62 Bible Verses about Covenant, the new

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Jeremiah 31:31

"Look, days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I'll make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.

Hebrews 8:8

but God found something wrong with his people when he said, "Look! The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.

Isaiah 54:9-10

"For this is like the waters of Noah to me, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again spread over the earth; so have I sworn that I won't be angry with you again and that I won't rebuke you. For the mountains may collapse and the hills may reel, but my gracious love will not depart from you, neither will my covenant of peace totter," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Hosea 2:18

I will make a covenant with them at that time, a covenant with the wild animals of the field, with the birds of the air, and with the creatures of the ground. I will banish the battle bow, the sword, and war from the earth. I will cause my people to lie down where it is safe.

Luke 1:72-73

He has shown mercy to our ancestors and remembered his holy covenant, the oath that he swore to our ancestor Abraham.

Acts 3:25-26

You are the descendants of the prophets and the heirs of the covenant that God made with your ancestors when he told Abraham, "Through your descendant all the families of the earth will be blessed.' When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you to bless you by turning every one of you from your evil ways."

Galatians 3:14-16

This happened in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the gentiles through the Messiah Jesus, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. Brothers, let me use an example from everyday life. Once an agreement has been ratified, no one can cancel it or add conditions to it. Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his descendant. It doesn't say "descendants," referring to many, but "your descendant," referring to one person, who is the Messiah.

Ezekiel 16:60

""Meanwhile, as for me, I'll remember my covenant with you from when you were young, because I'll establish an eternal covenant with you.

Ezekiel 20:37

"I'll cause you to pass under the rod until I will have brought you into the bond of the covenant.

Isaiah 55:3

Pay attention to me, come to me; and listen, so that you may live; then I'll make an everlasting covenant with you, as promised by my faithful, sure love for David.

Ezekiel 34:24-26

I, the LORD, will be their God, and my servant David will rule among them as Prince.' I, the LORD, have spoken this. "I'm going to enter into a covenant with them, one of peace, and I'll eliminate wild beasts from the land so they can live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the forests. I'm going to make them and everything that surrounds my hill a blessing. I'll send down the rain! At the appropriate time there will be a rainstorm of blessing!

Ezekiel 37:25-26

They will live in the land that I gave to my servant Jacob and on which your ancestors lived. They will live in that land, along with their children and grandchildren, forever. David my servant will be their everlasting leader. I'll make a secure covenant with them, one that will last forever. I will establish them, make them increase in population, and will place my sanctuary in their midst forever.

Malachi 3:1

"Watch out! I'm sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly, the LORD you are looking for will come to his Temple. He is the messenger of the covenant whom you desire. Watch out! He is coming!" says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.

Isaiah 49:8

"This what the LORD says: "I'll answer you in a time of favor, and on a day of salvation I'll help you. I have watched over you, and given you as a covenant for the people, to restore the land, to reassign the inheritances that have been devastated;

Hebrews 9:15

This is why the Messiah is the mediator of a new covenant; so that those who are called may receive the eternal inheritance promised them, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the offenses committed under the first covenant.

Hebrews 9:16-17

For where there is a will, the death of the one who made it must be established. For a will is in force only when somebody has died, since it never takes effect as long as the one who made it is alive.

Luke 22:20

He did the same with the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant sealed by my blood, which is being poured out for you.

Exodus 24:8

Moses took the blood, sprinkled it on the people, and said, "This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD made with you based on all these words."

1 Corinthians 11:25

He did the same with the cup after the supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. As often as you drink from it, keep doing this in memory of me."

Isaiah 59:21

"As for me, this is my covenant with them," says the LORD. "And my Spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your mouth, won't depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your children, or from the mouths of your children's children, from now on and forever."

Ezekiel 36:26-27

"""I'm going to give you a new heart, and I'm going to give you a new spirit within all of your deepest parts. I'll remove that rock-hard heart of yours and replace it with one that's sensitive to me. I'll place my spirit within you, empowering you to live according to my regulations and to keep my just decrees.

Romans 8:2-4

For the Spirit's law of life in the Messiah Jesus has set me free from the Law of sin and death. For what the Law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the flesh, God did. By sending his own Son in the form of humanity, he condemned sin by being incarnate, so that the righteous requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not live according to human nature but according to the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:8

will not the Spirit's ministry have even more glory?

