25 Bible Verses about Patience

Most Relevant Verses

James 5:7-8

Be patient, then, Brothers, till the Coming of the Lord. Even the farmer has to wait for the precious fruit of the earth, watching over it patiently, till it has had the spring and summer rains. And you must be patient also, and not be discouraged; for the Lord's Coming is near.

James 1:2-4

My Brothers, whatever may be the temptations that beset you from time to time, always regard them as a reason for rejoicing, Knowing, as you do, that the testing of your faith develops endurance. And let endurance do its work perfectly, so that you may be altogether perfect, and in no respect deficient.

Romans 5:3-4

And not only that, but let us also exult in our troubles; For we know that trouble develops endurance, and endurance strength of character, and strength of character hope,

From Thematic Bible

fruit of the Spirit » Patience

James 5:7-11

Be patient, then, Brothers, till the Coming of the Lord. Even the farmer has to wait for the precious fruit of the earth, watching over it patiently, till it has had the spring and summer rains. And you must be patient also, and not be discouraged; for the Lord's Coming is near. Do not make complaints against one another, Brothers, or judgment will be passed upon you. The Judge is already standing at the door! read more.
Brothers, as an example of the patient endurance of suffering, take the Prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. We count those who displayed such endurance blessed! You have heard, too, of Job's endurance, and have seen what the Lord's purpose was, for 'the Lord is full of pity and compassion.'

Patience » In waiting for God

Luke 2:25

There was at that time in Jerusalem a man named Simeon, a righteous and devout man, who lived in constant expectation of the Consolation of Israel, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Patience » Encouraged

Patience » Examples of

Revelation 2:2

I know your life, your toil and endurance, and I know that you cannot tolerate evil-doers. I know, too, how you tested those who declare that they are Apostles, though they are not, and how you proved them false.

Revelation 1:9

I, John, who am your Brother, and who share with you in the suffering and kingship and endurance of Jesus, found myself on the island called Patmos, for the sake of the Message of God and the testimony to Jesus.

More verses: Revelation 14:12

Patience » Being patient

Hebrews 12:1-3

Seeing, therefore, that there is on every side of us such a throng of witnesses, let us also lay aside everything that hinders us, and the sin that clings about us, and run with patient endurance the race that lies before us, our eyes fixed upon Jesus, the Leader and perfect Example of our faith, who, for the joy that lay before him, endured the cross, heedless of its shame, and now 'has taken his seat at the right hand' of the throne of God. Weigh well the example of him who had to endure such opposition from 'men who were sinning against themselves,' so that you should not grow weary or faint-hearted.

James 5:7-8

Be patient, then, Brothers, till the Coming of the Lord. Even the farmer has to wait for the precious fruit of the earth, watching over it patiently, till it has had the spring and summer rains. And you must be patient also, and not be discouraged; for the Lord's Coming is near.

Romans 12:10-12

In brotherly love, be affectionate to one another; in showing respect, set an example of deference to one another; Never flagging in zeal; fervent in spirit; serving the Master; Rejoicing in your hope; steadfast under persecution; persevering in prayer;

Hebrews 10:36-37

You still have need of patient endurance, in order that, when you have done God's will, you may obtain the fulfillment of his promise. 'For there is indeed but a very little while ere He who is coming will have come, without delay;

Patience » Should be accompanied by » Faith

Revelation 13:10

'Whoever is destined for captivity goes into captivity.' Whoever shall kill with the sword must inevitably be killed with the sword. (Here there is need for endurance and faith on the part of Christ's People.)

Patience » To be exercised in » Waiting for Christ

Patience » Christ, an example of

Acts 8:32

The passage of Scripture which he was reading was this--'Like a sheep, he was led away to slaughter, and as a lamb is dumb in the hands of its shearer, so he refrains from opening his lips.

Patience » Commended

Revelation 2:2-3

I know your life, your toil and endurance, and I know that you cannot tolerate evil-doers. I know, too, how you tested those who declare that they are Apostles, though they are not, and how you proved them false. You possess endurance, and have borne much for my Name, and have never grown weary.

Patience » Necessary to the inheritance of the promises

Patience » To be exercised in » Waiting for the hope of the gospel

Patience » To be exercised in » Well-doing

Patience » What works patience

Romans 5:3-4

And not only that, but let us also exult in our troubles; For we know that trouble develops endurance, and endurance strength of character, and strength of character hope,

James 1:2-3

My Brothers, whatever may be the temptations that beset you from time to time, always regard them as a reason for rejoicing, Knowing, as you do, that the testing of your faith develops endurance.

Patience » To be exercised in » Tribulation

Patience » They who are in authority, should exercise

Matthew 18:26

Thereupon the servant threw himself down on the ground before him and said 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.'

Acts 26:3

Especially as you are so well-versed in all the customs and questions of the Jewish world. I beg you therefore to give me a patient hearing.

