18 Bible Verses about Lies

Most Relevant Verses

Colossians 3:9-10

Lie not one to another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man, which is renewed for knowledge, ac cording to the image of him that created him;

Acts 5:1-10

But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession, and kept back part of the price, and his wife was conscious of it; and he brought a certain part of it, and laid it at the feet of the apostles. But Peter said: Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart, that you should at tempt to deceive the Holy Spirit, and keep back part of the price of the land?read more.
While it remained unsold, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your own disposal? Why have you purposed this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God. And when Ananias heard these words, he fell down, and expired. And great fear came on all that heard these things. And the young men arose and wound him in his mantle, and carried him out, and buried him. And after an interval of about three hours, his wife, not knowing what had been done, came in. And Peter answered her: Tell me, did you sell the land for so much? She replied: Yes; for so much. But Peter said to her: Why is it that you have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they shall carry you out. And she immediately fell down at his feet, and expired. And the young men came in and found her dead; and they carried her out, and buried her by the side of her husband.

Romans 3:8

Then, why not say, (as we are slanderously reported as saying, and, as some affirm, that we do say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? Of such persons the condemnation is just.

1 Timothy 1:9-10

knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for the unholy and for scorners, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for man-slayers, for lewd persons, for sodomites, for men-stealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and for whatever other thing is opposed to sound teaching,

Revelation 2:2

I know your works, and your labor, and your patience; and that you can not bear with those who are evil, and that you have tried those who say they are apostles, and are not, and have found them liars;

1 Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit says expressly, that, in the last times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and teachings suggested by demons, through the hypocrisy of liars, who are seared in their conscience,

1 John 2:22

Who is a liar, but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son.

Revelation 13:14

And he deceives those who dwell on the earth, by means of the signs which he is allowed to do in the presence of the beast, saying to those who dwell on the earth, that they should make an image for the beast which had the wound by the sword, and did live.

Revelation 20:7-10

And when the thousand years shall have been completed, Satan shall be loosed from his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to bring them together to battle: the number of these is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and encompassed the camp of the saints, and the beloved city: and fire came down out of heaven from God, and devoured them.read more.
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are: and they shall be tormented day and night from age to age.

1 John 2:27

And the anointing which you have received from him abides in you; and you have no need that any one should teach you: but, as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true and is no lie, even as it has taught you, abide in it.

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