57 Bible Verses about Parables

Most Relevant Verses

Hosea 12:10

I spoke to the prophets, giving revelation after revelation, and employing parables in the prophetic writings.

2 Samuel 12:1-10

Nathan approached David and said, "There are two men in the city. One is rich and one is poor. The rich man has many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing except for one little ewe lamb that he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It used to share his food and drink from his own cup. It even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him. A traveler arrived to visit the rich man. Because he was unwilling to take an animal from one of his own flocks or herds to prepare for the guest who had come to visit him, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to visit him."read more.
David flew into a rage at the man and told Nathan, "As the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die! He will restore the lamb four times its value, because he did this thing, and because he did it without compassion." But Nathan replied to David, "You are the man! This is what the LORD God of Israel says: ""I anointed you king and you became king over Israel. ""I delivered you from Saul's control. ""I gave you your former master's household. ""I placed your former master's wives right in your arms. ""I gave you Israel and Judah. ""And if this had been too little, I would have added much more than that to you! ""Why did you despise what the LORD has promised by doing what is detestable in his sight? ""You struck down Uriah the Hittite with a battle sword. ""You took his wife to be your own. ""You killed him with the sword of the Ammonite army. ""Therefore the sword will never leave your household, because you have despised me by taking the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own.'

1 Kings 20:35-42

Right about then, one of the members of the guild of prophets told another through a message from the LORD: "Please strike me!" But the man refused to do so, so he told him, "Because you haven't obeyed the LORD's voice, as soon as you leave here, a lion will kill you." As soon as the man left, a lion found him and killed him. Later, he found another man and told him, "Please strike me!" So the man struck him and wounded him. read more.
Then the prophet left and waited for the king to pass by, disguising himself with a bandage over his eyes. As the king was passing by, he cried out to the king and told him, "Your servant went out into the middle of the battle, and a soldier turned aside, brought a prisoner to me, and told me, "Guard this man. If he turns up missing for any reason at all, you'll pay for it with your life or be fined one talent of silver.' While your servant was busy here and there, the prisoner escaped." The king told him, "By your actions you've earned the proper judgment!" Then the prophet quickly tore off his bandage, and the king of Israel recognized him as being one of the prophets. He told the king, "This is what the LORD says: "Because you let the man whom I had dedicated to destruction go free, therefore your life is to be forfeited for his life, and your people for his people.'"

Ezekiel 17:1-18

This message came to me from the LORD: "Son of Man, compose a riddle and relate a parable to Israel's house. Tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says, "A massive eagle with gigantic wings, long pinions, and full, multi-colored plumage came to Lebanon and took away the top of the cedar. read more.
He plucked off the top of its shoot, brought it to a land of merchants, and set it down in a city full of traders. Then the eagle took a seed from the land and planted it in fertile ground. He planted it like a willow tree next to abundant waters. It flourished and became a low, spreading vine. Its branches turned toward him, and its roots spread under him to become a vine that put out shoots and spread out its branches. """All of a sudden, there was another eagle with gigantic wings and thick plumage. The vine stretched its roots hungrily toward him and spread its branches out to him in order to be watered on the terraces where it was planted. It was transplanted into good soil near abundant water, and it produced branches and bore fruit, becoming a magnificent vine."' "Tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says, "Will it prosper? Won't he pull up its roots, and strip it bare so all its fresh foliage dries up? It won't be by great strength or by a great army that it will be uprooted. Look! Because it's a transplanted vine, won't it wither when the east wind hits it? It will surely wither in the terraces where it had started to sprout."'" "Tell my rebellious house, "Don't you know what these things mean? Look! The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, captured her king and princes, and took them with him to Babylon. Then he took one of the royal descendants, made a covenant with him, and put him under an oath of loyalty, taking the leaders of the land captive in order to humiliate the kingdom so it wouldn't be able to return to power, but would still be able to continue as long as he keeps his covenant. But he rebelled against the king of Babylon by sending his messengers to Egypt to obtain horses and a large army. Will he succeed? Or will the one who did this escape? Will he break the covenant, but still be delivered?'" "As long as I live," declares the Lord GOD, "in Babylon, that place where the king has enthroned him, whose oath he despised so as to break his covenant, he'll die with him. Pharaoh, with his massive army and large battalions won't protect him when mounds and siege walls are built to destroy many people. He despised the oath he had made and broke the covenant. Look! Because he willingly submitted, yet he has done all these things, he won't escape.

Ezekiel 20:49

Then I said, "O Lord GOD! They're saying about me, "Isn't he one to propound parables?'"

Ezekiel 24:3-13

So compose a parable for the rebellious house. Tell them, "This is what the Lord God says: "Prepare your pot for boiling! Set it in place. Fill it up with water, too. Gather together the best pieces of meat on it including the thighs and the shoulders and fill it with the choicest bones. Take the best bones from the flock, pile wood under the pot for the bones, bring it to a boil, and then cook the bones in it."'"read more.
"This is what the Lord GOD says: "How terrible it is for that blood-filled city, to the pot whose rust remains in it, whose rust won't come off. Empty it one piece at a time. Don't let a lot fall on it. Her blood was in it. She poured it out onto bare rock. She didn't pour it out on the ground, intending to cover it with dirt. In order to stir up my anger and in order to take vengeance, I set the blood on a bare rock so that it cannot be covered.' "Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: "How terrible it is for that blood-filled city I'm also going to add to my pile of kindling. Pile up the wood! Make the fire burn hot. Boil the meat! Mix the seasonings. Burn those bones to a crisp! Make the pot stand empty on the coals until its bronze glows red, its rust can be scoured off, and its dross completely removed. The pot wearies me, but its thick rust won't come off, even with fire. There is wickedness in your obscene conduct. Even though I've cleansed you, you uncleanness cannot be washed away. You cannot be cleansed again until my rage against you has subsided.'

Psalm 78:1-2

Listen, my people, to my instruction. Hear the words of my mouth. I will tell a parable, speaking riddles from long ago

Judges 9:7-20

When Jotham was informed about this, he went out, took his stand on top of Mount Gerizim, and cried out loudly, "Listen to me, you "lords" of Shechem, and God will listen to you. "Once upon a time the trees went out to consecrate a king for themselves. "So they told the olive tree, "Reign over us!' But the olive tree asked them, "Should I stop producing my rich oils by which both God and men are honored and go take dominion over trees?'read more.
"So the trees told the fig tree, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' But the fig tree asked them, "Should I leave my sweet, good fruit and go take dominion over trees?' "So the trees told the grape vine, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' But the grape vine asked them, "Should I leave my new wine, which cheers God and man, and go take dominion over trees?' "So all the trees told the bramble bush, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' Then the bramble bush replied to the trees, "If you really are consecrating me to rule you, come and put your confidence in my shade; but if not, may fire spring out from the bramble bush and burn up the cedars of Lebanon"' "Now then, if you have been acting in good faith and integrity by making a king out of Abimelech, if you have treated Jerubbaal and his household appropriately by acting toward him as he deserved because my father fought on your behalf, throwing away all concern for his own life, and delivered you from Midian's domination. "But now as for you, you've rebelled against my father's house today. You've murdered his sons 70 men in one place, and you've installed Abimelech, the son of his mistress, as king to rule over the "lords" of Shechem, since he's related to you. So if you've acted in good faith and integrity toward Jerubbaal and his household today, then you're welcome to Abimelech, and he's welcome to you" But if not, may fire spring out from Abimelech and consume the "lords" of Shechem and Beth-millo, and may fire spring out from the "lords" of Shechem and Beth-millo to consume Abimelech."

2 Samuel 14:4-14

When the woman from Tekoa spoke to the king, she fell on her face to the ground, prostrating herself to address him, "Help, your majesty!" The king asked her, "What's your problem?" "I've been a widowed woman ever since my husband died," she answered. "Your humble servant used to have two sons, but they got into a fight out in the field. Because there was no one to keep them apart, one of them attacked the other and killed him. read more.
Now please pay attention closely! My whole family is attacking your humble servant! They're saying, "Turn over the one who attacked his brother and we'll put him to death in retribution for his brother, whose life he took. That way, we'll kill the heir also!' They're going to extinguish the only light left in my family, leaving my late husband neither an ongoing name nor a survivor on the face of the earth!" Then the king replied to the woman, "Go home and I'll issue a special order just for you." But the woman from Tekoa told the king, "Your majesty, let any guilt for this be on me and on my ancestors' household, and not on my king or his throne!" The king replied, "Bring anyone who talks to you about this to me, and he certainly won't be bothering you anymore!" Then she said, "Your majesty, please remember the LORD your God, so that blood avengers don't do any more damage! Otherwise, they'll destroy my son!" So he promised, "As the LORD lives, not even a single hair from your son's head will fall to the ground!" At this, the woman responded, "Would your majesty the king please allow your humble servant to say one more thing?" "Say it"" he replied. "Why, then," the woman asked, "are you planning to act just like this against God's people? Based on what your majesty has said, you're acting like one who is guilty himself, because you're not bringing back the one whom you've banished! After all, even though we all die, and we're all like water being spilled on the ground that cannot be recovered, nevertheless God doesn't take away life, but carries out his plans so as not to cast away permanently from him those who are presently estranged.

2 Kings 14:9-10

But King Jehoash of Israel sent this message to King Amaziah of Judah: "The thorn bush in Lebanon sent this message to the cedar of Lebanon: "Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' But just then a wild beast from Lebanon wandered by and trampled down the thorn bush. You just defeated Edom and you're arrogant. Bask in your victory and stay home. Why incite trouble so that you yes, you! fall, along with Judah with you?"

