19 Bible Verses about Lifestyles

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Romans 6:21

What benefit did you receive at that time from doing the things you are now ashamed of? For the end of such behavior is [spiritual] death.

Romans 8:3-4

For what the law was not able to do [for mankind], since it was [too] weak [to deliver them from condemnation] because fleshly people [were unable to obey it perfectly], God condemned sin in the flesh [i.e., sin was declared evil and its power over man broken]. God did this by sending His own Son in a body like sinful man's, and to destroy sin, so that the requirements of the law could be [considered] fulfilled in us, who do not live according to [the dictates of] the flesh, but according to [the promptings of] the Holy Spirit.

Romans 8:5

For those people who are [controlled] by the flesh think about [i.e., desire] what the flesh wants; but those who are [controlled] by the Holy Spirit [desire] what the Holy Spirit wants.

Romans 12:3-21

And because of God's unearned favor shown to me [i.e., in appointing me to be an apostle], I am telling every person among you not to think he is more important than he really is. Instead, he should have a sensible estimate [of his gifts] in harmony with the degree of faith God has given to each person. For there are many parts to a single human body and all of these parts do not have the same function. In the same way, though we [Christians] are many, we are one [spiritual] body in [fellowship with] Christ, and each one of us is part of [all] the others.read more.
And we [all] have different gifts, in harmony with the unearned favor [God has] shown us. If our gift is the ability to prophesy [i.e., to speak for God], we should make use of this gift in harmony with the amount of faith we have. Or, if our gift is serving, we should devote ourselves to rendering service. Or, if our gift is teaching, we should devote ourselves to teaching. Or, if our gift is encouraging others, we should devote ourselves to encouraging. Or, if our gift is sharing with others, we should do so generously. Or, if our gift is leading others, we should do so diligently. Or, if our gift is showing caring concern for others, we should do it cheerfully. Let [your] love be sincere. Hate whatever is evil. Cling to whatever is good. In your love for your brothers, show tender affection toward one another. Try to outdo one another in showing respect [for each other]. Be enthusiastic instead of lazy. Be fervent in your spirit [Note: Some translators take "spirit" here to refer to the "Holy Spirit"], [as you] serve the Lord. Be joyful as you hope [i.e., for future blessings]. Persevere in spite of the troubles you experience. Continue steadfastly in prayer. Contribute to the needs of God's people. Be eager in showing hospitality. Ask God's blessing on people who persecute you, instead of cursing them. Be happy with those who are joyful. Cry with those who are sad. Have the same [good] thoughts toward one another. Do not [always] be thinking you are a "bigshot," but lower yourself to accept humble tasks [or, humble people]. Do not think you are so smart. Do not [try to] pay back a wrong done to you by doing something wrong to the other person. Think about how to live honorably in front of all people. If it is at all possible, as far as your part is concerned, live peacefully with all people. Do not take revenge on someone who has wronged you, but leave it up to God's wrath [to take care of it], for it is written [Deut. 22:35], "The Lord says, I will pay people back [for doing wrong] because taking revenge belongs to me." But [Prov. 25:21-25 says], "Feed your enemy if he is hungry; give him something to drink if he is thirsty. For when you do this, it will be [like] heaping burning coals on his head." [i.e., it can cause him burning shame that can lead to his repentance and ultimate forgiveness]. [So], do not be conquered by evil, but [instead] conquer evil by doing good.

Romans 13:12-14

The night is almost over and the day is near. So, we should stop doing the deeds of darkness [i.e., sinful things] and we should arm ourselves with the weapons of light [i.e., virtues for right living]. We should be living properly, as in the daytime [i.e., when people normally behave themselves], not engaging in orgies and drunkenness; not practicing sexual immorality and indecent vices; not quarrelsome and jealous. But clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not make any plans for satisfying the strong desires of your flesh [i.e., your appetites for sinful pleasures].

Ephesians 4:1-3

I urge you, therefore, as a prisoner of the Lord, to live in a way that measures up to [the standard required by] God when He called you. Live in a humble, gentle and patient way, showing tolerance [for the weaknesses] of one another out of love [for them]. Eagerly try to maintain the unity produced by the Holy Spirit by being bound together in peace.

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

Now you people do not need anyone to write to you about loving [your] brothers, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another. For you certainly do practice it toward all the brothers [and sisters] throughout Macedonia. [Note: This was the province in which Thessalonica was located]. Yet we urge you, brothers, to continue doing it more and more. [We also urge you to] make it your aim to live a quiet life, and to attend to your own business matters, and to work with your hands, as we urged you. [Note: Possibly this exhortation was directed toward the tendency of some people there to neglect ordinary responsibilities in view of an imminent return of Christ].read more.
[Do these things] so that you will live in a proper way in front of outsiders [i.e., non-Christians], and not have [to depend on people for] any needs.

