63 Bible Verses about Orthodoxy, In Ot

Most Relevant Verses

Deuteronomy 4:39

"May you acknowledge and take to heart this day that the LORD is God in the heavens above and over the earth below there is no other God.

Deuteronomy 4:35

"You have been shown this in order to know that "the LORD is God' and there is no one like him.

Psalm 97:9

For you, LORD, are the Most High above all the earth; you are exalted high above all divine beings.

Isaiah 44:6-8

This is what the LORD says, the King of Israel and its Redeemer the LORD of the Heavenly Armies is his name "I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no God. Who is like me? Let him proclaim and declare it, and lay it out for himself since he made an ancient people. And let him speak future events; let them tell him what will happen. Don't tremble, and don't be afraid. Didn't I tell you and announce it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? There is no other Rock I don't know of any."

Job 38:4

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of my earth? Tell me, since you're so informed!

Exodus 20:3-6

You are to have no other gods as a substitute for me. "You are not to craft for yourselves an idol or anything resembling what is in the skies above, or on earth beneath, or in the water sources under the earth. You are not to bow down to them in worship or serve them, because I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the guilt of parents on children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, read more.
but showing gracious love to the thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Deuteronomy 5:7-8

You are to have no other gods as a substitute for me. ""You are not to craft for yourselves an idol resembling what is in the skies above, or on earth beneath, or in the water sources under the earth.

Deuteronomy 8:19-20

If you neglect the LORD your God, follow other gods, and serve and worship them, I testify to you today that you will certainly be destroyed. Just like the nations whom the LORD destroyed before you, so will you be destroyed, because you did not listen to the voice of the LORD your God."

Deuteronomy 13:6-8

"Your own blood brother, your son, your daughter, your beloved wife, or your friend who is like your soul mate may entice you quietly. He may tell you, "Let's go and serve other gods,' (whom neither you nor your ancestors have known from the gods of the people that surround you whether near or far from you from one end of the earth to the other). You must not yield to him, listen to him, look with pity on him, show compassion to him, or even cover up for him.

Psalm 86:9-10

All the nations that you have established will come and worship you, my Lord. They will honor your name. For you are great, and you are doing awesome things; you alone are God.

Isaiah 19:21

So the LORD will make himself known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will acknowledge the LORD.

Zechariah 8:20-22

"This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies says: "In the future, people will come, including residents of many cities, and they will travel from one place to another place and say, "Let's go quickly to pray in the presence of the LORD and to inquire of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.' And I will go, too. Many people and powerful nations will come to inquire of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies in Jerusalem, and to pray in the presence of the LORD."'"

Psalm 145:4

One generation will acclaim your works to another and will describe your mighty actions.

Exodus 12:24-27

You are to observe this event as a perpetual ordinance for you and your children forever. When you enter the land that the LORD will give you, just as he promised, you are to observe this ritual. And when your children say to you, "What does this ritual mean?' read more.
you are to say, "It is the Passover sacrifice to the LORD, who passed over the houses of the Israelis in Egypt when he struck down the Egyptians but spared our houses.'" Then the people bowed down and worshipped.

Deuteronomy 6:6-8

Let these words that I'm commanding you today be always on your heart. Teach them repeatedly to your children. Talk about them while sitting in your house or walking on the road, and as you lie down or get up. Tie them as reminders on your forearm, bind them on your forehead,

Joshua 4:20-24

Joshua set up the twelve stones that they had removed from the Jordan River at Gilgal. Then he told the Israelis, "When your descendants ask their parents in years to come, "What is the meaning of these stones?' you are to tell your descendants: "Israel crossed this Jordan River on dry ground read more.
because the LORD your God dried up the water of the Jordan River right in front of you, until you had crossed over, just as the LORD your God had done to the Reed Sea which he had dried up in front of us until we had crossed it also.' Do this so that all of the people of the earth may know how strong the power of the LORD is, and so that you may fear the LORD your God every day."

