78 Bible Verses about Retribution

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Exodus 20:5-6

Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them, for I, LORD thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of those who hate me, and showing loving kindness to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Hebrews 10:30

For we know him who said, Vengeance is for me, I will repay, says Lord. And again, Lord will judge his people.

Deuteronomy 32:35

Vengeance is mine, and recompense at the time when their foot shall slide. For the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that are to come upon them shall make haste.

Exodus 32:33-34

And LORD said to Moses, Whoever has sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book. And now go, lead the people to [the place] of which I have spoken to thee. Behold, my [heavenly] agent shall go before thee. Nevertheless in the day when I visit, I will visit their sin upon them.

Leviticus 26:23-25

And if by these things ye will not be reformed to me, but will walk contrary to me, then I also will walk contrary to you, and I will smite you, even I, seven times for your sins. And I will bring a sword upon you that shall execute the vengeance of the covenant, and ye shall be gathered together within your cities. And I will send the pestilence among you, and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enem

Deuteronomy 7:9-10

Know therefore that LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and loving kindness with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations, and repays those who hate him to their face, to destroy them. He will not be slack to him who hates him. He will repay him to his face.

Deuteronomy 32:41-43

if I whet my glittering sword, and my hand takes hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to my adversaries, and will recompense those who hate me. I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and the captives, from the head of the leaders of the enemy. Rejoice, O ye Gentiles, [with] his people. For he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will recompense those who hate him, and will make expiation for his land, for his people.

Job 34:11

For the work of a man he will render to him, and cause every man to find according to his ways.

Proverbs 24:12

If thou say, Behold, we did not know this, Does not he who weighs the hearts consider it? And he who keeps thy soul, does he not know it? And shall not he render to every man according to his work?

Isaiah 1:24

Therefore says the Lord, LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of my adversaries, and avenge me of my enemies.

Nahum 1:2

LORD is a jealous God and avenges. LORD avenges and is full of wrath. LORD takes vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserves [wrath] for his enemies.

Genesis 18:25

That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay a righteous man with a wicked man, that so the righteous man should be as the wicked man. Far be it from thee. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?

Deuteronomy 32:3-4

For I will proclaim the name of LORD. Ascribe ye greatness to our God. The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice, a God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is he.

2 Chronicles 12:1-6

And it came to pass, when the kingdom of Rehoboam was established, and he was strong, that he forsook the law of LORD, and all Israel with him. And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem, because they had trespassed against LORD, with twelve hundred chariots, and thirty thousand horsemen. And the people were without number who came with him out of Egypt: the Lubim, the Sukkiim, and the Ethiopians.read more.
And he took the fortified cities which pertained to Judah, and came to Jerusalem. Now Shemaiah the prophet came to Rehoboam, and to the rulers of Judah, who were gathered together to Jerusalem because of Shishak, and said to them, Thus says LORD, Ye have forsaken me, therefore I have also left you in the hand of Then the rulers of Israel and the king humbled themselves, and they said, LORD is righteous.

Psalm 58:10-11

A righteous man shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked, so that men shall say, Truly there is a reward for the righteous man. Truly there is a God who judges in the earth.

Jeremiah 5:7-9

How can I pardon thee? Thy sons have forsaken me, and sworn by those who are no gods. When I had fed them to the full, they committed adultery, and assembled themselves in troops at the harlots' houses. They were as fed horses roaming at large; everyone neighed after his neighbor's wife. Shall I not visit for these things? says LORD. And shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because thou have rejected knowledge, I also will reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me. Since thou have forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy sons.

Psalm 7:15-16

He has made a pit, and dug it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violence shall come down upon his own scalp.

Psalm 37:14-15

The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, to kill such as are upright in the way. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.

Proverbs 1:18

and these lay wait for their own blood. They lurk secretly for their own lives.

Proverbs 26:27

He who digs a pit shall fall in it, and he who rolls a stone, it shall return upon him.

Proverbs 28:10

He who causes the upright to go astray in an evil way, he shall fall himself into his own pit. But the perfect shall inherit good.

Matthew 26:52

Then Jesus says to him, Return thy sword into its place, for all those who take a sword will die by a sword.

Galatians 6:7-8

Be not misled, God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows this he will also reap. Because he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Exodus 21:23-25

But if any harm follows, then thou shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.

Leviticus 24:17-22

And he who smites any man mortally shall surely be put to death. And he who smites a beast mortally shall make it good, life for life. And if a man causes a blemish in his neighbor, as he has done, so shall it be done to him:read more.
injury for injury, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, as he has caused a blemish in a man, so shall it be rendered to him. And he who kills a beast shall make it good. And he who kills a man shall be put to death. Ye shall have one manner of law, as for the sojourner, as for the home-born, for I am LORD your God.