2 Chronicles 25:18-19

But King Joash of Israel replied to King Amaziah of Judah, "There once was a thorn bush in Lebanon that sent an invitation to the cedar of Lebanon that read "Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' Right about then, a wild animal in Lebanon passed by and trampled the thorn bush. You claim you've defeated Edom, but you're really only puffed up with arrogant boasting. So stay home. Why stir up trouble so you die, and the rest of Judah with you?"

Proverbs 1:5-6

Let the wise listen and increase their learning; let the person of understanding receive guidance in understanding proverbs, clever sayings, words of the wise, and their riddles.

Matthew 13:10-15

Then the disciples came and asked Jesus, "Why do you speak to people in parables?" He answered them, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom from heaven, but it hasn't been given to them, because to anyone who has something, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who doesn't have anything, even what he has will be taken away from him. read more.
That's why I speak to them in parables, because "they look but don't see, and they listen but don't hear or understand.' "With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: "You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend, for this people's heart has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing. They have shut their eyes so that they might not see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.'

Mark 4:10-12

When he was alone with the Twelve and those around him, they began to ask him about the parables. He told them, "The secret about the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside, everything comes in parables so that "they may see clearly but not perceive, and they may hear clearly but not understand, otherwise they might turn around and be forgiven.'"

Luke 8:9-10

Then his disciples began to ask him what this parable meant. So he said, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of God. But to others they are given in parables, so that "they might look but not see, and they might listen but not understand.'"

Isaiah 6:9-10

"Go!" he responded. "Tell this people: ""Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.' Dull the mind of this people, deafen their ears, and blind their eyes. By doing so, they won't see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their minds, turn back, and be healed."

Matthew 13:3-8

Then he began to tell them many things in parables. He said, "Listen! A farmer went out to sow. As he was sowing, some seeds fell along the path, and birds came and ate them up. Other seeds fell on stony ground, where they did not have a lot of soil. They sprouted at once because the soil wasn't deep. read more.
But when the sun came up, they were scorched. Since they did not have any roots, they dried up. Other seeds fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew higher and choked them out. But other seeds fell on good soil and produced a crop, some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was sown.

Mark 4:3-8

"Listen! A farmer went out to sow. As he was sowing, some seeds fell along the path, and birds came and ate them up. Others fell on stony ground, where they didn't have a lot of soil. They sprouted at once, because the soil wasn't deep. read more.
But when the sun came up, they were scorched. Since they didn't have any roots, they dried up. Others fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes came up and choked them out, and they didn't produce anything. But others fell on good soil and produced a crop. They grew up, increased in size, and produced 30, 60, or 100 times what was sown."

Luke 8:5-8

"A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was sowing, some seeds fell along the path, were trampled on, and birds from the sky ate them up. Others fell on stony ground, and as soon as they came up, they dried up because they had no moisture. Others fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew with them and choked them. read more.
But others fell on good soil, and when they came up, they produced 100 times as much as was planted." As he said this, he called out, "Let the person who has ears to hear, listen!"

Matthew 7:24-27

"Therefore, everyone who listens to these messages of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did not collapse because its foundation was on the rock. "Everyone who keeps on hearing these messages of mine and never puts them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. read more.
The rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and battered that house, and it collapsed and its collapse was total."

Luke 6:47-49

I will show you what everyone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them. They are like a person building a house, who dug a deep hole to lay the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the floodwaters pushed against that house but couldn't shake it, because it had been founded on the rock. But the person who hears what I say but doesn't act on it is like someone who built a house on the ground without any foundation. When the floodwaters pushed against it, that house quickly collapsed, and the resulting destruction of that house was extensive."

Matthew 13:24-30

He presented another parable to them: "The kingdom from heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While people were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. When the crop came up and bore grain, the weeds appeared, too.read more.
"The owner's servants came and asked him, "Master, you sowed good seed in your field, didn't you? Then where did these weeds come from?' "He told them, "An enemy did this!' "The servants asked him, "Do you want us to go and pull them out?' "He said, "No! If you pull out the weeds, you might pull out the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, "Gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles for burning, but bring the wheat into my barn."'"

Mark 4:30-32

He was also saying, "How can we show what the kingdom of God is like, or what parable can we use to describe it? It's like a mustard seed planted in the ground. Although it's the smallest of all the seeds on earth, when it's planted it comes up and becomes larger than all the garden plants. It grows such large branches that the birds in the sky can nest in its shade."

Luke 13:18-19

So Jesus went on to say, "What is the kingdom of God like? What can I compare it to? It is like a mustard seed that someone took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds of the sky nested in its branches."

Matthew 13:33

He told them another parable: "The kingdom from heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened."

Matthew 18:12-14

"What do you think? If a man has 100 sheep and one of them strays, he leaves the 99 in the hills and goes to look for the one that has strayed, doesn't he? If he finds it, I tell all of you with certainty that he rejoices over it more than over the 99 that haven't strayed. In the same way, it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost."

Luke 15:4-7

"Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. He leaves the 99 in the wilderness and looks for the one that is lost until he finds it, doesn't he? When he finds it, he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices. Then he goes home, calls his friends and neighbors together, and says to them, "Rejoice with me, because I've found my lost sheep!' read more.
In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need to repent."

Matthew 18:23-35

"That is why the kingdom from heaven may be compared to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. When he had begun to settle the accounts, a person who owed him 10,000 talents was brought to him. Because he couldn't pay, his master ordered him, his wife, his children, and everything that he owned to be sold so that payment could be made. read more.
Then the servant fell down and bowed low before him, saying, "Be patient with me, and I will repay you everything!' The master of that servant had compassion and released him, canceling his debt. "But when that servant went away, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him, seized him by the throat, and said, "Pay what you owe!' Then his fellow servant fell down and began begging him, "Be patient with me and I will repay you!' But he refused and had him thrown into prison until he could repay the debt. "When his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very disturbed and went and reported to their master everything that had occurred. Then his master sent for him and told him, "You evil servant! I canceled that entire debt for you because you begged me. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?' In anger his master handed him over to the jailers until he could repay the entire debt. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each one of you unless you forgive your brother from your hearts."

Matthew 20:1-16

"The kingdom from heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. After agreeing to pay the workers one denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing in the marketplace without work. read more.
He told them, "You go into the vineyard, too, and I will pay you whatever is right.' So off they went. He went out again about noon and about three o'clock and did the same thing. About five o'clock he went out and found some others standing around. He asked them, "Why are you standing here all day long without work?' They told him, "Because no one has hired us.' He told them, "You go into the vineyard as well.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told his manager, "Call the workers and give them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first.' Those who were hired at five o'clock came, and each received a denarius. "When the first came, they thought they would receive more, but each received a denarius as well. When they received it, they began to complain to the landowner, "These last fellows worked only one hour, but you paid them the same as us, and we've been working all day, enduring the scorching heat!' "But he told one of them, "Friend, I'm not treating you unfairly. You did agree with me for a denarius, didn't you? Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man as much as I gave you. I am allowed to do what I want with my own money, am I not? Or are you envious because I'm generous?' "In the same way, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen."

Matthew 21:33-41

"Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a wall around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to tenant farmers and went abroad. When harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenant farmers to collect his produce. But the farmers took his servants and beat one, killed another, and attacked another with stones. read more.
Again, he sent other servants to them, a greater number than the first, but the tenant farmers treated them the same way. Finally, he sent his son to them, thinking, "They will respect my son.' But when the tenant farmers saw his son, they told one another, "This is the heir. Come on, let's kill him and get his inheritance!' So they grabbed him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. Now when the owner of the vineyard returns, what will he do to those farmers?" They told him, "He will put those horrible men to a horrible death. Then he will lease the vineyard to other farmers who will give him his produce at harvest time."

Mark 12:1-9

Then Jesus began to speak to them in parables. "A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the wine press, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to tenant farmers and went abroad. At the right time, he sent a servant to the farmers to collect from them a share of the produce from the vineyard. But the farmers grabbed the servant, beat him, and sent him back empty-handed. read more.
Again, the man sent another servant to them. They beat the servant over the head and treated him shamefully. Then the man sent another, and that one they killed. So it was with many other servants. Some of these they beat, and others they killed. He still had one more person to send, a son whom he loved. Finally, he sent him to them, saying, "They will respect my son.' But those farmers told one another, "This is the heir. Come on, let's kill him, and the inheritance will be ours!' So they grabbed him, killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard. "Now what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come, execute the farmers, and give the vineyard to others.

Luke 20:9-16

Then he began to tell the people this parable: "A man planted a vineyard, leased it to tenant farmers, and went abroad for a long time. At the right time he sent a servant to the farmers in order to get his share of the produce of the vineyard. But the farmers beat him and sent him back empty-handed. He sent another servant, and they beat him, too, treated him shamefully, and sent him back empty-handed. read more.
Then he sent a third, and they wounded him and threw him out, too. "Then the owner of the vineyard said, "What should I do? I'll send my son whom I love. Maybe they'll respect him.' But when the farmers saw him, they talked it over among themselves and said, "This is the heir. Let's kill him so that the inheritance will be ours!' So they threw him out of the vineyard and killed him. Now what will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will come and destroy those farmers and give the vineyard to others." Those who heard him said, "That must never happen!"

