30 Bible Verses about behavior

Most Relevant Verses

1 Peter 3:2

having beheld your chaste conduct mingled with fear:

Romans 13:3

for rulers are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. And do you wish not to fear the authority? Do that which is good, and you shall have praise from the same;

Titus 2:1

But speak the things which become the healthful teaching;

1 Peter 4:4

at which they are surprised, since ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you;

1 Thessalonians 4:12

that ye walk becomingly towards those without, and that ye may have need of nothing.

3 John 1:11

Beloved, do not imitate the evil, but the good. He that does good is of God; the evil-doer has not seen God.

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