Numbers 35:16-25

But if he smote him with an instrument of iron, so that he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. And if he smote him with a stone in the hand, by which a man may die, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death. Or if he smote him with a weapon of wood in the hand, by which a man may die, and he died, he is a murderer. The murderer shall surely be put to death.read more.
The avenger of blood shall himself put the murderer to death. When he meets him, he shall put him to death. And if he thrust him from hatred, or hurled at him, laying in wait, so that he died, or in enmity smote him with his hand, so that he died, he who smote him shall surely be put to death. He is a murderer. The avenger of blood shall put the murderer to death, when he meets him. But if he thrust him suddenly without enmity, or hurled upon him anything without laying in wait, or with any stone, by which a man may die, not seeing him, and cast it upon him, so that he died, and he was not his enemy, nor sought his harm, then the congregation shall judge between the smiter and the avenger of blood according to these ordinances. And the congregation shall deliver the manslayer out of the hand of the avenger of blood, and the congregation shall restore him to his city of refuge where he fled. And he shall dwell in it until the death of the high priest, who

Proverbs 24:29

Say not, I will do so to him as he has done to me; I will render to the man according to his work.

Matthew 5:38-39

Ye have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, not to resist what is troublesome, but whoever will strike thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Psalm 28:4

Give them according to their work, and according to the wickedness of their doings. Give them after the operation of their hands. Render to them their recompense,

2 Thessalonians 1:6-10

Since it is a righteous thing according to God to repay restriction to those who restrict you, and relief with us, to you who are restricted, at the revealing of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his agents of power in a fire of flame rendering vengeance to those who have not known God, and to those not obeying the good-news of our Lord Jesus Christ.read more.
Men who will suffer punishment, a penalty of eternal destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes to be glorified in his sanctified, and to be marveled in that day by all those who believe (because our testimony among you was believed).

Psalm 79:10

Why should the nations say, Where is their God? Let the avenging of the blood of thy servants which is shed be known among the nations in our sight.

Psalm 94:1-2

O LORD, thou God to whom vengeance belongs, thou God to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth. Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth. Render to the proud a recompense.

Psalm 137:8-9

O daughter of Babylon, who is to be destroyed, happy shall he be who rewards thee as thou have served us. Happy shall he be who takes and dashes thy little ones against the rock.

Lamentations 3:64-66

Thou will render to them a recompense, O LORD, according to the work of their hands. Thou will give them hardness of heart, thy curse to them. Thou will pursue them in anger, and destroy them from under the heavens of LORD.

Revelation 20:13

And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead in them. And they were judged, each according to their works.

Psalm 62:11-12

God has spoken once, twice I have heard this, that power belongs to God. Also to thee, O LORD, belongs loving kindness, for thou render to every man according to his work.

John 5:28-29

Marvel not at this, because an hour comes in which all those in the sepulchers will hear his voice, and will come forth, those who have done right to a resurrection of life, and those who have practiced wrong to a resurrection of judgment.

Romans 2:5-11

But according to thy hardness, and thy impenitent heart, thou store up wrath to thyself in the day of wrath, and revelation, and righteous judgment of God, who will render to each man according to his works, to those who indeed seek by perseverance of good work, glory and esteem and immortality--eternal life--read more.
but to those of self-interest, and who indeed disobey the truth but have confidence in unrighteousness--anger and wrath, pressure and restriction, upon every soul of man who produces evil, both of the Jew first, and of the Greek, but glory and esteem and peace to every man who works good, both to the Jew first, and to the Greek. For there is no partiality with God.

Genesis 3:14

And LORD God said to the serpent, Because thou have done this, cursed are thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the field. Upon thy belly thou shall go, and dust thou shall eat all the days of thy life.

Genesis 3:15-16

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. He shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. To the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy pain and thy childbearing, in pain thou shall bring forth children. And thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Genesis 6:5-7

And LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And LORD regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. And LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the ground, from man, to beast, to creeping things, and birds of the heavens, for I regret that I have made them.

Genesis 11:5-7

And LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the sons of men built. And LORD said, Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is what they begin to do. And now nothing will be withheld from them, which they propose to do. Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand each other's speech.

Genesis 19:24

Then LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from LORD out of heaven.

Exodus 7:16-17

And thou shall say to him, LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness. And, behold, until now thou have not hearkened. Thus says LORD, In this thou shall know that I am LORD. Behold, I will smite with the rod that is in my hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.

Exodus 11:1

And LORD said to Moses, Yet one plague more I will bring upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt, afterwards he will let you go from here. When he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you out from here altogether.

Exodus 12:29

And it came to pass at midnight, that LORD smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the first-born of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the first-born of cattl

1 Corinthians 10:6-10

But these things became our examples, for us not to be men who lust for evil things as those also lusted. Neither become ye idolaters as some of them, as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to revel. Nor should we fornicate as some of them fornicated, and three thousand fell in one day.read more.
Nor should we challenge the Christ as some of them also challenged, and were destroyed by the serpents. And ye should not grumble as some of them grumbled, and were destroyed by the destroyer.

Leviticus 18:25

and the land is defiled. Therefore I visit the iniquity of it upon it, and the land vomits out her inhabitants.