Matthew 22:1-14

Again Jesus spoke to them in parables. He said, "The kingdom from heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to call those who had been invited to the wedding, but they refused to come. read more.
So he sent other servants after saying, "Tell those who have been invited, "Look! I've prepared my dinner. My oxen and fattened calves have been slaughtered. Everything is ready. Come to the wedding!"' But they paid no attention to this and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest grabbed the king's servants, treated them brutally, and then killed them. Then the king became outraged. He sent his troops, and they destroyed those murderers and burned their city. "Then he told his servants, "The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. So go into the roads leading out of town and invite as many people as you can find to the wedding.' Those servants went out into the streets and brought in everyone they found, evil and good alike, and the wedding hall was packed with guests. "When the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked him, "Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' But the man was speechless. Then the king told his servants, "Tie his hands and feet, and throw him into the darkness outside!' In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, because many are invited, but few are chosen."

Matthew 25:1-13

"At that time, the kingdom from heaven will be comparable to ten bridesmaids who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the groom. Now five of them were foolish, and five were wise, because when the foolish ones took their lamps, they didn't take any oil with them. read more.
But the wise ones took flasks of oil with their lamps. Since the groom was late, all of them became sleepy and lay down. But at midnight there came a shout: "The groom is here! Come out to meet him!' Then all the bridesmaids woke up and got their lamps ready. "But the foolish ones told the wise, "Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out!' "But the wise ones replied, "No! There will never be enough for us and for you. You'd better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.' "While they were away buying it, the groom arrived. Those who were ready went with him into the wedding banquet, and the door was closed. Later, the other bridesmaids arrived and said, "Lord, lord, open up for us!' "But he replied, "I tell all of you with certainty, I don't know you!' So keep on watching, because you don't know the day or the hour."

Mark 4:26-29

He was also saying, "The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seeds on the ground. He sleeps and gets up night and day while the seeds sprout and grow, although he doesn't know how the ground produces grain by itself first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head. read more.
But when the grain is ripe, he immediately starts cutting with his sickle because the harvest time has come."

Mark 7:14-15

Then he called to the crowd again and told them, "Listen to me, all of you, and understand! Nothing that goes into a person from the outside can make him unclean. It's what comes out of a person that makes a person unclean.

Luke 10:25-37

Just then an expert in the Law stood up to test Jesus. He asked, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus answered him, "What is written in the Law? What do you read there?" He answered, "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind. And you must love your neighbor as yourself."read more.
Jesus told him, "You have answered correctly. "Do this, and you will live.'" But the man wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?" After careful consideration, Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of bandits. They stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. By chance, a priest was traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he went by on the other side. Similarly, a descendant of Levi came to that place. When he saw the man, he also went by on the other side. But as he was traveling along, a Samaritan came across the man. When the Samaritan saw him, he was moved with compassion. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day, he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, "Take good care of him. If you spend more than that, I'll repay you when I come back.' "Of these three men, who do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the bandits?" He said, "The one who showed mercy to him." Jesus told him, "Go and do what he did."

Luke 12:16-21

Then he told them a parable. He said, "The land of a certain rich man produced good crops. So he began to think to himself, "What should I do, since I have no place to store my crops?' Then he said, "This is what I'll do. I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and I'll store all my grain and goods in them. read more.
Then I'll say to myself, "You've stored up plenty of good things for many years. Take it easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself."' But God told him, "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you. Now who will get the things you've accumulated?' That's how it is with the person who stores up treasures for himself rather than with God."

Luke 14:16-24

Jesus told him, "A man gave a large banquet and invited many people. When it was time for the banquet, he sent his servant to tell those who were invited, "Come! Everything is now ready.' Every single one of them began asking to be excused. The first told him, "I bought a field, and I need to go out and inspect it. Please excuse me.' read more.
Another said, "I bought five pairs of oxen, and I'm on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.' Still another said, "I recently got married, so I can't come.' "So the servant went back and reported all this to his master. Then the master of the house became angry and told his servant, "Go quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring back the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame.' The servant said, "Sir, what you ordered has been done, and there is still room.' Then the master told the servant, "Go out into the streets and the lanes and make the people come in, so that my house may be full. Because I tell all of you, none of those men who were invited will taste anything at my banquet.'"

Luke 15:8-32

"Or suppose a woman has ten coins and loses one of them. She lights a lamp, sweeps the house, and searches carefully until she finds it, doesn't she? When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, "Rejoice with me, because I have found the coin that I lost!' In the same way, I tell you that there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents."read more.
Then Jesus said, "A man had two sons. The younger one told his father, "Father, give me my share of the estate.' So the father divided his property between them. A few days later, the younger son gathered everything he owned and traveled to a distant country. There he wasted it all on wild living. After he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. So he went out to work for one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. No one would give him anything, even though he would gladly have filled himself with the husks the pigs were eating. "Then he came to his senses and said, "How many of my father's hired men have more food than they can eat, and here I am starving to death! I will get up, go to my father, and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore. Treat me like one of your hired men."' "So he got up and went to his father. While he was still far away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him affectionately. Then his son told him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore.' But the father told his servants, "Hurry! Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let's eat and celebrate! Because my son was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate. "Now the father's older son was in the field. As he was coming back to the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called to one of the servants and asked what was happening. The servant told him, "Your brother has come home, and your father has killed the fattened calf because he got him back safely.' "Then the older son became angry and wouldn't go into the house. So his father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, "Listen! All these years I've worked like a slave for you. I've never disobeyed a command of yours. Yet you've never given me so much as a young goat for a festival so I could celebrate with my friends. But this son of yours spent your money on prostitutes, and when he came back, you killed the fattened calf for him!' "His father told him, "My child, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found.'"

Luke 18:9-14

Jesus also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves, thinking they were righteous, but who looked down on everyone else: "Two men went up to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, "O God, I thank you that I'm not like other people thieves, dishonest people, adulterers, or even this tax collector. read more.
I fast twice a week, and I give a tenth of my entire income.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance and would not even look up to heaven. Instead, he continued to beat his chest and said, "O God, be merciful to me, the sinner that I am!' I tell you, this man, rather than the other one, went down to his home justified, because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the person who humbles himself will be exalted."

Luke 19:12-27

So he said, "A prince went to a distant country to be appointed king and then to return. He called ten of his servants and gave them ten coins. He told them, "Invest this money until I come back.' But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation to follow him and to announce, "We don't want this man to rule over us!'read more.
"After he was appointed king, the prince came back. He ordered the servants to whom he had given the money to be called so he could find out what they had earned by investing. The first servant came and said, "Sir, your coin has earned ten more coins.' The king told him, "Well done, good servant! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small thing, take charge of ten cities.' "The second servant came and said, "Your coin, sir, has earned five coins.' The king told him, "You take charge of five cities.' "Then the other servant came and said, "Sir, look! Here's your coin. I've kept it in a cloth for safekeeping because I was afraid of you. You are a hard man. You withdraw what you didn't deposit and harvest what you didn't plant.' The king told him, "I will judge you by your own words, you evil servant! You knew, did you, that I was a hard man, and that I withdraw what I didn't deposit and harvest what I didn't plant? Then why didn't you put my money in the bank? When I returned, I could have collected it with interest.' "So the king told those standing nearby, "Take the coin away from him and give it to the man who has the ten coins.' They answered him, "Sir, he already has ten coins!' "I tell you, to everyone who has something, more will be given, but from the person who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away. But as for these enemies of mine who didn't want me to be their king bring them here and slaughter them in my presence!'"

Mark 4:33-34

With many other parables like these, Jesus kept speaking his message to them according to their ability to understand. He did not tell them anything without using a parable, though he explained everything to his disciples in private.

Matthew 13:18-23

"Listen, then, to the parable about the farmer. When anyone hears the word about the kingdom yet doesn't understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. As for what was sown on the stony ground, this is the person who hears the word and accepts it joyfully at once, read more.
but since he doesn't have any root in himself, he lasts for only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes along because of the word, he immediately falls away. As for what was sown among the thorn bushes, this is the person who hears the word, but the worries of life and the deceitful pleasures of wealth choke the word so that it can't produce a crop. But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the person who hears the word, understands it, and produces a crop that yields 100, 60, or 30 times what was sown."

Mark 4:14-20

The farmer sows the word. Some people are like the seeds along the path, where the word is sown. When they hear it, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word that was sown in them. Others are like the seeds sown on the stony ground. When they hear the word, at once they joyfully accept it, read more.
but since they don't have any roots, they last for only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes along because of the word, they immediately fall away. Still others are like the seeds sown among the thorn bushes. These are the people who hear the word, but the worries of life, the deceitful pleasures of wealth, and the desires for other things come in and choke the word so that it can't produce a crop. Others are like the seeds sown on good soil. They hear the word, accept it, and produce crops 30, 60, or 100 times what was sown."

Luke 8:11-15

"Now this is what the parable means. The seed is God's word. The ones on the path are the people who listen, but then the Devil comes and takes the word away from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. The ones on the stony ground are the people who joyfully welcome the word when they hear it. But since they don't have any roots, they believe for a while, but in a time of testing they fall away. read more.
The ones that fell among the thorn bushes are the people who listen, but as they go on their way they are choked by the worries, wealth, and pleasures of life, and their fruit doesn't mature. But the ones on the good soil are the people who hear the word but also hold on to it with good and honest hearts, producing a crop through endurance."

Matthew 13:36-43

Then Jesus left the crowds and went into the house. His disciples came to him and asked, "Explain to us the parable about the weeds in the field." He answered, "The person who sowed good seed is the Son of Man, while the field is the world. The good seed are those who belong to the kingdom, while the weeds are those who belong to the evil one. read more.
The enemy who sowed them is the Devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Just as weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so it will be at end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom everything that causes others to sin and those who practice lawlessness and they will throw them into a blazing furnace. In that place there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom. Let the person who has ears listen!"

