401 occurrences

'Replied' in the Bible

But Abram replied, "Lord GOD, what can you give me since I continue to be childless, and the heir of my household is Eliezer from Damascus?

But God replied, "No, but your wife Sarah will give birth to your son, and you are to name him Isaac. I'll confirm my covenant with him as an eternal covenant for his descendants.

I'll bring some food for you, and after that you may continue your journey, since you have come to visit your servant." So they replied, "Okay! Do what you've proposed."

The men asked him, "Where is your wife Sarah?" "There, in the tent," he replied.

But Sarah denied it. "I didn't laugh," she claimed, because she was afraid. The LORD replied, "No! You did laugh!"

Abraham continued to speak to him, asking, "What if 40 are found there?" The LORD replied, "I won't do it for the sake of those 40."

Finally, Abraham inquired, "I hope my LORD will not be angry if I speak only once more. What if ten are found there?" He replied, "For the sake of those ten I won't destroy it."

But they replied, "Get out of the way! This man came here as a foreigner, and now he's acting like a judge! So we're going to deal more harshly with you than with them." Then they pushed hard against the man (that is, against Lot), intending to break down the door.

"All right," the angel replied to Lot, "I'll agree with your request! I won't overthrow the town that you mentioned.

Then God replied to him in the dream, "I know that you did this with pure intentions, and it was I who kept you from sinning against me. Therefore, I didn't allow you to touch her.

"I thought that there's no fear of God in this place," Abraham replied, "and that they would kill me because of my wife.

"I don't know who did this thing," Abimelech replied. "You didn't report this to me, and I didn't hear about it until today."

He replied, "You are to accept from me these seven ewe lambs as a witness that I have dug this well."

Isaac addressed his father Abraham: "My father!" "I'm here, my son," Abraham replied. Isaac asked, "The fire and the wood are here, but where's the lamb for the burnt offering?"

"Make sure not to take my son there," Abraham replied.

"Drink, sir!" she replied as she quickly lowered her jug on her arm to offer him a drink.

"That's when I asked, "Whose daughter are you?' "She replied, "I'm the daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bore for him.'

"Since this has come from the LORD," Laban and Bethuel both replied, "we cannot speak one way or another.

So they called Rebekah and asked her, "Do you want to go with this man?" "I will go," she replied.

"Look! I'm about to die," Esau replied. "What good is this birthright to me?"

Later on, the men of that place asked about his wife, so he replied, "She's my sister," because he was afraid to call her "my wife." He kept thinking, ""otherwise, the men around here will kill me on account of Rebekah, since she's very beautiful."

"My son," she replied, "let any curse against you fall on me. Just listen to me, then go and get them for me."

who went to his father and said, "My father"" "It's me!" he replied. "Which one are you, my son?"

He asked, "Are you really my son Esau?" "I am," Jacob replied.

"Come closer to me," Isaac replied, "so I can eat some of the game, my son, and then bless you." So Jacob came closer, and Isaac ate. Jacob also brought wine so his father could drink.

Isaac replied, "Your brother came here deceitfully and stole your blessing."

At this, his father Isaac replied to him, "Look! Away from the fertile land will be your dwellings; away from the dew of the skies above.

"Do you happen to know Nahor's son Laban?" he inquired. "We do," they replied.

"Look!" Jacob replied. "The sun is still high. It's not yet time for the flocks to be gathered. Let's water the sheep, then let them graze."

"It's better that I give her to you than to another man," Laban replied, "so stay with me."

In response, Leah asked her, "Wasn't it enough that you've taken away my husband? Now you also want to take my son's mandrakes!" But Rachel replied, "Okay, let's let Jacob sleep with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes."

But Jacob replied to Laban, "You know how I've served you and how your cattle thrived under my care.

"Okay," Laban replied. "We'll do it the way you've asked."

"Later, the angel of God spoke to me in a dream, "Jacob.' ""Here I am,' I replied

"I was afraid," Jacob replied. "I thought you might take your daughters from me.

and said, "Let me go, because the dawn has come." "I won't let you go," Jacob replied, "unless you bless me."

"Your name won't be Jacob anymore," the man replied, "but Israel, because you exerted yourself against both God and men, and you've emerged victorious."

But Esau replied, "I already have so much, my brother, so keep what belongs to you."

At this, his brothers replied, "Do you really think you're going to rule us or lord it over us?" So they hated him even more because of his dreams and his interpretations of them.

He asked the men who lived in that area, "Where's that temple prostitute who was sitting alongside the road at Enaim?" But they replied, "There's been no temple prostitute here."

"We had a dream," they replied, "but there's no one to interpret it." "Interpretations belong to God," Joseph told them, "so please tell me your stories."

Joseph replied, "This is what your dream means: The three baskets are also three days.

"I can't do that," Joseph replied, "but God is concerned about Pharaoh's well-being."

"Pharaoh's dreams are identical," Joseph replied. "God has told Pharaoh what he is getting ready to do.

As soon as Joseph saw his brothers, he knew who they were, but he remained disguised and asked them gruffly, "Where are you from?" "From the land of Canaan," they replied. "We're here to buy food."

"No, your majesty," they replied. "Your servants have come here to buy food.

"Didn't I tell you!" Reuben replied. ""Don't wrong the kid!' I said, but would you listen? No! Now it's payback time!"

But Jacob replied, "My son isn't going back with you, since his brother is dead and he's the only one left. If something should harm him as you travel, then it'll be death for me and my sad, gray hair!"

Israel replied, "Why did you make all this trouble by telling the man that you have another brother?"

"If that's the way it has to be," their father Israel replied, "then do this: take some of the best produce of the land in your containers and take them to the man as a gift some resin ointment, some honey, fragrant resins, myrrh, pistachios, and almonds.