Jeremiah 31:34

No longer will a person teach his neighbor or his relative: "Know the LORD.' Instead, they'll all know me, from the least to the greatest of them," declares the LORD. "Indeed, I'll forgive their iniquity, and I'll remember their sin no more."

Romans 11:27

This is my covenant with them when I take away their sins."

Hebrews 10:17

and I will never again remember their sins and their lawless deeds."

2 Corinthians 3:9

For if the ministry of condemnation has glory, then the ministry of justification has an overwhelming glory.

Galatians 3:13-14

The Messiah redeemed us from the curse of the Law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written, "A curse on everyone who is hung on a tree!" This happened in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the gentiles through the Messiah Jesus, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.

Jeremiah 31:32-33

It won't be like the covenant I made with their ancestors on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt. They broke my covenant, although I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. "Rather, this is the covenant that I'll make with the house of Israel after those days," declares the LORD. "I'll put my Law within them and will write it on their hearts. I'll be their God and they will be my people.

Jeremiah 32:38-40

They'll be my people, and I'll be their God. I'll give them one heart and one lifestyle so they'll fear me always for their own good and for the good of their descendants after them. I'll make an everlasting covenant with them that I won't turn away from doing good for them. I'll put the fear of me in their hearts so they won't turn away from me.

Ezekiel 11:19-20

then I'll give them a united heart, placing a new spirit within them. I'll remove their stubborn heart and give them a heart that's sensitive to me. When they live by my statutes and keep my ordinances by observing them, then they'll be my people and I will be their God.

2 Corinthians 3:3

You are demonstrating that you are the Messiah's letter, produced by our service, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Hebrews 8:9-10

It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors at the time when I took them by the hand and brought them out of the land of Egypt. Because they did not remain loyal to my covenant, I ignored them, declares the Lord. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Hebrews 10:16

"This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts and will write them on their minds,

Hebrews 8:11

Never again will everyone teach his neighbor or his brother by saying, "Know the Lord,' because all of them will know me, from the least important to the most important.

2 Corinthians 3:15-16

Yet even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.

Ezekiel 37:26-27

I'll make a secure covenant with them, one that will last forever. I will establish them, make them increase in population, and will place my sanctuary in their midst forever. I will pitch my tent among them and will be their God. They will be my people,

Jeremiah 31:1

"At that time," declares the LORD, "I'll be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my people."

Ezekiel 34:30-31

That's when they'll learn that I, the LORD their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are my people,' declares the Lord GOD. "And as for you, my sheep, the flock that I'm pasturing, you are mankind, and I am your God,' declares the Lord GOD."

Hosea 2:19-23

I will make you my wife forever I will make you my wife in a way that is righteous, in a manner that is just, by a love that is gracious, and by a motive that is mercy. I will make you my wife because of my faithfulness, and you will know the LORD. "It will come about at that time that I will respond," declares the LORD, "I will respond to the heavens, and they will respond to the earth.read more.
The earth will respond with grain, new wine, and oil, and they will respond to Jezreel. I will plant my people in the land for myself. I will show mercy on her who has received no mercy I will say to those who are not my people, "You are my people!' and they will say, "You are my God.'"

Hebrews 7:22

In this way, Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant.

Hebrews 9:24-25

For the Messiah did not go into a sanctuary made by human hands that is merely a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, to appear now in God's presence on our behalf. Nor did he go into heaven to sacrifice himself again and again, the way the high priest goes into the Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own.

Hebrews 9:20-23

saying, "This is the blood of the covenant that God ordained for you." In the same way, he sprinkled with the blood both the tent and everything used in worship. In fact, under the Law almost everything is cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of the blood there is no forgiveness.read more.
Thus it was necessary for these earthly copies of the things in heaven to be cleansed by these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves are made clean with better sacrifices than these.

Isaiah 61:8

"For I, the LORD, love justice, and I hate robbery and iniquity; I will faithfully present your reward and make an everlasting covenant with you.

2 Corinthians 3:11

For if that which fades away came through glory, how much more does that which is permanent have glory?

Jeremiah 50:5

They'll ask the way to Zion, turning their faces in that direction. They'll come and join themselves to the LORD in an everlasting covenant that won't be forgotten.

Hebrews 8:7

If the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no need to look for a second one,

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