8 Bible Verses about Role Of Women In The Church

Most Relevant Verses

1 Corinthians 11:3-12

and I wish you to know that of every man the head is the Christ, and the head of a woman is the husband, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying, having the head covered, doth dishonour his head, and every woman praying or prophesying with the head uncovered, doth dishonour her own head, for it is one and the same thing with her being shaven,read more.
for if a woman is not covered -- then let her be shorn, and if it is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven -- let her be covered; for a man, indeed, ought not to cover the head, being the image and glory of God, and a woman is the glory of a man, for a man is not of a woman, but a woman is of a man, for a man also was not created because of the woman, but a woman because of the man; because of this the woman ought to have a token of authority upon the head, because of the messengers; but neither is a man apart from a woman, nor a woman apart from a man, in the Lord, for as the woman is of the man, so also the man is through the woman, and the all things are of God.

Ephesians 5:22-23

The wives! to your own husbands subject yourselves, as to the Lord, because the husband is head of the wife, as also the Christ is head of the assembly, and he is saviour of the body,

1 Timothy 2:9-15

in like manner also the women, in becoming apparel, with modesty and sobriety to adorn themselves, not in braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or garments of great price, but -- which becometh women professing godly piety -- through good works. Let a woman in quietness learn in all subjection,read more.
and a woman I do not suffer to teach, nor to rule a husband, but to be in quietness, for Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman, having been deceived, into transgression came, and she shall be saved through the child-bearing, if they remain in faith, and love, and sanctification, with sobriety.

1 Timothy 3:11

Women -- in like manner grave, not false accusers, vigilant, faithful in all things.

1 Timothy 5:9-14

A widow -- let her not be enrolled under sixty years of age, having been a wife of one husband, in good works being testified to: if she brought up children, if she entertained strangers, if saints' feet she washed, if those in tribulation she relieved, if every good work she followed after; and younger widows be refusing, for when they may revel against the Christ, they wish to marry,read more.
having judgment, because the first faith they did cast away, and at the same time also, they learn to be idle, going about the houses; and not only idle, but also tattlers and busybodies, speaking the things they ought not; I wish, therefore, younger ones to marry, to bear children, to be mistress of the house, to give no occasion to the opposer to reviling;

Titus 2:3-5

aged women, in like manner, in deportment as doth become sacred persons, not false accusers, to much wine not enslaved, of good things teachers, that they may make the young women sober-minded, to be lovers of their husbands, lovers of their children, sober, pure, keepers of their own houses, good, subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be evil spoken of.

1 Peter 3:1-6

In like manner, the wives, be ye subject to your own husbands, that even if certain are disobedient to the word, through the conversation of the wives, without the word, they may be won, having beheld your pure behaviour in fear, whose adorning -- let it not be that which is outward, of plaiting of hair, and of putting around of things of gold, or of putting on of garments,read more.
but -- the hidden man of the heart, in the incorruptible thing of the meek and quiet spirit, which is, before God, of great price, for thus once also the holy women who did hope on God, were adorning themselves, being subject to their own husbands, as Sarah was obedient to Abraham, calling him 'sir,' of whom ye did become daughters, doing good, and not fearing any terror.

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