26 Bible Verses about Faith, Necessity Of

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John 6:28-29

Then they asked Him, "What must we do to perform the works that God demands?" Jesus answered them, "The work that God demands of you is this, to believe in the messenger whom He has sent."

Acts 16:30-31

After leading them out of the jail, he said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" They answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you and your household will be saved."

Acts 19:4

Then Paul said, "John baptized with a baptism that was an expression of repentance, telling the people to believe in Him who was to come after him; that is, in Jesus."

John 14:8-11

Philip said to Him, "Lord, let us see the Father, and that will satisfy us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you disciples so long, and yet you, Philip, have not recognized me? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Let us see the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in union with the Father and that the Father is in union with me? I am not saying these things on my own authority, but the Father who always remains in union with me is doing these things Himself.read more.
You must believe me, that I am in union with the Father and that the Father is in union with me, or else you must do so because of the very things that I am doing.

Romans 10:17-18

So faith comes from hearing what is told, and hearing through the message about Christ. But may I ask, They had no chance to hear, did they? Yes, indeed: "All over the earth their voices have gone, to the ends of the world their words."

John 1:10-12

He came into the world, and though the world through Him began to exist, it did not recognize Him. He came into His own world, but His own people did not welcome Him. But to all who did accept Him, and trust in His name, He gave the right to become the children of God,

Romans 1:18-21

For God's anger from heaven is being uncovered against all the impiety and wickedness of the men who in their wickedness are suppressing the truth; because what can be known of God is clear to their inner moral sense; for in this way God Himself has shown it to them. Forever since the creation of the world, His invisible characteristics -- His eternal power and divine nature -- have been made intelligible and clearly visible by His works. So they are without excuse,read more.
because, although they once knew God, they did not honor Him as God, or give Him thanks, but became silly in their senseless speculations, and so their insensible hearts have been shrouded in darkness.

Romans 3:1-4

What special privilege, then, has a Jew? Or, what benefit does circumcision confer? They are great from every point of view. In the first place, the Jews are entrusted with the utterances of God. What then, if some of them have proved unfaithful? Can their unfaithfulness make null and void God's faithfulness?read more.
Not at all. Let God prove true, though every man be false! As the Scripture says, "That you may prove yourself upright in words you speak, and win your case when you go into court."

Romans 16:25-27

To Him who can make you strong in accordance with the good news I bring and in accordance with the message preached about Jesus Christ, in accordance with the uncovering of the secret which for ages past had not been told, but now has been fully brought to light by means of the prophetic Scriptures, and in accordance with the command of the eternal God has been made known to all the heathen, to win them to obedience inspired by faith -- to the one wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ. Amen.

2 Peter 1:1-2

Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ have obtained the same precious faith that we have: spiritual blessing and peace be to you in increasing abundance through a full knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord;

1 Peter 2:6-8

It must be so, because the Scriptures say: "Here now I lay in Zion a chosen stone, a costly cornerstone, And not a single one who puts his trust in Him will ever be put to shame." So to you who put your trust in Him the honor belongs, but to those who fail to trust Him: "That stone which then the builders threw away Has now become the cornerstone," and: "A stone for them to stumble over and a rock to trip them up." They keep on stumbling over the message, because they are disobedient to it, and this is their appointed doom.

Romans 14:23

But the man who has misgivings about eating, if he then eats, has already condemned himself by so doing, because he did not follow his faith, and any action that does not follow one's faith is a sin.

Romans 14:5-8

One man rates one day above another, another rates them all alike. Let every man be fully convinced in his own mind. The man who keeps a certain day keeps it for the Lord. The man who eats anything does it for the Lord too, for he gives God thanks. The man who refuses to eat anything does it for the Lord too, and gives God thanks. For none of us can live alone by himself, and none of us can die alone by himself;read more.
indeed, if we live, we always live in relation to the Lord, and if we die, we always die in relation to the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord.

Hebrews 3:12-18

See to it, my brothers, that no wicked, unbelieving heart is found in any of you, as shown by your turning away from the ever-living God, but day by day, as long as "Today" shall last, continue to encourage one another, so that not one of you may be hardened by sin's deceiving ways, For we have become real sharers in Christ, if we keep firm to the end the faith we had at first,read more.
and yet the warning continues to be spoken: "If you but hear His voice, you must not harden your hearts as they did in provoking me." For who was it that heard and yet provoked Him? Was it not all who came out of Egypt led by Moses? With whom was He disgusted forty years? Was it not with those who had sinned, whose carcasses fell in the desert? To whom did He take oath that they should not be admitted to His rest, if it was not to those who disobeyed Him?

Mark 16:14

Later on He appeared to the Eleven themselves while they were at table, and reproved them for their lack of faith and their stubbornness, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had been raised from the dead.

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