Mark 7:17-23

When he had left the crowd and gone home, his disciples began asking him about the parable. He asked them, "Are you so ignorant? Don't you know that nothing that goes into a person from the outside can make him unclean? Because it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then into the sewer, thereby expelling all foods." read more.
Then he continued, "It's what comes out of a person that makes a person unclean, because it's from within, from the human heart, that evil thoughts come, as well as sexual immorality, stealing, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, cheating, shameless lust, envy, slander, arrogance, and foolishness. All these things come from inside and make a person unclean."

From Thematic Bible

Parables » Of the old testament » Of the prophets

Ezekiel 17:3

Tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says, "A massive eagle with gigantic wings, long pinions, and full, multi-colored plumage came to Lebanon and took away the top of the cedar.

Jeremiah 13:1

This is what the LORD told me: "Go and buy a linen belt for yourself, and put it around your waist. But don't let it get wet."

Isaiah 5:1

I will sing for my beloved my love-song concerning his vineyard: "The one I love had a vineyard on a very fertile hill.

Ezekiel 19:2-3

Tell them: "What a lioness your mother was among lions! She reared her cubs in the midst of fierce young males. She raised one cub in particular, teaching that fierce lion to become a hunter-prowler to eat human beings.

Ezekiel 24:3

So compose a parable for the rebellious house. Tell them, "This is what the Lord God says: "Prepare your pot for boiling! Set it in place. Fill it up with water, too.

Parables » Why jesus Christ spoke in parables

Luke 8:9-10

Then his disciples began to ask him what this parable meant. So he said, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of God. But to others they are given in parables, so that "they might look but not see, and they might listen but not understand.'"

Matthew 13:10-17

Then the disciples came and asked Jesus, "Why do you speak to people in parables?" He answered them, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom from heaven, but it hasn't been given to them, because to anyone who has something, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who doesn't have anything, even what he has will be taken away from him. read more.
That's why I speak to them in parables, because "they look but don't see, and they listen but don't hear or understand.' "With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: "You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend, for this people's heart has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing. They have shut their eyes so that they might not see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.' "How blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear! I tell all of you with certainty, many prophets and righteous people longed to see the things you see but did not see them, and to hear the things you hear but did not hear them."

Mark 4:10-12

When he was alone with the Twelve and those around him, they began to ask him about the parables. He told them, "The secret about the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside, everything comes in parables so that "they may see clearly but not perceive, and they may hear clearly but not understand, otherwise they might turn around and be forgiven.'"

Parables » Of Christ found in one gospel only, (chapter specified) » The barren fig tree, luke 13

2 Corinthians 12:4

was snatched away to Paradise and heard things that cannot be expressed in words, things that no human being has a right even to mention.

Parables » Jesus Christ speaking in parables

Psalm 78:1-2

Listen, my people, to my instruction. Hear the words of my mouth. I will tell a parable, speaking riddles from long ago

Matthew 13:34-35

Jesus told the crowds all these things in parables. He did not tell them anything without using a parable. This was to fulfill what was declared by the prophet when he said, "I will open my mouth to speak in parables. I will declare what has been hidden since the creation of the world."

Mark 4:33-34

With many other parables like these, Jesus kept speaking his message to them according to their ability to understand. He did not tell them anything without using a parable, though he explained everything to his disciples in private.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Tares

Matthew 13:24-30

He presented another parable to them: "The kingdom from heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. While people were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. When the crop came up and bore grain, the weeds appeared, too. read more.
"The owner's servants came and asked him, "Master, you sowed good seed in your field, didn't you? Then where did these weeds come from?' "He told them, "An enemy did this!' "The servants asked him, "Do you want us to go and pull them out?' "He said, "No! If you pull out the weeds, you might pull out the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, "Gather the weeds first and tie them in bundles for burning, but bring the wheat into my barn."'"

Matthew 13:36-43

Then Jesus left the crowds and went into the house. His disciples came to him and asked, "Explain to us the parable about the weeds in the field." He answered, "The person who sowed good seed is the Son of Man, while the field is the world. The good seed are those who belong to the kingdom, while the weeds are those who belong to the evil one. read more.
The enemy who sowed them is the Devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels. Just as weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so it will be at end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather from his kingdom everything that causes others to sin and those who practice lawlessness and they will throw them into a blazing furnace. In that place there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in their Father's kingdom. Let the person who has ears listen!"

Parables » Of the old testament » Of joash

2 Kings 14:9

But King Jehoash of Israel sent this message to King Amaziah of Judah: "The thorn bush in Lebanon sent this message to the cedar of Lebanon: "Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' But just then a wild beast from Lebanon wandered by and trampled down the thorn bush.

2 Chronicles 25:18

But King Joash of Israel replied to King Amaziah of Judah, "There once was a thorn bush in Lebanon that sent an invitation to the cedar of Lebanon that read "Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' Right about then, a wild animal in Lebanon passed by and trampled the thorn bush.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Sower

Luke 8:5-15

"A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was sowing, some seeds fell along the path, were trampled on, and birds from the sky ate them up. Others fell on stony ground, and as soon as they came up, they dried up because they had no moisture. Others fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew with them and choked them. read more.
But others fell on good soil, and when they came up, they produced 100 times as much as was planted." As he said this, he called out, "Let the person who has ears to hear, listen!" Then his disciples began to ask him what this parable meant. So he said, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom of God. But to others they are given in parables, so that "they might look but not see, and they might listen but not understand.'" "Now this is what the parable means. The seed is God's word. The ones on the path are the people who listen, but then the Devil comes and takes the word away from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. The ones on the stony ground are the people who joyfully welcome the word when they hear it. But since they don't have any roots, they believe for a while, but in a time of testing they fall away. The ones that fell among the thorn bushes are the people who listen, but as they go on their way they are choked by the worries, wealth, and pleasures of life, and their fruit doesn't mature. But the ones on the good soil are the people who hear the word but also hold on to it with good and honest hearts, producing a crop through endurance."

Matthew 13:3-23

Then he began to tell them many things in parables. He said, "Listen! A farmer went out to sow. As he was sowing, some seeds fell along the path, and birds came and ate them up. Other seeds fell on stony ground, where they did not have a lot of soil. They sprouted at once because the soil wasn't deep. read more.
But when the sun came up, they were scorched. Since they did not have any roots, they dried up. Other seeds fell among thorn bushes, and the thorn bushes grew higher and choked them out. But other seeds fell on good soil and produced a crop, some 100, some 60, and some 30 times what was sown. Let the person who has ears listen!" Then the disciples came and asked Jesus, "Why do you speak to people in parables?" He answered them, "You have been given knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom from heaven, but it hasn't been given to them, because to anyone who has something, more will be given, and he will have more than enough. But from the one who doesn't have anything, even what he has will be taken away from him. That's why I speak to them in parables, because "they look but don't see, and they listen but don't hear or understand.' "With them the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says: "You will listen and listen but never understand. You will look and look but never comprehend, for this people's heart has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing. They have shut their eyes so that they might not see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.' "How blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear! I tell all of you with certainty, many prophets and righteous people longed to see the things you see but did not see them, and to hear the things you hear but did not hear them." "Listen, then, to the parable about the farmer. When anyone hears the word about the kingdom yet doesn't understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. As for what was sown on the stony ground, this is the person who hears the word and accepts it joyfully at once, but since he doesn't have any root in himself, he lasts for only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes along because of the word, he immediately falls away. As for what was sown among the thorn bushes, this is the person who hears the word, but the worries of life and the deceitful pleasures of wealth choke the word so that it can't produce a crop. But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the person who hears the word, understands it, and produces a crop that yields 100, 60, or 30 times what was sown."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Builder of a tower

Luke 14:28-30

"Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. He will first sit down and estimate the cost to see whether he has enough money to finish it, won't he? Otherwise, if he lays a foundation and can't finish the building, everyone who watches will begin to ridicule him and say, "This person started a building but couldn't finish it.'

Parables » Of the vine

Ezekiel 19:10-14

"Your mother was like a vine entwining a pomegranate, planted by water, full of fruit, and full of branches because it had been watered generously. Strong were its boughs, suitable for use in the scepter of a ruler. It reached to the clouds, noticeable because of its height and its abundant branches. Yet in anger it was uprooted and cast down to the earth. An east wind desiccated its fruit; its strong branches broke off and withered, and a fire consumed them. read more.
Now it is planted in the desert, in a dry and thirsty land! Fire had burned through its branches, consuming its shoots and fruits. No strong branches remain in it, and there is no scepter to rule!' "This is a lamentation, and it is to be used in mourning."

Ezekiel 17:5-10

Then the eagle took a seed from the land and planted it in fertile ground. He planted it like a willow tree next to abundant waters. It flourished and became a low, spreading vine. Its branches turned toward him, and its roots spread under him to become a vine that put out shoots and spread out its branches. """All of a sudden, there was another eagle with gigantic wings and thick plumage. The vine stretched its roots hungrily toward him and spread its branches out to him in order to be watered on the terraces where it was planted. read more.
It was transplanted into good soil near abundant water, and it produced branches and bore fruit, becoming a magnificent vine."' "Tell them, "This is what the Lord GOD says, "Will it prosper? Won't he pull up its roots, and strip it bare so all its fresh foliage dries up? It won't be by great strength or by a great army that it will be uprooted. Look! Because it's a transplanted vine, won't it wither when the east wind hits it? It will surely wither in the terraces where it had started to sprout."'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Lighted candle

Luke 11:33-36

"No one lights a lamp and puts it in a hiding place or under a basket, but on a lamp stand, so that those who enter may see its light. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light. But when it's evil, your body is full of darkness. Therefore, be careful that the light in you isn't darkness. read more.
Now if your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, it will be as full of light as when a lamp gives you light with its rays."

