47 Bible Verses about Darkness

Most Relevant Verses

Psalm 139:12

even the darkness is not dark to You.
The night shines like the day;
darkness and light are alike to You.

Genesis 1:4

God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

Isaiah 45:3

I will give you the treasures of darkness
and riches from secret places,
so that you may know that I, Yahweh,
the God of Israel call you by your name.

Isaiah 42:16

I will lead the blind by a way they did not know;
I will guide them on paths they have not known.
I will turn darkness to light in front of them
and rough places into level ground.
This is what I will do for them,
and I will not forsake them.

Luke 11:34

Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light. But when it is bad, your body is also full of darkness.

Isaiah 29:15

Woe to those who go to great lengths
to hide their plans from the Lord.
They do their works in darkness,
and say, “Who sees us? Who knows us?”

From Thematic Bible

Darkness » Spiritual

Darkness » Works of

Job 24:14

The murderer rises at dawn
to kill the poor and needy,
and by night he becomes a thief.

Proverbs 7:8-9

Crossing the street near her corner, he strolled down the road to her house at twilight, in the evening, in the dark of the night.

More verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:7

Darkness » Illustrative of » Heavy afflictions

Isaiah 8:22

They will look toward the earth and see only distress, darkness, and the gloom of affliction, and they will be driven into thick darkness.

Job 23:17

Yet I am not destroyed by the darkness,
by the thick darkness that covers my face.


Ecclesiastes 5:17

What is more, he eats in darkness all his days, with much sorrow, sickness, and anger.

Isaiah 5:30

On that day they will roar over it,
like the roaring of the sea.
When one looks at the land,
there will be darkness and distress;
light will be obscured by clouds.

More verses: Isaiah 59:9

Darkness » Figurative of punishment

Jude 1:6

and He has kept, with eternal chains in darkness for the judgment of the great day, the angels who did not keep their own position but deserted their proper dwelling.

More verses: Job 18:5

Darkness » Illustrative of » Greatness and unsearchableness of God

2 Samuel 22:12

He made darkness a canopy around Him,
a gathering of water and thick clouds.

Exodus 20:21

And the people remained standing at a distance as Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.

2 Samuel 22:10

He parted the heavens and came down,
a dark cloud beneath His feet.

1 Kings 8:12

Then Solomon said:

The Lord said that He would dwell in thick darkness.

Darkness » Physical

Job 3:6

If only darkness had taken that night away!
May it not appear among the days of the year
or be listed in the calendar.

Job 38:19

Where is the road to the home of light?
Do you know where darkness lives,

Psalm 104:20

You bring darkness, and it becomes night,
when all the forest animals stir.

More verses: Amos 4:13

Darkness » Figurative » See also the following scriptures

1 Kings 8:12

Then Solomon said:

The Lord said that He would dwell in thick darkness.

Exodus 19:16

On the third day, when morning came, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud on the mountain, and a loud trumpet sound, so that all the people in the camp shuddered.

2 Samuel 22:10-12

He parted the heavens and came down, a dark cloud beneath His feet. He rode on a cherub and flew, soaring on the wings of the wind. He made darkness a canopy around Him, a gathering of water and thick clouds.

2 Chronicles 6:1

Then Solomon said:

The Lord said He would dwell in thick darkness,

More verses: Psalm 18:11 Hebrews 12:18

Darkness » Illustrative of » Ignorance and error

Job 37:19

Teach us what we should say to Him;
we cannot prepare our case because of our darkness.

Isaiah 60:2

For look, darkness covers the earth,
and total darkness the peoples;
but the Lord will shine over you,
and His glory will appear over you.

More verses: John 12:35

Darkness » Who is in darkness

Proverbs 2:11-15

Discretion will watch over you, and understanding will guard you, rescuing you from the way of evil- from the one who says perverse things, [from] those who abandon the right paths to walk in ways of darkness, read more.
[from] those who enjoy doing evil and celebrate perversity, whose paths are crooked, and whose ways are devious.

Job 24:13-16

The wicked are those who rebel against the light. They do not recognize its ways or stay on its paths. The murderer rises at dawn to kill the poor and needy, and by night he becomes a thief. The adulterer's eye watches for twilight, thinking: No eye will see me, he covers [his] face. read more.
In the dark they break into houses; by day they lock themselves in, never experiencing the light.

Ecclesiastes 2:14

The wise man has eyes in his head,
but the fool walks in darkness.

Yet I also knew that one fate comes to them both.

1 John 2:9-11

The one who says he is in the light but hates his brother is in the darkness until now. The one who loves his brother remains in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him. But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn't know where he's going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

Darkness » Those that walk in darkness

1 John 2:11

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn’t know where he’s going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

John 11:9-10

"Aren't there 12 hours in a day?" Jesus answered. "If anyone walks during the day, he doesn't stumble, because he sees the light of this world. If anyone walks during the night, he does stumble, because the light is not in him."

