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Yet, as this widow is so troublesome, I will grant her justice, to stop her from plaguing me with her endless visits.'"

"You," they retorted, "were born totally depraved; and are you trying to teach us?" So they expelled him.

When the Jews gathered round him, and said: "How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us so frankly."

This is so, because what can be known about God is plain to them; for God himself has made it plain.

The rest grew callous; as Scripture says--'God has given them a deadness of mind--eyes that are not to see and ears that are not to hear--and it is so to this very day.'

We are not "commending ourselves" again to you, but rather are giving you cause for pride in us, so that you may have an answer ready for those who pride themselves on appearances and not on character.

Yes, I am confident that this is so, and therefore I am sure that I shall stay, and stay near you all, to promote your progress and joy in the Faith;