Mark 4:21

Then Jesus told them, "A lamp isn't brought indoors to be put under a basket or under a bed, is it? It's to be put on a lamp stand, isn't it?

Parables » Parables of Christ » Strong man armed

Mark 3:27

No one can go into a strong man's house and carry off his possessions without first tying up the strong man. Then he can ransack his house.

Parables » Of the vineyard

Isaiah 5:1-7

I will sing for my beloved my love-song concerning his vineyard: "The one I love had a vineyard on a very fertile hill. He plowed its land and cleared it of stones. Then he planted it with the choicest vines, built a watchtower in the middle of it, and dug a wine vat in it; He expected it to produce good grapes, but it produced only wild ones." "So now, you inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judah, judge, won't you please, between me and my vineyard. read more.
What more could I do in my vineyard, that I haven't already done? When I expected it to produce good grapes, why did it yield wild ones? "Now, let me tell you, won't you please, what I'm going to do to my vineyard. "I'm going to take away its protective hedge, and it will be devoured; I'll break down its wall, and it will be trampled. I'll make it a wasteland, and it won't be pruned or cultivated. Instead, briers and thorns will grow up. I'll also issue commands to the clouds, that they drop no rain upon it." For the vineyard of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden in which he delights. He looked for justice, but saw only bloodshed; he searched for righteousness, but heard only an outcry!

Isaiah 27:2-3

At that time, "A fermenting vineyard sing about it! I, the LORD, watch over it And I water it continuously. I guard it night and day so no one can harm it.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Faithful, and evil servants

Matthew 24:45-51

"Who, then, is the faithful and wise servant whom his master has put in charge of his household to give the others their food at the right time? How blessed is that servant whom his master finds doing this when he comes! I tell all of you with certainty, he will put him in charge of all his property. read more.
"But if that wicked servant says to himself, "My master has been delayed,' and begins to beat his fellow servants and eat and drink with the drunks, that servant's master will come on a day when he doesn't expect him and at an hour that he doesn't know. Then his master will punish him severely and assign him a place with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Net cast into the sea

Matthew 13:47-50

"Again, the kingdom from heaven is like a large net thrown into the sea that gathered all kinds of fish. When it was full, the fishermen hauled it ashore. Then they sat down, sorted the good fish into containers, and threw the bad ones away. That is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out, cull out the evil people from among the righteous ones, read more.
and will throw them into a blazing furnace. In that place there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Pearl of great price

Matthew 13:45-46

"Again, the kingdom from heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he found a very valuable pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Meats » Not defiling

Matthew 15:10-15

Then calling out to the crowd, he addressed them, "Listen and understand! It is not what goes into the mouth that makes a person unclean. It is what comes out of the mouth that makes a person unclean." Then the disciples came and asked him, "Do you realize that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?" read more.
He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father did not plant will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the blind. If one blind person leads another blind person, both will fall into a ditch." Then Peter told him, "Explain to us this parable."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Unmerciful servant

Matthew 18:23-35

"That is why the kingdom from heaven may be compared to a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. When he had begun to settle the accounts, a person who owed him 10,000 talents was brought to him. Because he couldn't pay, his master ordered him, his wife, his children, and everything that he owned to be sold so that payment could be made. read more.
Then the servant fell down and bowed low before him, saying, "Be patient with me, and I will repay you everything!' The master of that servant had compassion and released him, canceling his debt. "But when that servant went away, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii. He grabbed him, seized him by the throat, and said, "Pay what you owe!' Then his fellow servant fell down and began begging him, "Be patient with me and I will repay you!' But he refused and had him thrown into prison until he could repay the debt. "When his fellow servants saw what had happened, they were very disturbed and went and reported to their master everything that had occurred. Then his master sent for him and told him, "You evil servant! I canceled that entire debt for you because you begged me. Shouldn't you have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?' In anger his master handed him over to the jailers until he could repay the entire debt. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each one of you unless you forgive your brother from your hearts."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Wicked husbandmen

Matthew 21:33-45

"Listen to another parable. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard, put a wall around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower. Then he leased it to tenant farmers and went abroad. When harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenant farmers to collect his produce. But the farmers took his servants and beat one, killed another, and attacked another with stones. read more.
Again, he sent other servants to them, a greater number than the first, but the tenant farmers treated them the same way. Finally, he sent his son to them, thinking, "They will respect my son.' But when the tenant farmers saw his son, they told one another, "This is the heir. Come on, let's kill him and get his inheritance!' So they grabbed him, threw him out of the vineyard, and killed him. Now when the owner of the vineyard returns, what will he do to those farmers?" They told him, "He will put those horrible men to a horrible death. Then he will lease the vineyard to other farmers who will give him his produce at harvest time." Jesus asked them, "Have you never read in the Scriptures, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing, and it is amazing in our eyes.'? That is why I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce fruit for it. The person who falls over this stone will be broken to pieces, but it will crush anyone on whom it falls." When the high priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they knew that he was talking about them.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Fig-tree leafing

Matthew 24:32-34

"Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches become tender and it produces leaves, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you'll know that the Son of Man is near, right at the door. I tell all of you with certainty, this generation won't disappear until these things happen.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Mustard-seed

Matthew 13:31-32

He presented another parable to them, saying, "The kingdom from heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted in his field. Although it is the smallest of all seeds, when it is fully grown it is larger than the garden plants and becomes a tree, and the birds in the sky come and nest in its branches."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Two sons

Matthew 21:28-32

"But what do you think? A man had two sons. He went to the first and said, "Son, go and work in the vineyard today.' His son replied, "I don't want to,' but later he changed his mind and went. Then the father went to the other son and told him the same thing. He replied, "I will, sir,' but he didn't go. read more.
Which of the two did the father's will?" They answered, "The first one." Jesus told them, "I tell all of you with certainty, tax collectors and prostitutes will get into God's kingdom ahead of you! John came to you living a righteous life, and you didn't believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes did. But even when you saw that, you didn't change your minds at last and believe him."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Talents

Matthew 25:14-30

"Similarly, it is like a man going on a trip, who called his servants and turned his money over to them. To one man he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, based on their ability. Then he went on his trip. "The one who received five talents went out at once and invested them and earned five more. read more.
In the same way, the one who had two talents earned two more. But the one who received one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and buried his master's money. "After a long time, the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The one who had received five talents came up and brought five more talents. "Master,' he said, "you gave me five talents. See, I've earned five more talents.' "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!' "The one with two talents also came forward and said, "Master, you gave me two talents. See, I've earned two more talents. "His master told him, "Well done, good and trustworthy servant! Since you've been trustworthy with a small amount, I'll put you in charge of a large amount. Come and share your master's joy!' "Then the one who had received one talent came forward and said, "Master, I knew that you were a hard man, harvesting where you haven't planted and gathering where you haven't scattered any seed. Since I was afraid, I went off and hid your talent in the ground. Here, take what's yours!' "His master answered him, "You evil and lazy servant! So you knew that I harvested where I haven't planted and gathered where I haven't scattered any seed? Then you should've invested my money with the bankers. When I returned, I would've received my money back with interest.' Then the master said, "Take the talent from him and give it to the man who has the ten talents, because to everyone who has something, more will be given, and he'll have more than enough. But from the person who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him. Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside! In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"

Parables » Parables in the mouths of fools

Proverbs 26:7

Useless legs to the lame that's what a proverb quoted by a fool is.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Marriage-feast

Matthew 22:2-14

"The kingdom from heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to call those who had been invited to the wedding, but they refused to come. So he sent other servants after saying, "Tell those who have been invited, "Look! I've prepared my dinner. My oxen and fattened calves have been slaughtered. Everything is ready. Come to the wedding!"' read more.
But they paid no attention to this and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest grabbed the king's servants, treated them brutally, and then killed them. Then the king became outraged. He sent his troops, and they destroyed those murderers and burned their city. "Then he told his servants, "The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. So go into the roads leading out of town and invite as many people as you can find to the wedding.' Those servants went out into the streets and brought in everyone they found, evil and good alike, and the wedding hall was packed with guests. "When the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. He asked him, "Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' But the man was speechless. Then the king told his servants, "Tie his hands and feet, and throw him into the darkness outside!' In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, because many are invited, but few are chosen."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Laborers hired

Matthew 20:1-16

"The kingdom from heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. After agreeing to pay the workers one denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o'clock, he saw others standing in the marketplace without work. read more.
He told them, "You go into the vineyard, too, and I will pay you whatever is right.' So off they went. He went out again about noon and about three o'clock and did the same thing. About five o'clock he went out and found some others standing around. He asked them, "Why are you standing here all day long without work?' They told him, "Because no one has hired us.' He told them, "You go into the vineyard as well.' "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard told his manager, "Call the workers and give them their wages, beginning with the last and ending with the first.' Those who were hired at five o'clock came, and each received a denarius. "When the first came, they thought they would receive more, but each received a denarius as well. When they received it, they began to complain to the landowner, "These last fellows worked only one hour, but you paid them the same as us, and we've been working all day, enduring the scorching heat!' "But he told one of them, "Friend, I'm not treating you unfairly. You did agree with me for a denarius, didn't you? Take what is yours and go. I want to give this last man as much as I gave you. I am allowed to do what I want with my own money, am I not? Or are you envious because I'm generous?' "In the same way, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Wise and foolish builders

Matthew 7:24-27

"Therefore, everyone who listens to these messages of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, but it did not collapse because its foundation was on the rock. "Everyone who keeps on hearing these messages of mine and never puts them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. read more.
The rain fell, the floods came, the winds blew and battered that house, and it collapsed and its collapse was total."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Ten virgins

Matthew 25:1-13

"At that time, the kingdom from heaven will be comparable to ten bridesmaids who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the groom. Now five of them were foolish, and five were wise, because when the foolish ones took their lamps, they didn't take any oil with them. read more.
But the wise ones took flasks of oil with their lamps. Since the groom was late, all of them became sleepy and lay down. But at midnight there came a shout: "The groom is here! Come out to meet him!' Then all the bridesmaids woke up and got their lamps ready. "But the foolish ones told the wise, "Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out!' "But the wise ones replied, "No! There will never be enough for us and for you. You'd better go to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.' "While they were away buying it, the groom arrived. Those who were ready went with him into the wedding banquet, and the door was closed. Later, the other bridesmaids arrived and said, "Lord, lord, open up for us!' "But he replied, "I tell all of you with certainty, I don't know you!' So keep on watching, because you don't know the day or the hour."

