Thematic Bible

Thematic Bible

The positive words that a man speaks fill his stomach; he will be satisfied with what his lips produce.

"Should a wise person respond with knowledge based on wind? Should he fill his stomach with a wind storm from the east?

For they conceive mischief and give birth to iniquity; their womb is pregnant with deception."

"Since his appetite won't quit; he won't let anything escape his lust.

For we have collapsed in the dust; our bodies cling to the ground.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

I heard and I trembled within. My lips quivered at the noise. My legs gave way beneath me, and I trembled. Nevertheless, I await the day of distress that will dawn on our invaders.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vintner. He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit in me, and he cuts back every branch that does produce fruit, so that it might produce more fruit. You are already clean because of what I've spoken to you.

You know that wicked people will not inherit the kingdom of God, don't you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God. That is what some of you were! But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah and by the Spirit of our God.

Indeed, just as the church is submissive to the Messiah, so wives must be submissive to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives as the Messiah loved the church and gave himself for it, so that he might make it holy by cleansing it, washing it with water and the word,

Go up to Gilead and get balm, virgin daughter of Egypt! In vain you multiply remedies, but there is no healing for you.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

Now Isaiah had said, "Let them prepare a poultice of figs and apply it to the boil, so that he may recover."

There is no one to plead your cause. There is no medicine for your sore; no healing for you.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.

Condemnation is appropriate for mockers, just as beatings are for the backs of fools.

the tribune ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks and told the soldiers to beat and question him in order to find out why the people were yelling at him like this.

Paul said, "But I was born a citizen." Immediately those who were about to examine him stepped back, and the tribune was afraid when he found out that Paul was a Roman citizen and that he had tied him up.

"When a person has sexual relations with a woman servant who is engaged to another man, but she has not been completely redeemed nor has her freedom been granted to her, there is to be an inquiry, but they won't be put to death, since she has not been freed.

The elders of that city will then take the man, punish him,

If the guilty person deserves a beating, the judge will make him lie down and be beaten in his presence with the number of lashes fit for his crime. But he must not be beaten more than 40 lashes, because if he receives more than 40 lashes, your brother will be humiliated in your eyes.

From the sole of your foot to the top of your head, there's no soundness evident only bruises, sores, and festering wounds that haven't been cleaned out, bandaged, or treated with oil."

He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Blows that wound clean away evil; such beatings cleanse the innermost being.