Patience » To be exercised in » Waiting for God

Patience » Trials of saints lead to

Patience » Exercise, towards all

Patience » Exemplified

Patience » Instances of » Job

Patience » To be exercised in » Waiting for God's salvation

Patience » To be exercised in » Bearing the yoke

Patience » Ministers approved by

Patience » The patient in spirit

Patience » Should be accompanied by » Joyfulness

Patience » Should be accompanied by » Longsuffering

Patience » Saints strengthened unto all

Patience » Exemplified » Paul

Patience » Exemplified » John

Revelation 1:9

I, John, who am your Brother, and who share with you in the suffering and kingship and endurance of Jesus, found myself on the island called Patmos, for the sake of the Message of God and the testimony to Jesus.

Patience » Those that are patient

2 Peter 1:1-11

To those to whom, through the justice of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, there has been granted faith equally privileged with our own, from Simon Peter, a servant and an Apostle of Jesus Christ. May blessing and peace be yours in ever-increasing measure, as you advance in the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord. For his divine power has given us everything that is needful for a life of piety, as we advance in the knowledge of him who called us by a glorious manifestation of his goodness. read more.
For it was through this that he gave us what we prize as the greatest of his promises, that through them you might participate in the divine nature, now that you have fled from the corruption in the world, resulting from human passions. Yes, and for this very reason do your best to supplement your faith by goodness, goodness by knowledge, knowledge by self-control, self-control by endurance, endurance by piety, piety by brotherly affection, and brotherly affection by love. For, when these virtues are yours, in increasing measure, they prevent your being indifferent to, or destitute of, a fuller knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Surely the man who has not these virtues is shortsighted even to blindness, and has chosen to forget that he has been purified from his sins of the past! Therefore, Brothers, do your best to put God's Call and Selection of you beyond all doubt; for, if you do this, you will never fall. For thus you will be given a triumphant admission into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Patience » Ministers should follow after

Patience » Those that are not patient

2 Peter 1:1-9

To those to whom, through the justice of our God and Savior Jesus Christ, there has been granted faith equally privileged with our own, from Simon Peter, a servant and an Apostle of Jesus Christ. May blessing and peace be yours in ever-increasing measure, as you advance in the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord. For his divine power has given us everything that is needful for a life of piety, as we advance in the knowledge of him who called us by a glorious manifestation of his goodness. read more.
For it was through this that he gave us what we prize as the greatest of his promises, that through them you might participate in the divine nature, now that you have fled from the corruption in the world, resulting from human passions. Yes, and for this very reason do your best to supplement your faith by goodness, goodness by knowledge, knowledge by self-control, self-control by endurance, endurance by piety, piety by brotherly affection, and brotherly affection by love. For, when these virtues are yours, in increasing measure, they prevent your being indifferent to, or destitute of, a fuller knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Surely the man who has not these virtues is shortsighted even to blindness, and has chosen to forget that he has been purified from his sins of the past!

Patience » What teaches patience

Romans 15:1-4

We, the strong, ought to take on our own shoulders the weaknesses of those who are not strong, and not merely to please ourselves. Let each of us please his neighbor for his neighbor's good, to help in the building up of his character. Even the Christ did not please himself! On the contrary, as Scripture says of him--'The reproaches of those who were reproaching thee fell upon me.' read more.
Whatever was written in the Scriptures in days gone by was written for our instruction, so that, through patient endurance, and through the encouragement drawn from the Scriptures, we might hold fast to our hope.

Patience » To be exercised in » Running the race set before us

Patience » Exemplified » Abraham

Patience » Suffering with, for well-doing, is acceptable with God

Patience » Should be accompanied by » Temperance

Patience » Should be accompanied by » Godliness

Patience » Instances of » Isaac toward the people of gerar

Patience » Produces » Hope

Patience » God, is the God of

Patience » Produces » Experience

Patience » The reward for patience

Patience » To be exercised in » Bringing forth fruits

Patience » Exemplified » Simeon

Luke 2:25

There was at that time in Jerusalem a man named Simeon, a righteous and devout man, who lived in constant expectation of the Consolation of Israel, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Patience » Instances of » moses

Patience » Should have its perfect work

Patience » Illustrated

Patience » Instances of » The congregation at ephesus

Revelation 2:2-3

I know your life, your toil and endurance, and I know that you cannot tolerate evil-doers. I know, too, how you tested those who declare that they are Apostles, though they are not, and how you proved them false. You possess endurance, and have borne much for my Name, and have never grown weary.

Patience » Instances of » The prophets

Patience » Instances of » Paul

Patience » Instances of » The thessalonian Christians

Patience » Instances of » The congregation at thyatira

Patience » Instances of » Simeon

Luke 2:25

There was at that time in Jerusalem a man named Simeon, a righteous and devout man, who lived in constant expectation of the Consolation of Israel, and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Patience » Instances of » David

Patience » Instances of » John

Revelation 1:9

I, John, who am your Brother, and who share with you in the suffering and kingship and endurance of Jesus, found myself on the island called Patmos, for the sake of the Message of God and the testimony to Jesus.

Paul » Characteristics of » Patience

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