Parables » Remarkable parables of the old testament

Judges 9:8-15

"Once upon a time the trees went out to consecrate a king for themselves. "So they told the olive tree, "Reign over us!' But the olive tree asked them, "Should I stop producing my rich oils by which both God and men are honored and go take dominion over trees?' "So the trees told the fig tree, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' read more.
But the fig tree asked them, "Should I leave my sweet, good fruit and go take dominion over trees?' "So the trees told the grape vine, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' But the grape vine asked them, "Should I leave my new wine, which cheers God and man, and go take dominion over trees?' "So all the trees told the bramble bush, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' Then the bramble bush replied to the trees, "If you really are consecrating me to rule you, come and put your confidence in my shade; but if not, may fire spring out from the bramble bush and burn up the cedars of Lebanon"'

2 Samuel 12:1-4

Nathan approached David and said, "There are two men in the city. One is rich and one is poor. The rich man has many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing except for one little ewe lamb that he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It used to share his food and drink from his own cup. It even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him. A traveler arrived to visit the rich man. Because he was unwilling to take an animal from one of his own flocks or herds to prepare for the guest who had come to visit him, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to visit him."

2 Samuel 14:5-7

The king asked her, "What's your problem?" "I've been a widowed woman ever since my husband died," she answered. "Your humble servant used to have two sons, but they got into a fight out in the field. Because there was no one to keep them apart, one of them attacked the other and killed him. Now please pay attention closely! My whole family is attacking your humble servant! They're saying, "Turn over the one who attacked his brother and we'll put him to death in retribution for his brother, whose life he took. That way, we'll kill the heir also!' They're going to extinguish the only light left in my family, leaving my late husband neither an ongoing name nor a survivor on the face of the earth!"

Parables » Of the old testament » Of woman of tekoa

2 Samuel 14:15

"Now as to why I've come to speak with your majesty the king, it's because the people have made me afraid, so your humble servant told herself, "I'll go speak to the king, so perhaps the king will do what his humble servant has requested.

Parables » Of the old testament » Of a prophet

1 Kings 20:39

As the king was passing by, he cried out to the king and told him, "Your servant went out into the middle of the battle, and a soldier turned aside, brought a prisoner to me, and told me, "Guard this man. If he turns up missing for any reason at all, you'll pay for it with your life or be fined one talent of silver.'

Parables » Of the old testament » Of nathan

Parables » Parables of Christ » Man of the house watching

Matthew 24:43

But be sure of this: if the owner of the house had known when during the night the thief would be coming, he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Treasure hid in a field

Parables » Parables of Christ » Rich man and lazarus

Luke 16:19-31

"Once there was a rich man who used to dress in purple and fine linen and live in great luxury every day. A beggar named Lazarus, who was covered with sores, was brought to his gate. He was always trying to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs used to come and lick his sores. read more.
"One day, the beggar died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In the afterlife, where he was in constant torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus by his side. So he shouted, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me! Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool off my tongue, because I am suffering in this fire.' "But Abraham said, "My child, remember that during your lifetime you received blessings, while Lazarus received hardships. But now he is being comforted here, while you suffer. Besides all this, a wide chasm has been fixed between us, so that those who want to cross from this side to you cannot do so, nor can they cross from your side to us.' "The rich man said, "Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house because I have five brothers to warn them, so that they won't end up in this place of torture, too.' "Abraham said, "They have Moses and the Prophets. They should listen to them!' "But the rich man replied, "No, father Abraham! But if someone from the dead went to them, they would repent.' "Then Abraham told him, "If your brothers do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded, even if someone were to rise from the dead.'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » King going to war

Luke 14:31-33

"Or suppose a king is going to war against another king. He will first sit down and consider whether with 10,000 men he can fight the one coming against him with 20,000 men, won't he? If he can't, he will send a delegation to ask for terms of peace while the other king is still far away. In the same way, none of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his possessions."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Good samaritan

Luke 10:30-37

After careful consideration, Jesus replied, "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell into the hands of bandits. They stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. By chance, a priest was traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he went by on the other side. Similarly, a descendant of Levi came to that place. When he saw the man, he also went by on the other side. read more.
But as he was traveling along, a Samaritan came across the man. When the Samaritan saw him, he was moved with compassion. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day, he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, "Take good care of him. If you spend more than that, I'll repay you when I come back.' "Of these three men, who do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the bandits?" He said, "The one who showed mercy to him." Jesus told him, "Go and do what he did."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Cloud and wind

Luke 12:54-57

Then Jesus told the crowds, "When you see a cloud coming in from the west, you immediately say, "There's going to be a storm,' and that's what happens. When you see a south wind blowing, you say, "It's going to be hot,' and so it is. You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky, yet you don't know how to interpret the present time?" read more.
"Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?

Parables » Parables of Christ » Savor of salt

Luke 14:34-35

"Now, salt is good. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can its flavor be restored? It's suitable neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. People throw it away. Let the person who has ears to hear, listen!"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Rich fool

Luke 12:16-21

Then he told them a parable. He said, "The land of a certain rich man produced good crops. So he began to think to himself, "What should I do, since I have no place to store my crops?' Then he said, "This is what I'll do. I'll tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and I'll store all my grain and goods in them. read more.
Then I'll say to myself, "You've stored up plenty of good things for many years. Take it easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself."' But God told him, "You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you. Now who will get the things you've accumulated?' That's how it is with the person who stores up treasures for himself rather than with God."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Pounds

Luke 19:12-27

So he said, "A prince went to a distant country to be appointed king and then to return. He called ten of his servants and gave them ten coins. He told them, "Invest this money until I come back.' But the citizens of his country hated him and sent a delegation to follow him and to announce, "We don't want this man to rule over us!' read more.
"After he was appointed king, the prince came back. He ordered the servants to whom he had given the money to be called so he could find out what they had earned by investing. The first servant came and said, "Sir, your coin has earned ten more coins.' The king told him, "Well done, good servant! Because you have been trustworthy in a very small thing, take charge of ten cities.' "The second servant came and said, "Your coin, sir, has earned five coins.' The king told him, "You take charge of five cities.' "Then the other servant came and said, "Sir, look! Here's your coin. I've kept it in a cloth for safekeeping because I was afraid of you. You are a hard man. You withdraw what you didn't deposit and harvest what you didn't plant.' The king told him, "I will judge you by your own words, you evil servant! You knew, did you, that I was a hard man, and that I withdraw what I didn't deposit and harvest what I didn't plant? Then why didn't you put my money in the bank? When I returned, I could have collected it with interest.' "So the king told those standing nearby, "Take the coin away from him and give it to the man who has the ten coins.' They answered him, "Sir, he already has ten coins!' "I tell you, to everyone who has something, more will be given, but from the person who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away. But as for these enemies of mine who didn't want me to be their king bring them here and slaughter them in my presence!'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Man taking a far journey

Mark 13:34-37

It's like a man who went on a trip. As he left home, he put his servants in charge, each with his own work, and he ordered the doorkeeper to be alert. So keep on watching, because you don't know when the master of the house is coming whether in the evening, at three o'clock in the morning, or at dawn. Otherwise, he may come suddenly and find you asleep. read more.
I'm telling you what I'm telling everyone: Be alert!"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Unclean spirit

Matthew 12:43

"Whenever an unclean spirit goes out of a person, it wanders through waterless places looking for a place to rest, but finds none.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Prodigal son

Luke 15:11-32

Then Jesus said, "A man had two sons. The younger one told his father, "Father, give me my share of the estate.' So the father divided his property between them. A few days later, the younger son gathered everything he owned and traveled to a distant country. There he wasted it all on wild living. read more.
After he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. So he went out to work for one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. No one would give him anything, even though he would gladly have filled himself with the husks the pigs were eating. "Then he came to his senses and said, "How many of my father's hired men have more food than they can eat, and here I am starving to death! I will get up, go to my father, and say to him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore. Treat me like one of your hired men."' "So he got up and went to his father. While he was still far away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him affectionately. Then his son told him, "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore.' But the father told his servants, "Hurry! Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let's eat and celebrate! Because my son was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate. "Now the father's older son was in the field. As he was coming back to the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called to one of the servants and asked what was happening. The servant told him, "Your brother has come home, and your father has killed the fattened calf because he got him back safely.' "Then the older son became angry and wouldn't go into the house. So his father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, "Listen! All these years I've worked like a slave for you. I've never disobeyed a command of yours. Yet you've never given me so much as a young goat for a festival so I could celebrate with my friends. But this son of yours spent your money on prostitutes, and when he came back, you killed the fattened calf for him!' "His father told him, "My child, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found.'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Leaven

Matthew 13:33

He told them another parable: "The kingdom from heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened."