"Your servant, our father, is doing well," they replied. "He is still alive." Then they bowed down in humility.

"Your Excellency," they replied, "Why do you speak like this? Far be it from your servants to act like this.

"What can we say, Your Excellency?" Judah replied. "How can we explain this or justify ourselves? God has discovered the sin of your servants, and now we've become slaves to you, Your Excellency, both we and the one in whose possession the cup has been discovered."

"It's enough," Israel replied. "My son Joseph is still alive. I'm going to go see him before I die!"

"Your servants are shepherds," they replied, "both we and our ancestors. We've come to live for a while in this region, since there is no pasture back in Canaan for your servants' flocks. May your servants please live in the Goshen territory?"

Then Pharaoh replied to Joseph, "Now that your father and your brothers have come to you,

"I'm 130 years old," Jacob replied. "My years have turned out to be few and unpleasant, but I haven't yet reached the age my ancestors did during their travels on earth."

"You can surrender your livestock," Joseph replied. "I'll feed them in exchange, since your money is gone."

"You've saved our lives," they replied. "If it pleases you, your Excellency, we'll be Pharaoh's slaves."

Instead, when I've died, as my ancestors have, you are to carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their tomb." "I'll do what you've asked," Joseph replied.

"These are my sons," Joseph replied. "God gave them to me here in Egypt." "Please bring them close to me," Jacob said, "so I can bless them."

"Please go," Pharaoh replied. "Bury your father, as he asked you to do."

"Hebrew women aren't like Egyptian women," the midwives replied to Pharaoh. "They're so healthy that they give birth before the midwives arrive to help them."

The man replied, "Who appointed you to be an official judge over us? Are you planning to kill me like you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses became terrified and told himself, "Certainly this event has become known!"

"An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds," they replied, "and he even drew water for us and watered the sheep!"

The king of Egypt replied to them, "Moses and Aaron, why are you keeping the people from their labor? Go back to your work!"

"It wouldn't be right to sacrifice in this way," Moses replied, "because if we do, we will sacrifice to the LORD our God what is offensive to the Egyptians. If we offer sacrifices that are offensive to the Egyptians in front of them, they'll stone us, won't they?

But Aaron replied to Moses, "Today they've offered their sin and whole burnt offerings in the LORD's presence. Yet things such as these have happened to me. Had I eaten the sin offering today, would that have pleased the LORD?"

But Edom replied, "You are not to pass through my land. If you do, I'll come out and start a war with you."

Then the Israelis replied, "Permit us to travel on the highway. If we and our cattle drink your water, we'll pay the price you ask. Only please let us walk through, and nothing more."

But still he replied, "No. You're not to pass through." Then Edom went out to meet Moses with a vast army and a lot of military might.

If she hadn't turned away from me, I would have killed you by now and left her alive!" At this, Balaam replied to the angel of the LORD, "I've sinned! I didn't know that you were standing to meet me on the road. So now, since it displeases you, let me go back."

"Come with me to another place where you can see them," Balak replied. "You'll only see a portion of them, because you won't be able to see them completely. Come and curse them from there for me."

But Balaam replied to Balak, "I told your messengers,

"If you do this," Moses replied to them, "that is, if you equip yourselves for war in the LORD's presence

"We'll do everything that you commanded," they replied. "We'll go wherever you send us.

Now the woman had taken the two men and hid them. So she replied, "The men really did come to me, but I didn't know from where they came.

The men replied, "We'll be free from our commitment to you to which you've obligated us

"Since you put it that way," she replied, "I agree." After she sent them on their way and they had left, she tied the red cord in the window.

The commander of the LORD's Army replied to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you're standing is holy." So Joshua did so.

"Get up!" the LORD replied to Joshua. "Why have you fallen on your face?

They replied to Joshua, "Because your servants had been informed that the LORD your God had certainly commanded his servant Moses to give you the entire land and to destroy all of the inhabitants of the land before you. So we were terrified for our lives because of you. That's why we did this.

She replied, "Give me a blessing. Since you have given me the land of the Negev, give me also some springs of water." So he gave her the upper and lower springs.

So Joshua replied to them, "Since you're so numerous, go up to the forest and clear ground there for yourselves in the territory where the Perizzites and Rephaim are, because the hill country of Ephraim is too narrow for you."

The descendants of Joseph replied, "The hill country isn't sufficient for us, but all the Canaanites who live on the plain have iron chariots, both those in Beth-shean and its villages as well as the inhabitants of the Jezreel Valley."

So Eleazar's son Phinehas the priest replied to the descendants of Reuben, the descendants of Gad, and the descendants of Manasseh, "Today we've demonstrated that the LORD is among us, because you have not acted treacherously against the LORD. Now you have delivered the Israelis from the anger of the LORD."

"No," the people replied to Joshua. "We will serve the LORD."

Joshua responded, "You are giving testimony against yourselves, that you have chosen to serve the LORD." They replied, "We are witnesses!"

The people replied, "We will serve the LORD our God and obey his voice."

The LORD replied, "The tribe of Judah is to lead you. Look! I've given the land into their control."

"I want this blessing from you," she replied. "Since you've given me land in the Negev, give me water springs, too." So Caleb gave her both the upper and lower springs.

"If you'll go with me, I'll go," Barak replied. "But if you won't go with me, then I'm not going."

But Gideon replied, "Right" Sir, if the LORD is with us, then why has all of this happened to us? And where are all of his miraculous works that our ancestors recounted to us when they said, "The LORD brought us up from Egypt, didn't he?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and given us over to Midian!"

The LORD looked straight at him and replied, "Go with this determination of yours and deliver Israel from Midian's domination. I've directed you, haven't I?"

And please don't leave here until I've come back to you, brought my offering, and set it down in front of you." The LORD replied, "I'll stay until you return."

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