John 12:35-36

Jesus answered, "The light will be with you only a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn't overtake you. The one who walks in darkness doesn't know where he's going. While you have the light, believe in the light so that you may become sons of light." Jesus said this, then went away and hid from them.

Ephesians 4:17-18

Therefore, I say this and testify in the Lord: You should no longer walk as the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their thoughts. They are darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them and because of the hardness of their hearts.

1 John 1:5-6

Now this is the message we have heard from Him and declare to you: God is light, and there is absolutely no darkness in Him. If we say, "We have fellowship with Him," and walk in darkness, we are lying and are not practicing the truth.

Darkness » Supernatural

Exodus 10:22

So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days.

Psalm 105:28

He sent darkness, and it became dark—
for did they not defy His commands?

Darkness » Figurative » power of darkness,

Revelation 16:10

The fifth poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues because of their pain

Darkness » Illustrative of » The punishment of devils and wicked men

Darkness » What came out of darkness

Genesis 1:2-3

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Darkness » Illustrative of » The power of satan

Darkness » Illustrative of » A course of sin

Darkness » Illustrative of » Secrecy

Isaiah 45:19

I have not spoken in secret,
somewhere in a land of darkness.
I did not say to the descendants of Jacob:
Seek Me in a wasteland.
I, Yahweh, speak truthfully;
I say what is right.

Darkness » Miraculous » On mount sinai

Exodus 19:16

On the third day, when morning came, there was thunder and lightning, a thick cloud on the mountain, and a loud trumpet sound, so that all the people in the camp shuddered.

Hebrews 12:18

For you have not come to what could be touched, to a blazing fire, to darkness, gloom, and storm,

Darkness » Degrees of, mentioned » Thick

Joel 2:2

a day of darkness and gloom,
a day of clouds and dense overcast,
like the dawn spreading over the mountains;
a great and strong people appears,
such as never existed in ages past
and never will again
in all the generations to come.

Deuteronomy 5:22

“The Lord spoke these commands in a loud voice to your entire assembly from the fire, cloud, and thick darkness on the mountain; He added nothing more. He wrote them on two stone tablets and gave them to me.

Darkness » Illustrative of » The grave

1 Samuel 2:9

He guards the steps of His faithful ones,
but the wicked perish in darkness,
for a man does not prevail by his own strength.

Job 10:21-22

before I go to a land of darkness and gloom, never to return. [It is] a land of blackness like the deepest darkness, gloomy and chaotic, where even the light is like the darkness.

Darkness » Over the face of the earth

Job 38:9

when I made the clouds its garment
and thick darkness its blanket,

Jeremiah 4:23

I looked at the earth,
and it was formless and empty.
I looked to the heavens,
and their light was gone.

Darkness » Created by God

Psalm 104:20

You bring darkness, and it becomes night,
when all the forest animals stir.

Darkness » Caused by the setting of the sun

Genesis 15:17

When the sun had set and it was dark, a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the divided animals.

John 6:17

got into a boat, and started across the sea to Capernaum. Darkness had already set in, but Jesus had not yet come to them.

Darkness » Effects of » Causes us to go astray

1 John 2:11

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness, walks in the darkness, and doesn’t know where he’s going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.

John 12:35

Jesus answered, “The light will be with you only a little longer. Walk while you have the light so that darkness doesn’t overtake you. The one who walks in darkness doesn’t know where he’s going.

Darkness » Miraculous » In egypt

Psalm 105:28

He sent darkness, and it became dark—
for did they not defy His commands?

Exodus 10:21-22

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt." So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days.

Darkness » Figurative » outer darkness,

Darkness » Who is not in darkness

1 Thessalonians 5:4-5

But you, brothers, are not in the dark, so that this day would overtake you like a thief. For you are all sons of light and sons of the day. We're not of the night or of darkness.

Darkness » The wicked » The children of

Darkness » Miraculous » At mount sinai

Exodus 20:21

And the people remained standing at a distance as Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.

Hebrews 12:18

For you have not come to what could be touched, to a blazing fire, to darkness, gloom, and storm,

Darkness » What happens in the night

Darkness » Miraculous » At the crucifixion

Darkness » Miraculous » Over the land of egypt

Exodus 10:21-22

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt." So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days.

Darkness » Casting off the works of darkness

Romans 13:11-12

Besides this, knowing the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is nearly over, and the daylight is near, so let us discard the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

Darkness » Cannot hide us from God

Psalm 139:11-12

If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will become night"- even the darkness is not dark to You. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to You.

Darkness » Degrees of, mentioned » Gross

Jeremiah 13:16

Give glory to the Lord your God
before He brings darkness,
before your feet stumble
on the mountains at dusk.
You wait for light,
but He brings darkest gloom
and makes thick darkness.

Darkness » Degrees of, mentioned » Great

Genesis 15:12

As the sun was setting, a deep sleep fell on Abram, and suddenly great terror and darkness descended on him.