Psalm 78:2-6

I will tell a parable, speaking riddles from long ago things that we have heard and known and that our ancestors related to us. We will not withhold them from their descendants; we'll declare to the next generation the praises of the LORD his might and awesome deeds that he has performed.read more.
He established a decree in Jacob, and established the Law in Israel, that he commanded our ancestors to reveal to their children in order that the next generation children yet to be born will know them and in turn teach them to their children.

Deuteronomy 10:12-13

"Now Israel, what does the LORD your God desire from you? Only this: fear him, walk in all his ways, love him, serve him with all your heart and in all your life, and observe his commands and statutes that I'm commanding you today for your own good.

Deuteronomy 12:4-7

"You must not act like this with respect to the LORD your God. Instead, you must seek to enter only the place that the LORD your God will choose among your tribes. There he will establish his name and live. Bring your burnt offerings there, along with your sacrifices, your tithes, your hand-carried gifts, your offerings in fulfillment of promises, your freely given offerings, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks. read more.
Then you and your household will eat in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice with all the works of your hand with which he blessed you.

2 Kings 17:35-39

and with whom the LORD had made a covenant when he gave these orders to them: "You are not to fear other gods, bow down to them, serve them, or sacrifice to them. Instead, it is to be the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, showing great power and public demonstrations of might, whom you are to fear, worship, and to whom you are to offer sacrifice. Furthermore, you are to be careful to observe forever the statutes, ordinances, law, and the commandment that he wrote for you. And you are not to fear other gods. read more.
You are not to forget the covenant that I've made with you, and you are not to fear other gods. But you are to fear the LORD, and he will deliver you from the control of all your enemies."

1 Chronicles 16:28-29

Let the families of earth recognize the LORD that he is glorious and powerful. Recognize the glory that is due the LORD! Bring your offering, and come into his presence, worshiping the LORD in all of his holy splendor.

Psalm 96:7-9

Ascribe to the LORD, you families of nations, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength! Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name, bring an offering and enter his courts! Worship the LORD in holy splendor; tremble before him, all the earth.

Psalm 95:6-7

Come! Let us worship and bow down; let us kneel in the presence of the LORD, who made us. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the flock in his care. If only you would listen to his voice today,

Deuteronomy 16:1-2

"Observe the month of Abib, keeping the Passover to the LORD your God, because the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt during the night in the month of Abib. Then sacrifice sheep and cattle for the Passover to the LORD your God at the place where the LORD your God will choose to establish his name.

Leviticus 1:2-4

"Speak to the Israelis and tell them that when any person brings an offering to the LORD from among you, whether he brings on offering of animals from either cattle or flock, if his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he is to bring a male without any defect. He is to present it at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. At the appointed time, it is to be presented in the presence of the LORD so that he may be accepted. He is to lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted for him as an atonement on his behalf.

Leviticus 5:5-6

When a person is guilty of one of these things, then he is to confess whatever sin it was and bring compensation to the LORD for the guilt that he committed: a female from the flock whether a lamb or goat for a sin offering. Then the priest is to make atonement for him."

Malachi 1:7-8

By presenting defiled food on my altar. And you ask, "How have we defiled you?' By saying, "The Table of the LORD is contemptible.' When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? And when you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong? Offer that to your governor would he be pleased with you or receive you favorably?" asks the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.

Deuteronomy 29:9-15

Therefore, keep the terms of this covenant, carrying them out so that you'll be wise in everything you do." "All of you are standing today in the presence of the LORD your God the heads of your tribes, your elders, your magistrates, all the men of Israel, along with your children, your wives, even the foreigner in your camp, including the woodchopper and the water drawer read more.
to enter into a covenant with the LORD your God and into the oath that he is about to make with you today, so that he will elevate you to be a people for him. And he will be God to you, just as he promised you and swore to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now, I'm not making this covenant and oath with you alone, but with whoever is here with us standing in the presence of the LORD our God today, as well as with those who aren't here with us today."

Psalm 25:10

All the paths of the LORD lead to gracious love and truth for those who keep his covenant and his decrees.

Deuteronomy 11:1

"Therefore love the LORD your God and be very careful to keep his injunctions, statutes, ordinances, and commands all the time.

