18 Bible Verses about Abstinence as a discipline

Most Relevant Verses

Acts 10:9-14

And on the following day, they traveling, and drawing nigh the city, Peter went up on the house to pray about the sixth hour. And he became hungry, and wished to eat: but they getting it ready, an ecstasy came on him, and he saw the heaven open, and a certain vessel like a great sheet came down, and resting upon the earth with four rope ends:read more.
in which were all quadrupeds, and creeping things of the earth, and birds of the heaven. And a voice came to him, Arising, Peter, slay, and eat. And Peter said, By no means, Lord, because I never was in the habit of eating anything unconsecrated and unclean.

Acts 13:1-2

And there were prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch; Barnabas, and Symeon called Niger, and Lucius the Cyrenean, and Manahem, the foster-brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. And they ministering to the Lord, and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, Now separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.

Matthew 4:1-2

Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit, to be tempted by the devil. And having fasted forty days and forty nights, He afterward hungered.

Luke 4:1-2

And Jesus, full of the Holy Ghost, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, tempted by the devil forty days. And He ate nothing during those days; and they having been completed, He afterward hungered.

Matthew 9:14-15

Then the disciples of John come to Him, saying, Wherefore do we and the Pharisee fast, but thy disciples do not fast? And Jesus said to them, The sons of the bride-chamber are not able to fast, so long as the bridegroom is with them. But the day will come, when the bride-groom must be taken from them, and then they will fast.

Mark 2:18-20

The disciples of John and the Pharisees were fasting. And they come and say to Him; Wherefore do the disciples of John and the Pharisees fast, and thy disciples do not fast? And Jesus said to them, Whether are the sons of the bride-chamber able to fast while the bridegroom is with them? So long a time as they have with them the bridegroom they are not able to fast. But the days will come, when the bridegroom must be taken from them, and then they will fast in that day.

Luke 5:33-35

And they said to Him, Wherefore do the disciples of John fast, and make supplications; likewise also those of the Pharisees; but thy disciples eat and drink? And He said to them, Whether are you able to make the sons of the bridechamber to fast, while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom must indeed be taken away from them, then will they fast in those days.

Luke 2:36-37

And Anna was a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher, herself being advanced in many days, having lived with her husband seven years from her virginity; and she a widow of about fourscore years, who did not depart from the temple, worshiping night and day with fastings and prayers.

Acts 9:9

and he was three days not seeing, neither did he eat nor drink.

Romans 14:6

The one regarding the day, regards it to the Lord: the one eating, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and the one not eating, eats not to the Lord, and gives thanks to God.

Acts 15:19-20

Therefore I judge, that we should not burden those from the Gentiles turning to God: but to command them to abstain from things offered to idols, and from fornication, and from strangulation, and from blood.

Matthew 6:16

And when you may fast, be not like the hypocrites, of a sad contenance: for they disfigure their faces, in order that they may appear unto the people fasting. Truly I say unto you, They exhaust their reward.

Luke 18:11-12

The Pharisee standing was praying in these words, God, I thank thee because I am not like the rest of the men, extortioners, unjust, adulterous, or even as this publican: I fast twice per week; I give tithes of all things so many as I possess.

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