Darkness » Miraculous » Before the destruction of jerusalem

Darkness » Miraculous » At the death of Christ

Darkness » When your body is full of darkness

Luke 11:34-35

Your eye is the lamp of the body. When your eye is good, your whole body is also full of light. But when it is bad, your body is also full of darkness. Take care then, that the light in you is not darkness.

Darkness » What is as darkness

Darkness » Degrees of, mentioned » That may be felt

Exodus 10:21

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt.”

Darkness » Degrees of, mentioned » Outer or extreme

Darkness » Effects of » Causes us to stumble

Isaiah 59:10

We grope along a wall like the blind;
we grope like those without eyes.
We stumble at noon as though it were twilight;
we are like the dead among those who are healthy.

Darkness » Effects of » Cannot » See » Objects

Exodus 10:23

One person could not see another, and for three days they did not move from where they were. Yet all the Israelites had light where they lived.

Darkness » The wicked » Being Full of

Darkness » The wicked » Live in

Darkness » Inexplicable nature of

Job 38:19-20

Where is the road to the home of light? [Do you know] where darkness lives, so you can lead it back to its border? Are you familiar with the paths to its home?

Darkness » The lord creating darkness

Darkness » Those that put darkness for light, and light for darkness

Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who substitute darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who substitute bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

Darkness » Originally covered the earth

Darkness » Separated from the light

Genesis 1:4

God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.

Darkness » Called night

Darkness » The wicked » Walk in

Darkness » There being no darkness in God

Darkness » Exhibits God's power and greatness

Job 38:8-9

Who enclosed the sea behind doors when it burst from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its blanket,

Darkness » Often put for night

Psalm 91:6

the plague that stalks in darkness,
or the pestilence that ravages at noon.

Darkness » Illustrative of » Anything hateful

Job 3:4-9

If only that day had turned to darkness! May God above not care about it, or light shine on it. May darkness and gloom reclaim it, and a cloud settle over it. May an eclipse of the sun terrify it. If only darkness had taken that night away! May it not appear among the days of the year or be listed in the calendar. read more.
Yes, may that night be barren; may no joyful shout be heard in it. Let those who curse [certain] days cast a spell on it, those who are skilled in rousing Leviathan. May its morning stars grow dark. May it wait for daylight but have none; may it not see the breaking of dawn.

Darkness » The wicked » Perpetrate their designs in

Job 24:16

In the dark they break into houses;
by day they lock themselves in,
never experiencing the light.

Darkness » Illustrative of » Abstruse and deep subjects

Job 28:3

A miner puts an end to the darkness;
he probes the deepest recesses
for ore in the gloomy darkness.

Darkness » God creates

Darkness » Called the swaddling band of the sea

Job 38:9

when I made the clouds its garment
and thick darkness its blanket,

Days » A time of judgment called a day of » Darkness

Joel 2:2

a day of darkness and gloom,
a day of clouds and dense overcast,
like the dawn spreading over the mountains;
a great and strong people appears,
such as never existed in ages past
and never will again
in all the generations to come.

Zephaniah 1:15

That day is a day of wrath,
a day of trouble and distress,
a day of destruction and desolation,
a day of darkness and gloom,
a day of clouds and blackness,

intercession » Answered » Instances of » Of moses, in behalf of pharaoh » Plague » Darkness

Exodus 10:21-23

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt." So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days. One person could not see another, and for three days they did not move from where they were. Yet all the Israelites had light where they lived.

Miracles » To witness to Christ as messiah spurious » Darkness

Exodus 10:22

So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days.

Plague » Darkness

Exodus 10:21-23

Then the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven, and there will be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness that can be felt." So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness throughout the land of Egypt for three days. One person could not see another, and for three days they did not move from where they were. Yet all the Israelites had light where they lived.

Punishment of the The Wicked » Future described as » Darkness

Spiritual » Crowns » Darkness

Topics on Darkness

Darkness During Daytime

Jeremiah 4:28

Because of this, the earth will mourn;
the skies above will grow dark.
I have spoken; I have planned,
and I will not relent or turn back from it.

darkness, natural

Exodus 20:18-21

All the people witnessed the thunder and lightning, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain surrounded by smoke. When the people saw it they trembled and stood at a distance.

Outer Darkness

1 Samuel 2:9

He guards the steps of His faithful ones,
but the wicked perish in darkness,
for a man does not prevail by his own strength.

Overtaken By Darkness

Genesis 15:12

As the sun was setting, a deep sleep fell on Abram, and suddenly great terror and darkness descended on him.

Spiritual Darkness

John 11:10

If anyone walks during the night, he does stumble, because the light is not in him.”

The Outer Darkness

1 Samuel 2:9

He guards the steps of His faithful ones,
but the wicked perish in darkness,
for a man does not prevail by his own strength.

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