314 occurrences

'Order' in the Bible

Now all this happened in order that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled, saying,

And he came [and] lived in a town called Nazareth, in order that what was said by the prophets would be fulfilled: "He will be called a Nazarene."

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John in order to be baptized by him.

And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to stand [and] pray in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, in order that they may be seen by people. Truly I say to you, they have received their reward in full!

"Whenever you fast, do not be sullen like the hypocrites, for they make their faces unrecognizable in order that they may be seen fasting by people. Truly I say to you, they have received their reward in full!

But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins," then he said to the paralytic, "Get up, pick up your stretcher and go to your home."

And behold, [there was] a man who had a withered hand, and they asked him, saying, "Is it permitted to heal on the Sabbath?" in order that they could accuse him.

in order that what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah would be fulfilled, who said,

Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came out.' And [when it] arrives it finds [the house] unoccupied and swept and put in order.

in order that what was spoken through the prophet would be fulfilled, who said, "I will open my mouth in parables; I will proclaim what has been hidden since the creation."

And they do all their deeds in order to be seen by people, for they make their phylacteries broad and make their tassels long.

"You know that after two days the Passover takes place, and the Son of Man will be handed over in order to be crucified."

and plotted in order that they could arrest Jesus by stealth and kill [him].

For [when] this woman poured this ointment on my body, she did [it] in order to prepare me for burial.

Now the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for false testimony against Jesus in order that they could put him to death.

Now [when it] was early morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus in order to put him to death.

And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the military cloak and put his [own] clothes on him, and led him away in order to crucify [him].

And they were watching him closely [to see] if he would heal him on the Sabbath, in order that they could accuse him.

For he had healed many, so that all those who {were suffering from diseases} pressed about him in order that they could touch him.

And often it has thrown him both into fire and into water, in order that it could destroy him. But if you are able [to do] anything, have compassion on us [and] help us!"

And Judas Iscariot, who [was] one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them.

Every day I was with you in the temple [courts] teaching, and you did not arrest me! But [this has happened] in order that the scriptures would be fulfilled.

Now the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin were looking for testimony against Jesus in order to put him to death, and they did not find [it].

And it happened that [while] he was serving as priest before God in the order of his division,

So the devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, order this stone that it become bread!"

And it happened that on one of the days as he was teaching, Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting [there] who {had come} from every village of Galilee and Judea and [from] Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was [there] in order [for] him to heal.

But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins," he said to the one who was paralyzed, "I say to you, 'Get up and pick up your stretcher [and] go to your home.'"

And they began imploring him that he would not order them to depart into the abyss.

And he sent messengers before {him}, and they went [and] entered into a village of the Samaritans in order to prepare for him.

And [when it] arrives it finds [the house] swept and put in order.

for I have five brothers, so that he could warn them, in order that they also should not come to this place of torment!'

And they watched [him] closely [and] sent spies who pretended they were upright, in order that they could catch him in a statement, so that they could hand him over to the authority and the jurisdiction of the governor.

This one came for a witness, in order that he could testify about the light, so that all would believe through him.

That one was not the light, but [came] in order that he could testify about the light.

The one who reaps receives wages and gathers fruit for eternal life, in order that the one who sows and the one who reaps can rejoice together.

in order that all [people] will honor the Son, just as they honor the Father. The one who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.

(And I do not receive testimony from people, but I say these [things] in order that you may be saved.)

Philip replied to him, "Two hundred denarii [worth of] bread would not be enough for them, in order that each one could receive a little."

Then Jesus, [because he] knew that they were about to come and seize him in order to make [him] king, withdrew again up the mountain [by] himself alone.

The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these [things] about him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers in order {to take him into custody }.

Then they picked up stones in order to throw [them] at him. But Jesus was hidden and went out of the temple [courts].

So many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary in order to console them concerning their brother.)

So the Jews who were with her in the house and were consoling her, [when they] saw Mary--that she stood up quickly and went out--followed her, [because they] thought that she was going to the tomb in order to weep there.

(Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where he was, they should report [it], in order that they could arrest him.)

Now some Greeks were among those who had gone up in order to worship at the feast.

While you have the light, believe in the light, in order that you may become sons of light." Jesus said these [things], and [then] he went away [and] was hidden from them.

in order that the word of the prophet Isaiah would be fulfilled, who said, "Lord, who has believed our message? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?"

I have come [as] a light into the world, in order that everyone who believes in me will not remain in the darkness.

From now [on] I am telling you before [it] happens, in order that when [it] happens you may believe that I am [he].

Jesus said these [things], and lifting up his eyes to heaven he said, "Father, the hour has come! Glorify your Son, in order that your Son may glorify you--

And I made known to them your name, and will make [it] known, in order that the love [with] which you loved me may be in them, and I [may be] in them."

in order that the word that he had spoken would be fulfilled: "Those whom you have given to me--I have not lost anyone of them."

in order that the word of Jesus would be fulfilled that he had spoken, indicating by what sort of death he was going to die.

Then Pilate said to him, "So then you are a king!" Jesus replied, "You say that I am a king. For this [reason] I was born, and for this reason I have come into the world: in order that I can testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice."

So then he handed him over to them in order that he could be crucified.

For these [things] happened in order that the scripture would be fulfilled: "Not a bone of his will be broken."

But in order that it may not spread much [further] among the people, let us warn them to speak no more in this name {to anyone at all}."

Having received such an order, {he} put them in the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks.

And the jailer reported these words to Paul: "The chief magistrates have sent [an order] that you should be released. So come out now [and] go in peace!"

And those who conducted Paul brought [him] as far as Athens, and [after] receiving an order for Silas and Timothy that they should come to him as soon as possible, they went away.

Then Paul said to him, "God is going to strike you, [you] whitewashed wall! And are you sitting [there] judging me according to the law, and acting contrary to the law do you order me to be struck?"

And he summoned two of the centurions [and] said, "Make ready from the third hour of the night two hundred soldiers and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen, in order that they may proceed as far as Caesarea.

Bible Theasaurus

Reverse Interlinear

Root Form
Usage: 14

in order , afterward , after , by order
Usage: 5

Usage: 5

Usage: 217

Usage: 19

Usage: 35

Usage: 421

Usage: 1

Usage: 76

Usage: 33

Usage: 32

Usage: 494

Usage: 2

Usage: 3

Usage: 1

set in order
Usage: 1

Usage: 5

Usage: 1

Usage: 10