Deuteronomy 9:4

Do not speak thou in thy heart, after LORD thy God has thrust them out from before thee, saying, For my righteousness LORD has brought me in to possess this land. Whereas for the wickedness of these nations LORD drives them out fro

Leviticus 18:28

that the land not vomit you out also, when ye defile it, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.

Deuteronomy 28:47-48

Because thou served not LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, by reason of the abundance of all things, therefore thou shall serve thine enemies that LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things. And he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he has destroyed thee.

Isaiah 65:6-7

Behold, it is written before me. I will not keep silence, but will recompense. Yea, I will recompense into their bosom your own iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, says LORD, [those] who have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills. Therefore I will measure their former work into their bosom.

Isaiah 66:6

A voice of tumult from the city, a voice from the temple, a voice of LORD who renders recompense to his enemies.

Ezekiel 5:11-13

Therefore, as I live, says lord LORD, surely, because thou have defiled my sanctuary with all thy detestable things, and with all thine abominations, therefore I also will diminish [thee], nor shall my eye spare. And I also will ha A third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and they shall be consumed with famine in the midst of thee, and a third part shall fall by the sword round about thee, and a third part I will scatter to all the winds, and will Thus my anger shall be accomplished, and I will cause my wrath toward them to rest, and I shall be comforted. And they shall know that I, LORD, have spoken in my zeal, when I have accomplished my wrath upon them.

Jeremiah 51:6

Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and save every man his life. Be not cut off in her iniquity, for it is the time of LORD's vengeance; he will render to her a recompense.

Matthew 23:35-36

so that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zachariah son of Barachiah, whom ye murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. Truly I say to you, that all these things will come upon this generation.

1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

For ye, brothers, became imitators of the congregations of God, which are in Judea in Christ Jesus, because ye also suffered the same things by your own countrymen, just as also they by the Jews. The men who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and who persecuted us, and are not pleasing to God, and are contrary to all men. Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles so that they might be saved, in order to fill up their sins always. But wrath came upon them finally.

Numbers 16:30

But if LORD makes a new thing, and the ground opens its mouth, and swallows them up, with all that pertains to them, and they go down alive into Sheol, then ye shall understand that these men have despised LORD.

2 Samuel 6:7

And the anger of LORD was kindled against Uzzah, and God smote him there for his error, and he died there by the ark of God.

2 Samuel 12:10

Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thy house, because thou have despised me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife.

Jeremiah 23:2

Therefore thus says LORD, the God of Israel, against the shepherds who feed my people: Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them. Behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, says LORD.

Acts 5:3-5

But Peter said, Ananias, why did Satan fill thy heart for thee to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back from the price of the land? While it remained, did it not remain to thee? And after it was sold, it was in thine authority. Why is it that thou have placed this matter in thy heart? Thou have not lied to men, but to God. And Ananias hearing these words, after falling down he expired. And great fear developed in all who heard these things.

1 Corinthians 11:29-30

For he who eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks condemnation to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord. Because of this many are weak and sickly among you, and a considerable sleep.

Judges 1:7

And Adoni-bezek said, Seventy kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered [scraps] under my table. As I have done, so God has requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.

Judges 9:56-57

Thus God requited the wickedness of Abimelech, which he did to his father, in slaying his seventy brothers. And God requited all the wickedness of the men of Shechem upon their heads. And the curse of Jotham the son of Jerubbaal came upon them.

2 Samuel 18:17

And they took Absalom, and cast him into the great pit in the forest, and raised over him a very great heap of stones. And all Israel fled every man to his tent.

2 Kings 9:7

And thou shall smite the house of Ahab thy master, that I may avenge the blood of my servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of LORD, at the hand of Jezebel.

Romans 1:27

And likewise also the males, having left the natural use of the female, burned in their lust toward each other, males with males producing shamelessness, and receiving in themselves the recompense of their deviancy that was fitting

Joshua 7:25

And Joshua said, Why have thou troubled us? LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and they burned them with fire, and stoned them with stones.

1 Kings 2:31-32

And the king said to him, Do as he has said, and fall upon him, and bury him, that thou may take away the blood, which Joab shed without cause, from me and from my father's house. And LORD will return his blood upon his own head, because he fell upon two men more righteous and better than he, and killed them with the sword, and my father David did not know it, [namely], Abner the son of Ner, captain of the a

From Thematic Bible

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1 Kings 2:32

And LORD will return his blood upon his own head, because he fell upon two men more righteous and better than he, and killed them with the sword, and my father David did not know it, [namely], Abner the son of Ner, captain of the a

Esther 7:10

So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then the king's wrath was pacified.

Judges 1:7

And Adoni-bezek said, Seventy kings, having their thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered [scraps] under my table. As I have done, so God has requited me. And they brought him to Jerusalem, and he died there.

Esther 9:25

But when [the matter] came before the king, he commanded by letters that his wicked device, which he had devised against the Jews, should return upon his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows.

Judges 9:24

that the violence done to the seventy sons of Jerubbaal might come, and that their blood might be laid upon Abimelech their brother who killed them, and upon the men of Shechem who strengthened his hands to kill his brothers.

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