Parables » Parables of Christ » New cloth and old garment

Matthew 9:16

"No one patches an old garment with a piece of unshrunk cloth, because the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.

Parables » Parables of Christ » New wine and old bottles

Matthew 9:17

Nor do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will spill out, and the skins will be ruined. Instead, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Men bidden to a feast

Luke 14:7-11

When Jesus noticed how the guests were choosing the places of honor, he told them a parable. "When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, don't sit down at the place of honor in case someone more important than you was invited by the host. Then the host who invited both of you would come to you and say, "Give this person your place.' In disgrace, you would have to take the place of least honor. read more.
But when you are invited, go and sit down at the place of least honor. Then, when your host comes, he will tell you, "Friend, move up higher,' and you will be honored in the presence of everyone who eats with you. Because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the person who humbles himself will be exalted."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Pharisee and publican

Luke 18:9-14

Jesus also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves, thinking they were righteous, but who looked down on everyone else: "Two men went up to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, "O God, I thank you that I'm not like other people thieves, dishonest people, adulterers, or even this tax collector. read more.
I fast twice a week, and I give a tenth of my entire income.' "But the tax collector stood at a distance and would not even look up to heaven. Instead, he continued to beat his chest and said, "O God, be merciful to me, the sinner that I am!' I tell you, this man, rather than the other one, went down to his home justified, because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the person who humbles himself will be exalted."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Lost piece of silver

Luke 15:8-10

"Or suppose a woman has ten coins and loses one of them. She lights a lamp, sweeps the house, and searches carefully until she finds it, doesn't she? When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, "Rejoice with me, because I have found the coin that I lost!' In the same way, I tell you that there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner who repents."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Creditor and debtors

Luke 7:41-47

"Two men were in debt to a moneylender. One owed him 500 denarii, and the other 50. When they couldn't pay it back, he generously canceled the debts for both of them. Now which of them will love him more?" Simon answered, "I suppose the one who had the larger debt canceled." Jesus told him, "You have answered correctly." read more.
Then, turning to the woman, he told Simon, "Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You didn't give me any water for my feet, but this woman has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You didn't give me a kiss, but this woman, from the moment I came in, has not stopped kissing my feet. You didn't anoint my head with oil, but this woman has anointed my feet with perfume. So I'm telling you that her sins, as many as they are, have been forgiven, and that's why she has shown such great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven loves little."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Tree and its fruit

Luke 6:43-45

"A good tree doesn't produce rotten fruit, and a rotten tree doesn't produce good fruit, because every tree is known by its own fruit. People don't gather figs from thorny plants or pick grapes from a thorn bush. A good person produces good from the good treasure of his heart, and an evil person produces evil from an evil treasure, because the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Beam and mote

Luke 6:41-42

"Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you don't see the beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you'll see clearly enough to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Children of the bride-chamber

Parables » Parables of Christ » Seed growing secretly

Mark 4:26-29

He was also saying, "The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seeds on the ground. He sleeps and gets up night and day while the seeds sprout and grow, although he doesn't know how the ground produces grain by itself first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head. read more.
But when the grain is ripe, he immediately starts cutting with his sickle because the harvest time has come."

Parables » Of the garment which was torn in pieces

1 Kings 11:30-32

Ahijah grabbed the new cloak that he was wearing and tore it into twelve pieces! Then he told Jeroboam, "Take ten pieces for yourself, because this is what the LORD God of Israel says: "Pay attention! I'm going to tear the kingdom out of Solomon's control and give you ten tribes. I'll leave him one tribe for the sake of my servant David and one tribe for the sake of Jerusalem, the city that I chose from all of the tribes of Israel.

Parables » Of the skins filled with wine

Jeremiah 13:12-14

"This is what you're to tell them: "This is what the LORD God of Israel says: "Every wineskin is to be filled with wine."' When they say to you, "Don't we know very well that every wineskin is to be filled with wine?', then say to them, "This is what the LORD says: "I'm about to make all the inhabitants of this land drunk the kings who sit on David's throne, the priests, the prophets, and all the residents of Jerusalem. I'll smash them against each other, even fathers against their sons," declares the LORD. "I'll have no pity, mercy, or compassion when I destroy them."'"

Parables » Of the prisoner of war

1 Kings 20:39-41

As the king was passing by, he cried out to the king and told him, "Your servant went out into the middle of the battle, and a soldier turned aside, brought a prisoner to me, and told me, "Guard this man. If he turns up missing for any reason at all, you'll pay for it with your life or be fined one talent of silver.' While your servant was busy here and there, the prisoner escaped." The king told him, "By your actions you've earned the proper judgment!" Then the prophet quickly tore off his bandage, and the king of Israel recognized him as being one of the prophets.

Parables » Of the husbandman

Isaiah 28:23-29

"Pay attention! Listen to what I have to say; Pay attention, and hear my speech. Does he who plows for sowing plow all the time? Does he keep on breaking up and harrowing his field? When he has leveled its surface, he scatters caraway and sows cumin, doesn't he? He plants wheat in rows, barley in its designated place, and feed for livestock around its borders, doesn't he? read more.
His God instructs him regarding the correct way, directing him how to plant. For caraway is not threshed with a sharp sledge, nor is a cart wheel rolled over cumin. Instead, caraway is winnowed with a stick, and cumin with a rod. It must be ground; one cannot keep threshing it forever. Even if he drives his cart and horses over it, he cannot crush it. This insight also comes from the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, who is distinguished in practical advice and magnificent in sound wisdom."

Parables » Parables of Christ » Importunate friend

Luke 11:5-9

Then he told them, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say to him, "Friend, let me borrow three loaves of bread. A friend of mine on a trip has dropped in on me, and I don't have anything to serve him.' Suppose he answers from inside, "Stop bothering me! The door is already locked, and my children are here with us in the bedroom. I can't get up and give you anything!' read more.
I tell you, even though that man doesn't want to get up and give him anything because he is his friend, he will get up and give him whatever he needs because of his persistence. So I say to you: Keep asking, and it will be given you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you,

Parables » Parables of Christ » Importunate widow

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus told his disciples a parable about their need to pray all the time and never give up. He said, "In a city there was a judge who didn't fear God or respect people. In that city there was also a widow who kept coming to him and saying, "Grant me justice against my adversary.' read more.
For a while the judge refused. But later, he told himself, "I don't fear God or respect people, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her justice. Otherwise, she will keep coming and wear me out.'" Then the Lord added, "Listen to what the unrighteous judge says. Won't God grant his chosen people justice when they cry out to him day and night? Is he slow to help them? I tell you, he will give them justice quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Barren fig-tree

Luke 13:6-9

Then Jesus told them this parable: "A man had a fig tree that had been planted in his vineyard. He went to look for fruit on it but didn't find any. So he told the gardener, "Look here! For three years I've been coming to look for fruit on this tree but I haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it waste the soil?' But the gardener replied, "Sir, leave it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and fertilize it. read more.
Maybe next year it will bear fruit. If not, then cut it down.'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Unjust steward

Luke 16:1-8

Now Jesus was saying to the disciples, "A rich man had a servant manager who was accused of wasting his assets. So he called for him and asked him, "What's this I hear about you? You can't be my manager any longer. Now give me a report about your management!' "Then the servant manager told himself, "What should I do? My master is taking my position away from me. I'm not strong enough to plow, and I'm ashamed to beg. read more.
I know what I'll do so that people will welcome me into their homes when I'm dismissed from my job.' "So he called for each of his master's debtors. He asked the first, "How much do you owe my master?' The man replied, "A hundred jars of olive oil.' The manager told him, "Get your bill. Sit down quickly and write "50."' Then he asked another debtor, "How much do you owe?' The man replied, "A hundred containers of wheat.' The manager told him, "Get your bill and write "80."' The master praised the dishonest servant manager for being so clever, because worldly people are more clever than enlightened people in dealing with their own.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Vine and branches

John 15:1-5

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vintner. He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit in me, and he cuts back every branch that does produce fruit, so that it might produce more fruit. You are already clean because of what I've spoken to you. read more.
"Abide in me, and I will abide in you. Just as the branch cannot produce fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who abides in me while I abide in him produces much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Good shepherd

John 10:1-6

"Truly, I tell all of you emphatically, the person who doesn't enter the sheepfold through the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a bandit. The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. It's to him the gatekeeper opens the gate, and it's his voice the sheep hear. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. read more.
When he has driven out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice. They'll never follow a stranger, but will run away from him because they don't recognize the voice of strangers." Jesus used this illustration with them, but they didn't understand what he was saying to them.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Lost sheep

Luke 15:3-7

So he told them this parable: "Suppose one of you has 100 sheep and loses one of them. He leaves the 99 in the wilderness and looks for the one that is lost until he finds it, doesn't he? When he finds it, he puts it on his shoulders and rejoices. read more.
Then he goes home, calls his friends and neighbors together, and says to them, "Rejoice with me, because I've found my lost sheep!' In the same way, I tell you that there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people who don't need to repent."

