" or "Why are you talking to her?"

John 4:28 (show verse)

So, the woman left her water jar and went back into town and told the people [there],

John 4:29 (show verse)

"Come [and] see a man who told me everything I ever did. Can this be the Christ?"

John 4:30 (show verse)

[So], the people went out from the town and came to where Jesus was.

John 4:31 (show verse)

Meanwhile Jesus' disciples urged Him, saying, "Rabbi, [have something to] eat."

John 4:32 (show verse)

But He said to them, "I [already] have food to eat that you do not know about."

John 4:33 (show verse)

So, the disciples said to one another, "No one has brought Him anything to eat [have they]?"

John 4:34 (show verse)

Jesus answered them, "My food is doing what God, who sent me, wants me to, and accomplishing His work.

John 4:35 (show verse)

Are you not [always] saying, 'There are still four months before harvest time comes'? Look, I am telling you [disciples], lift up your eyes and look at the fields, that they are white and ripe for harvest [i.e., people are ready to make a spiritual response].

John 4:36 (show verse)

Already the person who is harvesting [the crop] is being paid for his work, and is gathering a crop for never ending life, so that the one planting and the one harvesting [the crop] may rejoice together.
Awakenings and religious reforms » -hezekiah 2ch 30 » -Christ at samaria
religious Awakenings » -hezekiah 2ch 30 » -Christ at samaria
Converts » Instances of » The samaritans
Deathless » Conditions of receiving » Spiritual service
Eternal » Conditions of receiving » Spiritual service
Everlasting » Conditions of receiving » Spiritual service
Fruits » Illustrative » Of converts to the church
God's Promises » Of reward for spiritual service » The benevolent
Harvest » Spiritual, general references to
Jesus Christ » History of » Visits sychar and teaches the samaritan woman
Joy » Great joy, occasions of » In service
Joy » Soul-winners' » The sower and the reaper rejoice together
spiritual Labourers » Great opportunity afforded to
Life » Conditions of receiving » Spiritual service
Eternal life » Conditions of receiving » Spiritual service
Reaping » Spiritual harvest
Reaping » Persons engaged in » Received wages
Reward » For spiritual service » The benevolent
Samaria » Country of » Jesus travels through
Service » Immediate, examples of prompt response to the call of duty » Joy in, found by the faithful
Shechem » Also called sychar, a city of refuge in mount ephraim » Jesus visits; disciples made in
Sowing and reaping » Reaping, harvest of sin » Harvest, spiritual, general references to
Spiritual » Examples of growth » Harvest
Spiritual » Labourers » Great opportunity afforded to
the future » The rewards of the faithful for spiritual service » The benevolent
religious Work » Examples of » Joy in

John 4:37 (show verse)

So, the saying is true that one person plants and another harvests [the crop].

John 4:38 (show verse)

I sent you [disciples] to harvest [a crop] that you did not work on; other people have done the work and you have reaped the results of their work." [Note: This is probably an allusion to the preliminary work of preaching done by John, the Immerser, with results occurring under the preaching of the apostles].

John 4:39 (show verse)

Then many Samaritans from Sychar believed in Jesus because of the testimony of the woman, who said, "He told me everything that I ever did."

John 4:40 (show verse)

When the Samaritans came to Him, they urged Jesus to stay with them, so He remained there for two days.

John 4:41 (show verse)

And many more people believed [in Jesus] because of His [own] words,

John 4:42 (show verse)

and they said to the woman, "Now we believe, not just because of what you said, but because we have heard [it] for ourselves and know that this is truly the Savior of the world."

John 4:43 (show verse)

Two days later Jesus left Sychar and went to Galilee.

John 4:44 (show verse)

For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet does not receive honor in his own country. [Note: Jesus' reference here to his "own country" means Judea, while in Matt., Mark and Luke it refers to Nazareth].

John 4:45 (show verse)

So, when He got to Galilee, the people there welcomed Him, for they had also gone to the [Passover] Festival in Jerusalem and had seen everything He had done there during the festival.

John 4:46 (show verse)

Then Jesus returned again to Cana, in Galilee, where He had turned water into wine. There was a government official there whose son was sick at Capernaum [Note: Capernaum was about

John 4:47 (show verse)

When he heard that Jesus had come from Judea to Galilee, he went to Him and begged Him to come down [to Capernaum] and heal his son who was about to die.

John 4:48 (show verse)

So, Jesus said to him, "None of you people will believe [in me] unless you see [miraculous] signs and wonders, [will you?]."

John 4:49 (show verse)

The government official replied, "Sir, [please] come down [to Capernaum] before my child dies."

John 4:50 (show verse)

Jesus said to him, "Go on [home]; your son will live." And the man believed what Jesus said to him and went [home].

John 4:51 (show verse)

While he was going along, his slaves met him and told him that his son was [still] alive.

John 4:52 (show verse)

Then he asked them what the [exact] time was when his son began to get better. They said to him, "[It was] yesterday at seven o'clock in the morning that the fever left him." [Note: This would have been

John 4:53 (show verse)

So [then], the father realized that it was at that [exact] hour that Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." So, he and his entire family believed [in Jesus].

John 4:54 (show verse)

[Now] this was the second [miraculous] sign that Jesus performed after going from Judea to Galilee.