1 Chronicles 22:19

So set your minds and hearts to seek the LORD your God, to get up, and to build the sanctuary of the LORD God, so the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD and the holy vessels of God may be stored in a temple built for the name of the LORD."

Psalm 37:3-5

Trust in the LORD and do good. Dwell in the land and feed on faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; Trust him, and he will act.

Psalm 115:9-11

Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield. House of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield. You who fear the LORD, trust in the LORD! He is their helper and shield.

Psalm 119:89-93

Your word is forever, LORD; it is firmly established in heaven. Your faithfulness continues from generation to generation. You established the earth, and it stands firm. To this day they stand by means of your rulings, for all things serve you.read more.
Had your instruction not been my pleasure, I would have died in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for you have revived me with them.

Deuteronomy 5:32

You must be careful to do what the LORD your God commanded you, turning neither to the left nor to the right.

Deuteronomy 6:1-3

"Now these are the commands, decrees, and ordinances that the LORD commanded me to teach you. Obey them in the land you are entering to possess, so that you, your children, and your grandchildren may fear the LORD your God. Keep all his decrees and commandments that I'm giving you every day of your life, so you may live a long time. Listen, Israel! Be careful to obey, so that life may go well for you and that you may increase greatly. Just as the LORD God of your ancestors told you, you'll have a land flowing with milk and honey.

Deuteronomy 26:16-19

"The LORD your God is commanding you this very day to observe these statutes and judgments. Be careful to obey them with all your heart and soul. You have declared this very day that the LORD will be your God. You are to walk in his ways, keep his statutes, commands, and judgments, and obey his voice. The LORD affirmed this day that you are his prized possession. Therefore, observe his commands, read more.
so he may elevate you far above all the nations that he has made. Then you will live to the praise, fame, and glory of God, and so be a nation that is holy to the LORD your God, as he has promised."

Isaiah 30:21

And whether you turn to the right or turn to the left, your ears will hear a message behind you: "This is the way, walk in it."

Jeremiah 7:21-23

This is what the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, the God of Israel, says: "Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices and eat the meat. Indeed, when I brought your ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I didn't speak or command them about burnt offering and sacrifice, but I did give them this command: "Obey me and I'll be your God, and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways that I command you so it will go well for you.'

Isaiah 1:11-17

"How do your voluminous sacrifices benefit me?" the LORD is asking. "I've had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well-fed beasts. I don't enjoy the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. "When you come to present yourselves in my presence, who has required you to trample on my courts? Stop bringing useless offerings! Incense is detestable to me, as are your New Moons, Sabbaths, and calling of convocations. I cannot stand iniquity within a solemn assembly.read more.
As for your New Moons and your appointed festivals, I abhor them. They've become a burden to me; I've grown weary of carrying that burden. When you spread out your hands in prayer, I'll hide my eyes from you. Even though you pray repeatedly, I won't listen. Your hands are full of blood, your fingers drenched with iniquity." "Wash yourselves, and make yourselves clean; remove your evil behavior from my presence; stop practicing what is evil. Learn to practice what is good; seek justice, alleviate oppression, defend orphans in court, and plead the widow's case.

Isaiah 56:1

For this is what the LORD says: "Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come, and soon my deliverance will be revealed.

Hosea 14:9

Whoever is wise, let him understand these things. Whoever is discerning, let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right: the righteous follow his example, but the rebellious stumble in them.

Proverbs 10:29

To the upright, the way of the LORD is a place of safety, but it's a place of ruin to those who practice evil.

Deuteronomy 5:33

You are to walk in every pathway that the LORD your God commanded you, so that life may go well for you, and so that you will prolong your days in the land that you will possess.'"

Deuteronomy 28:9

"The LORD will assign you to be a holy people for himself, just as he promised you, as long as you keep his commands and walk in his ways.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

I call heaven and earth to testify against you today! I've set life and death before you today: both blessings and curses. Choose life, that it may be well with you you and your children. Love the LORD your God, obey his voice, and cling to him, because he is your life even your long life so that you may live in the land that the LORD promised to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."

2 Samuel 22:22

because I have kept the LORD's way I haven't willfully abandoned my God

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