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

If I have the ability to speak in the languages of human beings and angels [Note: Perhaps the idea is supernaturally and eloquently], but do not have love [for people], I have become [no more than] a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have the [spiritual] gift of prophecy, and can understand all [of God's] secret purposes, and have all knowledge; and if I have all [the supernatural] faith necessary to relocate mountains [See Matt. 17:20], but do not have love [for people], I am nothing. And if I donate all my possessions to feed poor people, and if I surrender my body to be burned [Note: This probably refers to becoming a martyr, but some manuscripts read, "that I may be able to boast"], but do not have love [for people], it is no benefit to me.read more.
[Note: The following traits should be understood in the context of love for people]. Love is patient [with people], and is kind [to them]; love does not envy [what people are or have]; love does not boast [of being superior to others], it is not arrogant [in dealing with people]. [Love] does not act improperly [toward people]; it does not insist on having its own way [at the expense of others]; it is not easily irritated [by others]; it does not keep track of the wrongs [done by others]. [Love] is not glad about the evil [that people do], but is glad about the truth [i.e., the good in their lives]. [Love] conceals all [people's] faults; it believes [the best about] all people; it hopes [for the best in] all people; it endures [ill treatment from] all people. Love will never cease. But though there are [now supernatural gifts of] prophecies, [someday] they will be abolished [i.e., such gifts will cease to be exercised]. Though there are [now supernatural gifts of] languages, [someday] they will stop [i.e., such gifts will cease to be exercised]. Though there is [now the supernatural gift of] knowledge, [someday] it will be abolished [i.e., this gift will cease to be exercised]. For [now] we have partial knowledge and partial prophetic messages, but when that which is complete comes [i.e., the full revelation of God's will, contained in the New Testament Scriptures], then the partial will be abolished [i.e., the supernatural gifts, which provided only part of the revealed will of God, will cease to be exercised]. When I was a child I spoke, thought and reasoned like a child. But now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things. [Note: Paul uses an analogy to illustrate that the church made use of the supernatural gifts in its infancy, but that these would no longer be needed when it matured]. For now [i.e., during the church's infant state] we see in a mirror [Note: God's word is elsewhere likened to a mirror. See James 1:22-25] indistinctly [i.e., because of having only partial knowledge and prophecy], but then [i.e., when the church matures and has the completed Scriptures], we will see face to face [i.e., clearly]. Now I have [only] partial knowledge, but then I will have full knowledge, just as [God has] full knowledge of me. But now [i.e., since the temporary gifts are to pass away], these three things remain: faith, hope and love; and the most important of them is love.

Ephesians 4:1-2

I urge you, therefore, as a prisoner of the Lord, to live in a way that measures up to [the standard required by] God when He called you. Live in a humble, gentle and patient way, showing tolerance [for the weaknesses] of one another out of love [for them].

2 Corinthians 10:2

I make this request so that I do not have to be bold when I am present [with you], and feel compelled to speak in an authoritative tone to some people [there] who think we are living by worldly standards.

Ephesians 4:22-24

You were [taught] to put away [the conduct of] your former lifestyle, your old person who is being corrupted by deceitful desires, and to be renewed in your inner person. And you should put on the new person who has been [re-] created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brothers, give [careful] thought to these things: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovable, whatever is commendable. If it is excellent; if it is praiseworthy; [think about it]. You people should do those things which you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and [then] the God [who gives] peace will be with you.

1 Timothy 3:2-7

Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of [only] one wife, sober-minded [Note: When this word, used here figuratively, is used in its literal sense, it means to abstain from intoxicating drinks], sensible, respectable, hospitable, capable of teaching. [He must] not be a drunkard or a fighter, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not wanting to get money by questionable [or, dishonest] means. [He must] manage his own family well and, with dignity, keep his children in subjection [or, "respectful"].read more.
For if a man does not know how to manage his own family, how will he be able to take care of the church of God? [He must] not be a new convert or else he could become conceited [i.e., over being in a leadership position] and fall into the [same] condemnation incurred by the devil. He must also have a good reputation among outsiders [i.e., non-Christians], or else he could fall into reproach [i.e., from worldly people] and [therefore] into the devil's trap.

Titus 3:1-2

Remind the people [where you minister] to be in subjection to [civic] rulers, [governmental] authorities, to be obedient [to them], to be prepared for [doing] every good deed, to slander no one, to be peaceful, to be considerate [or, "gentle"] and to show every courtesy to all people.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

But you should know this: There will be terrible times in the last days [of the Christian age]. For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive talkers, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, lacking in natural affection, unwilling to be reconciled [to their enemies], slanderers, lacking self-control, brutal, haters of what is good,read more.
treacherous [i.e., betrayers], reckless, conceited, [and] lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. [These people] maintain an appearance of being godly, but they have denied its power; [you should] turn away from such people.

1 Peter 2:12-15

You should live such good lives before [unconverted] Gentiles, so that even though they accuse you of being evildoers, by seeing your good deeds, they will [be led to] honor God [for you] on the day He visits us again [i.e., to bring judgment]. Submit yourselves to every authority set up by people for the Lord's sake. [Submit to] a king as the [highest] authority, or to governors who are appointed by him to punish wrongdoers, and to commend those who do right.read more.
For it is God's will that, by doing good, you should put to silence the ignorant [talk and actions] of foolish people.

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1 Thessalonians 4:11

[We also urge you to] make it your aim to live a quiet life, and to attend to your own business matters, and to work with your hands, as we urged you. [Note: Possibly this exhortation was directed toward the tendency of some people there to neglect ordinary responsibilities in view of an imminent return of Christ].

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