Parables » The sheet lowered down from the sky (in peter's vision)

Acts 10:10-16

He became very hungry and wanted to eat, and while the food was being prepared, he fell into a trance and saw heaven open and something like a large linen sheet coming down, being lowered by its four corners to the ground. In it were all kinds of four-footed animals, reptiles, and birds of the air. read more.
Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter! Kill something and eat it." But Peter said, "Absolutely not, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean!" Again the voice came to him a second time, "You must stop calling unclean what God has made clean." This happened three times. Then the sheet was quickly taken back into heaven.

Parables » Of the woman of tekoa

2 Samuel 14:5-12

The king asked her, "What's your problem?" "I've been a widowed woman ever since my husband died," she answered. "Your humble servant used to have two sons, but they got into a fight out in the field. Because there was no one to keep them apart, one of them attacked the other and killed him. Now please pay attention closely! My whole family is attacking your humble servant! They're saying, "Turn over the one who attacked his brother and we'll put him to death in retribution for his brother, whose life he took. That way, we'll kill the heir also!' They're going to extinguish the only light left in my family, leaving my late husband neither an ongoing name nor a survivor on the face of the earth!" read more.
Then the king replied to the woman, "Go home and I'll issue a special order just for you." But the woman from Tekoa told the king, "Your majesty, let any guilt for this be on me and on my ancestors' household, and not on my king or his throne!" The king replied, "Bring anyone who talks to you about this to me, and he certainly won't be bothering you anymore!" Then she said, "Your majesty, please remember the LORD your God, so that blood avengers don't do any more damage! Otherwise, they'll destroy my son!" So he promised, "As the LORD lives, not even a single hair from your son's head will fall to the ground!" At this, the woman responded, "Would your majesty the king please allow your humble servant to say one more thing?" "Say it"" he replied.

Parables » Furnished house

2 Timothy 2:20-21

In a large house there are not only utensils made of gold and silver, but also those made of wood and clay. Some are for special use, while others are for ordinary use. Therefore, if anyone stops associating with these people, he will become a special utensil, set apart for the owner's use, prepared for every good action.

Parables » The mirror

James 1:23-25

For if anyone hears the word but is not obedient to it, he is like a man who looks at himself in a mirror and studies himself carefully, and then goes off and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the one who looks at the perfect law of freedom and remains committed to it thereby demonstrating that he is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of what that law requires will be blessed in what he does.

Parables » The gourd

Jonah 4:10-11

But the LORD asked, "You cared about a vine plant that you neither worked on nor cultivated? A vine plant that grew up overnight and died overnight? So why shouldn't I be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than 120,000 human beings who do not know their right hand from their left, as well as a lot of livestock?

Parables » Of the old testament » Of jotham

Judges 9:7

When Jotham was informed about this, he went out, took his stand on top of Mount Gerizim, and cried out loudly, "Listen to me, you "lords" of Shechem, and God will listen to you.

Parables » Of a vine of egypt

Psalm 80:8-16

You uprooted a vine from Egypt, and drove out nations to transplant it. You cleared the ground so that its roots grew and filled the land. Mountains were covered by its shadows, and the mighty cedars by its branches. read more.
Its branches spread out to the Mediterranean Sea and its shoots to the Euphrates River. Why did you break down its walls so that those who pass by pluck its fruits? Wild boars of the forest gnaw at it, and creatures of the field feed on it. God of the Heavenly Armies, return! Look down from heaven and see. Show care toward this vine. The root that your right hand planted, the shoot that you tended for yourself, was burned with fire, cut off, and destroyed on account of your rebuke.

Parables » Of lions' cubs

Ezekiel 19:1-9

"Now as for you, publish this mourning psalm about Israel's leaders. Tell them: "What a lioness your mother was among lions! She reared her cubs in the midst of fierce young males. She raised one cub in particular, teaching that fierce lion to become a hunter-prowler to eat human beings. read more.
The nations heard about him. He had become caught in their trap. They brought him with hooks to the land of Egypt. When she learned that her plans had been frustrated and that her hopes were dashed, she took another of her cubs and turned him into a fierce lion. He prowled around among the lions, became a strong, young lion, and learned to become a hunter-prowler to eat human beings. He raped the women, devastating their towns. The land was made desolate, and all the while the land was filled with the sound of his roaring. The surrounding nations attacked. They tossed their net over him, and he was caught in their trap. They imprisoned him in a cage with hooks and brought him to the king of Babel. Then they placed him in their dungeon where his voice would no longer be heard on the mountains of Israel.

Parables » Of the lamb

2 Samuel 12:1-6

Nathan approached David and said, "There are two men in the city. One is rich and one is poor. The rich man has many flocks and herds, but the poor man had nothing except for one little ewe lamb that he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It used to share his food and drink from his own cup. It even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him. A traveler arrived to visit the rich man. Because he was unwilling to take an animal from one of his own flocks or herds to prepare for the guest who had come to visit him, he took the poor man's lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to visit him." read more.
David flew into a rage at the man and told Nathan, "As the LORD lives, the man who did this deserves to die! He will restore the lamb four times its value, because he did this thing, and because he did it without compassion."

Parables » The two covenants

Galatians 4:22-31

For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave woman and the other by a free woman. Now the slave woman's son was conceived through human means, while the free woman's son was conceived through divine promise. This is being said as an allegory, for these women represent two covenants. The one woman, Hagar, is from Mount Sinai, and her children are born into slavery. read more.
Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to present-day Jerusalem, because she is in slavery along with her children. But the heavenly Jerusalem is the free woman, and she is our spiritual mother. For it is written, "Rejoice, you childless woman, who cannot give birth to any children! Break into song and shout, you who feel no pains of childbirth! For the children of the deserted woman are more numerous than the children of the woman who has a husband." So you, brothers, are children of the promise, like Isaac. But just as then the son who was conceived according to the flesh persecuted the son who was conceived according to the Spirit, so it is now. But what does the Scripture say? "Drive out the slave woman and her son, for the son of the slave woman must never share the inheritance with the son of the free woman." So then, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman but of the free woman.

Parables » The boiling pot

Ezekiel 24:3-5

So compose a parable for the rebellious house. Tell them, "This is what the Lord God says: "Prepare your pot for boiling! Set it in place. Fill it up with water, too. Gather together the best pieces of meat on it including the thighs and the shoulders and fill it with the choicest bones. Take the best bones from the flock, pile wood under the pot for the bones, bring it to a boil, and then cook the bones in it."'"

Parables » Parables of Christ » Kingdom, divided against itself

Mark 3:24

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

Parables » Parables of Christ » House, divided against itself

Mark 3:25

And if a household is divided against itself, that household won't stand.

Parables » Parables of Christ » Blind leading the blind

Luke 6:39

He also told them a parable: "One blind person can't lead another blind person, can he? Both will fall into a ditch, won't they?

Parables » The mercenary soldier

2 Timothy 2:3-4

Join me in suffering like a good soldier of the Messiah Jesus. No one serving in the military gets mixed up in civilian matters, for his aim is to please his commanding officer.

Parables » Of the trees

Judges 9:8-15

"Once upon a time the trees went out to consecrate a king for themselves. "So they told the olive tree, "Reign over us!' But the olive tree asked them, "Should I stop producing my rich oils by which both God and men are honored and go take dominion over trees?' "So the trees told the fig tree, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' read more.
But the fig tree asked them, "Should I leave my sweet, good fruit and go take dominion over trees?' "So the trees told the grape vine, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' But the grape vine asked them, "Should I leave my new wine, which cheers God and man, and go take dominion over trees?' "So all the trees told the bramble bush, "Hey you! Come and reign over us!' Then the bramble bush replied to the trees, "If you really are consecrating me to rule you, come and put your confidence in my shade; but if not, may fire spring out from the bramble bush and burn up the cedars of Lebanon"'

Parables » Of the thistle and cedar

2 Kings 14:9

But King Jehoash of Israel sent this message to King Amaziah of Judah: "The thorn bush in Lebanon sent this message to the cedar of Lebanon: "Give your daughter to my son in marriage.' But just then a wild beast from Lebanon wandered by and trampled down the thorn bush.

Parables » The athlete

Parables » The farmer

Parables » Of aholah and aholibah

Parables » Of the two eagles

Topics on Parables

Jesus Using Parables

Matthew 13:3

Then he began to tell them many things in parables. He said, "Listen! A farmer went out to sow.

Old Testament Parables

Judges 9:8-15

"Once upon a time the trees went out to consecrate a king for themselves. "So they told the olive tree, "Reign over us!'

Others Using Parables

Ezekiel 20:49

Then I said, "O Lord GOD! They're saying about me, "Isn't he one to propound parables?'"

Parables About The Last Judgment

Matthew 13:47-50

"Again, the kingdom from heaven is like a large net thrown into the sea that gathered all kinds of fish.

Parables Of Agriculture

Matthew 13:3-9

Then he began to tell them many things in parables. He said, "Listen! A farmer went out to sow.

Parables Of Christ

Matthew 7:24-27

"Therefore, everyone who listens to these messages of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a rock.

Parables Of Sowing

Matthew 13:3-8

Then he began to tell them many things in parables. He said, "Listen! A farmer went out to sow.

Parables Of The Kingdom

Mark 4:30

He was also saying, "How can we show what the kingdom of God is like, or what parable can we use to describe it?

Parables Of The Kingdom Of Heaven

Mark 4:26-29

He was also saying, "The kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seeds on the ground.

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