33 Bible Verses about Being Patient

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Matthew 18:29

Thereupon his fellow-servant threw himself on the ground and begged for mercy. 'Have patience with me,' he said, 'and I will pay you.'

2 Peter 3:15

Regard our Lord's forbearance as your one hope of Salvation. This is what our dear Brother Paul wrote to you, with the wisdom that God gave him.

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Patience » Being patient

Hebrews 12:1-3

Seeing, therefore, that there is on every side of us such a throng of witnesses, let us also lay aside everything that hinders us, and the sin that clings about us, and run with patient endurance the race that lies before us, our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the Leader and perfect Example of our faith, who, for the joy that lay before him, endured the cross, heedless of its shame, and now 'has taken his seat at the right hand' of the throne of God. Weigh well the example of him who had to endure such opposition from 'men who were sinning against themselves,' so that you should not grow weary or faint-hearted.

James 5:7-8

Be patient, then, Brothers, till the Coming of the Lord. Even the farmer has to wait for the precious fruit of the earth, watching over it patiently, till it has had the spring and summer rains. And you must be patient also, and not be discouraged; for the Lord's Coming is near.

Romans 12:10-12

In brotherly love, be affectionate to one another; in showing respect, set an example of deference to one another; Never flagging in zeal; fervent in spirit; serving the Master; Rejoicing in your hope; steadfast under persecution; persevering in prayer;

Hebrews 10:36-37

You still have need of patient endurance, in order that, when you have done God's will, you may obtain the fulfillment of his promise. 'For there is indeed but a very little while ere He who is coming will have come, without delay;

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