21 Bible Verses about Faithfulness, In Human Relationships

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Matthew 23:23

"A curse on you, you hypocritical scribes and Pharisees! For you pay tithes on mint and dill and cummin, and yet leave out the more vital matters of the law, justice, love and fidelity. These latter especially you ought to have done, but ought not to have left out the former.

Luke 11:42

But a curse on you Pharisees, because you pay tithes on mint, rue, and every tiny garden herb, but neglect justice and the love of God! These latter especially you ought to have done, but ought not to have neglected the former.

Matthew 5:27-28

"You have heard it was said, 'You must not commit adultery.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman so as to have an evil desire for her at once has already committed adultery with her in his heart,

1 Timothy 5:9

No widow under sixty years of age should be put on this roll. A widow must have had but one husband,

Romans 16:1-2

Now I introduce to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deaconess in the church at Cenchreae, that you may give her a Christian welcome in a manner becoming God's people, and give her whatever help she needs from you, for she herself has given protection to many, including myself.

Romans 1:9-10

Indeed, my witness is God, whom I serve in my spirit by telling the good news about His Son, that I never fail to mention you every time I pray, always entreating God that somehow by His will I may some day at last succeed in getting to see you.

Colossians 4:2-4

You must persevere in prayer and by this means stay wide awake when you give thanks. At the same time keep on praying for me too, that God may open the door of opportunity for the message, so that I may tell the open secret about Christ, for the sake of which I am held a prisoner, in order to make it evident why I have to tell it.

2 Corinthians 8:7-11

Yes, just as you are growing rich in everything else, in faith, expression, knowledge, perfect enthusiasm, and the love inspired in you by us, you must see to it that you grow rich in this gracious contribution too. I am not saying this in the spirit of a command, but I am simply trying to test the genuineness of your love by the enthusiasm of others. For by experience you know the unmerited favor shown by our Lord Jesus Christ; that although He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, in order that by His poverty you might become rich.read more.
Now I will give you my opinion on this matter. For this is for your interest, because you were not only the first to do anything about it, but the first to want to do so; you started it a year ago. Now finish doing it too, so that your readiness to finish it may be just like your readiness to start it, in accordance with what you have.

Philippians 4:15-18

And you Philippians yourselves know that immediately after the good news was first preached to you, when I left Macedonia, no church but yours went into partnership with me to open an account of credits and debits. Even while I was at Thessalonica you sent money more than once for my needs. It is not your gift that I want, but I do want the profits to pile up to your credit.read more.
I have received your payment in full, and more too. I am amply supplied after getting the things you sent by Epaphroditus; they are like sweet incense, the kind of sacrifice that God accepts and approves.

Matthew 25:21

His master said to him 'Well done, my good and faithful slave, you have been faithful in the use of a small amount; I will put you in charge of a larger one. Come, share your master's joy!'

Luke 16:10

The man who is dependable in a very small matter is dependable also in a large deal, the man who is dishonest in a very small matter is dishonest also in a large deal.

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