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When the disciples saw this they were angry. "What is the use of this waste?" they said;

This angered some of those present. "What was the use of wasting perfume like this?

Now at festival time he used to release for them some prisoner whom they begged from him.

Every year his parents used to travel to Jerusalem at the passover festival;

It is no use for either soil or dunghill, it is flung out. He who has an ear let him listen to this."

and fain to eat up the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. (The very dogs used to come and lick his ulcers.)

And in that town there was a widow who used to go and appeal to him for 'Justice against my opponent!'

And all the people used to come early in the morning to listen to him in the temple.

where a crowd of invalids used to lie, the blind, the lame, and folk with shrivelled limbs [waiting for the water to bubble.

For an angel used to descend from time to time into the bath, and disturb the water; whereupon the first person who stepped in after the water was disturbed was restored to health, no matter what disease he had been afflicted with].

Whereupon the neighbours and those to whom he had been a familiar sight as a beggar, said, "Is this not the man who used to sit and beg?"

when a man lame from birth was carried past, who used to be laid every day at what was called the 'Beautiful Gate' of the temple, to ask alms from those who entered the temple.

and when they recognized this was the very man who used to sit and beg at the Gate Beautiful, they were lost in awe and amazement at what had happened to him.

So Peter got up and went with them. When he arrived, they took him up to the room, where all the widows stood beside him crying as they showed him the garments and dresses that Dorcas used to make when she was with them.

people even carried away towels or aprons he had used, and at their touch sick folk were freed from their diseases and evil spirits came out of them.

The seven sons of Sceuas, a Jewish high priest, used to do this.

once it was hoisted aboard, they used ropes to undergird the ship, and in fear of being stranded on the Syrtis they lowered the sail and lay to.

and in the same way the males have abandoned the natural use of women and flamed out in lust for one another, men perpetrating shameless acts with their own sex and getting in their own persons the due recompense of their perversity.

Circumcision is certainly of use, provided you keep the Law; but if you are a breaker of the Law, then your circumcision is turned into uncircumcision.

(I use this human analogy to bring the truth home to your weak nature.) As you once dedicated your members to the service of vice and lawlessness, so now dedicate them to the service of righteousness that means consecration.

Then did what was meant for my good prove fatal to me? Never! It was sin; sin resulted in death for me by making use of this good thing. This was how sin was to be revealed in its true nature; it was to use the command to become sinful in the extreme.

Who is Apollos? Who is Paul? They are simply used by God to give you faith, each as the Lord assigns his task.

For if I pray with a 'tongue,' my spirit prays, no doubt, but my mind is no use to anyone.

Such being my hope then, I am quite frank and open ??13 not like Moses, who used to hang a veil over his face to keep the children of Israel from gazing at the last rays of a fading glory.

This is not 'recommending myself to you again'; it is giving you an incentive to be proud of me, which you can use against men who are proud of externals instead of the inward reality.

Besides, the so-called 'authorities' (it makes no difference to me what their status used to be ??God pays no regard to the externals of men), these 'authorities' had no additions to make to my gospel.

Here, listen to Paul! I tell you, if you get circumcised, Christ will be no use to you.

"Hands off this!" "Taste not that!" "Touch not this!" ??22 referring to things that perish by being used? These rules are determined by human precepts and tenets;

Do you not remember I used to tell you this when I was with you?

doctors of the Law is what they want to be, but they have no idea either of the meaning of the words they use or of the themes on which they harp.

If one will only keep clear of the latter, he will be put to noble use, he will be consecrated and useful to the Owner of the House, he will be set apart for good work of all kinds.

Luke is the only one who is with me. Pick up Mark and bring him along with you, for he is of great use in helping me.

I have a great deal to write to you, but I do not mean to use ink and paper; I hope to visit you and have a talk with you, so that your joy may be unimpaired.