7 occurrences

'Son of David' in the Bible

As Jesus was passing along from there, two blind men followed Him, shouting, "Do pity us, O Son of David!"

And all the crowds of people were dumbfounded, and began to say, "He is by no means the Son of David, is He?"

And two blind men sitting by the roadside heard that Jesus was passing and cried out, "Do pity us, Lord, you Son of David!"

The crowd reproved them and urged them to keep quiet, but they cried out all the louder, "Do pity us, Lord, you Son of David!"

And the crowds that went in front of Him and followed Him shouted: "Welcome the Son of David! Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord; Welcome Him from on high!"

But because the high priests and scribes saw the wonders that He did and the children shouting in the temple, "Welcome the Son of David," they were indignant