48 Bible Verses about Love, Abuse Of

Most Relevant Verses

Philippians 2:3-4

Do not act for selfish ends or from vanity, but modestly treat one another as your superiors. Do not take account of your own interests, but of the interests of others as well.

Matthew 16:25

For whoever wants to preserve his own life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will find it.

Mark 8:35

For whoever wants to preserve his own life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me and for the good news will preserve it.

Luke 9:24

For whoever wants to preserve his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for me will preserve it.

Romans 14:15

For if your brother's feelings are hurt by what you eat, your life is not governed by love. You must not, by what you eat, ruin a man for whom Christ died.

Galatians 5:26

Let us not in our vanity challenge one another or envy one another.

James 3:14-15

But if you cherish bitter feelings of jealousy and rivalry in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus belie the truth. Such wisdom does not come from above. It is earthly, animal, demon-like.

James 5:5

You have lived luxuriously and voluptuously here on earth; you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter.

Luke 14:11

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the man who humbles himself will be exalted."

Matthew 20:21

He said to her, "What do you want?" She said to him, "Give orders that these two sons of mine sit one at your right and one at your left, when you are king!"

Matthew 23:6-7

and they like the best places at dinners and the front seats in the synagogues, and to be saluted with respect in public places, and to have men call them 'Rabbi.'

Luke 20:46

"Beware of the scribes who like to go about in long robes, and love to be saluted with respect in public places, and to have the front seats in the synagogues and the best places at banquets??47 men who eat up widows' houses and to cover it up make long prayers! They will get all the heavier sentence!"

Luke 14:7

He noticed that the guests picked out the best places, and he gave them this illustration:

Luke 22:24

A dispute also arose among them, as to which one of them ought to be considered the greatest.

2 Thessalonians 2:4

the adversary of every being that is called a god or an object of worship, and so overbearing toward them as to enter God's sanctuary and take his seat there, proclaiming himself to be God??5 do you not remember that when I was with you, I used to tell you this?

Mark 8:36-37

For what good does it do a man to gain the whole world and yet part with his life? For what can a man give to buy back his life?

Matthew 24:38

For just as in those days before the flood people were eating and drinking, marrying and being married, until the very day Noah entered the ark,

Luke 14:18

And they all immediately began to excuse themselves. The first one said to him, 'I have bought a piece of land, and I must go and look at it. Please have me excused.'

1 Timothy 6:9-10

But men who want to get rich fall into temptations and snares and many foolish, harmful cravings, that plunge people into destruction and ruin. For love of money is the root of all the evils, and in their eagerness to get rich, some men wander away from the faith and pierce themselves to the heart with many a pang.

Luke 18:23

But when he heard that, he was much cast down, for he was very rich.

Matthew 26:15

and said, "What will you give me if I hand him over to you?" And they counted him out thirty silver pieces.

John 12:6

But he did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief and when he had charge of the purse he used to take what was put in it.

Acts 16:19

But when her masters saw that their hopes of profits were gone, they seized Paul and Silas, dragged them to the public square, to the authorities,

Acts 24:26

At the same time he hoped to get money from Paul, and for that reason he used to send for him very often and talk with him.

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