122 occurrences

'Someone' in the Bible

Someone escaped, arrived, and reported what had happened to Abram the Hebrew, who was living by the oaks belonging to Mamre the Amorite, whose brothers Eshcol and Aner were allied with Abram.

Now as to your gods, if you find someone has them in their possession, he's a dead man. Take our relatives as witnesses, search through our belongings, and take whatever belongs to you that's in my possession." But Jacob didn't know that Rachel had stolen the idols.

so Pharaoh asked his servants, "Can we find anyone else like this someone in whom the Spirit of God lives?

Pharaoh got up during the night, he, all his officials, and all the Egyptians, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, because there was not a house without someone dead in it.

Otherwise, you may make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and when they prostitute themselves with their gods and offer sacrifices to their gods, someone may invite you and then you may eat some of their sacrifices.

"If someone sins because he has failed to testify after receiving notice to testify as a witness regarding what he has observed or learned, he is to be held responsible."

If someone brings it to demonstrate thanksgiving, then he is to present along with the thanksgiving offering unleavened cakes mixed with olive oil, unleavened wafers spread with olive oil, and cakes of mixed fine flour with olive oil.

"Whoever touches the body of someone with a discharge is to wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will remain unclean until evening.

Whoever has a discharge and spits on someone who is clean, then he is to wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will remain unclean until evening.

If someone from the descendants of Levi redeems the houses in the cities that they own, they are to be returned in the jubilee, because the houses of the cities of the descendants of Levi are to remain their property among the Israelis.

When someone suddenly dies beside him, so that his consecrated head is defiled, then he is to shave his head on the day of his purification. Seven days later he is to shave it again.

Then someone who is unclean is to gather the ashes of the heifer and lay them outside the camp in a clean place. This is to be done for the community of Israel to use for water of purification from sin.

Whoever is out in an open field and touches the body of someone who was killed by a sword, or a dead body, or someone's bones, or a grave, he is to be considered unclean for seven days.

"Now you are to stay outside the camp for seven days, after which any of you who has killed a person or touched someone who was killed may purify yourselves on the third day. You and your captives will be pure on the seventh day.

You are to set aside six towns of refuge from the towns that you will be giving to the descendants of Levi, where someone who kills a human being may run for shelter. In addition, give them 42 other towns.

they are to designate some towns of refuge so that anyone who kills someone inadvertently may flee there.

"Whoever uses an iron implement to kill someone is to be adjudged a murderer, and that murderer is certainly to be put to death.

Furthermore, whoever uses a stone implement to kill someone is to be adjudged a murderer, and that murderer is certainly to be put to death.

Also, whoever uses a wooden implement to kill someone with it is to be adjudged a murderer, and that murderer is certainly to be put to death.

You are not to receive payment of a ransom for someone who had fled to a town of refuge but then left to live in his homeland before the death of the high priest.

Every daughter who is in possession of an inheritance from the Israelis is to marry someone from the families within her father's tribe so the Israelis can retain possession of their ancestral inheritance.

where a person who accidentally killed someone could flee, if he killed his neighbor without having enmity toward him in the past. He may flee to one of these cities and live:

But for the one who hates him, he will repay him by destroying him. He will not delay dealing with someone who hates him.

But if someone will not listen to those words that the prophet speaks in my name, I will hold him accountable.

"When you build a new house, install a parapet along your roof so that if someone falls from the roof, you won't bring guilt of bloodshed on your house."

If someone among you becomes unclean due to nocturnal emissions, he must leave the camp and stay outside.

Then the Philistines demanded, "Who did this?" Someone said, "Samson, son-in-law of the Timnite, because his father-in-law took Samson's wife and gave her to the best man at Samson's wedding." In retaliation, the Philistines came up and burned her and her father to death.

Naomi responded to her daughter-in-law Ruth, "It is prudent, my daughter, for you to go out with his women servants, so someone won't attack you in another field."

Someone reported this to Saul: "Right now the army is sinning against the LORD by eating meat with the blood." He said, "You have acted treacherously. Roll a large stone to me today."

Then Samuel told Jesse, "Are these all the young men?" He said, "There yet remains the youngest one, and right now he's tending the sheep." Samuel told Jesse, "Send someone to get him, for we won't do anything else until he arrives here."

Someone replied, "They're at Naioth in Ramah." Saul went to Naioth in Ramah, and the Spirit of God came on him also. He continued in prophetic ecstasy until he came to Naioth in Ramah.

As long as Jesse's son lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established! Now send someone and bring David to me. He's a dead man!"

Someone told David, "Look, the Philistines are fighting at Keilah and are plundering the threshing floors."

Now, don't let my blood fall to the ground away from the LORD's presence. Indeed, the king of Israel has come out to seek a single flea, like someone hunts a partridge in the mountains."

At this the king asked, "Isn't there still someone left from Saul's household to whom I may show God's gracious love?" "There's Jonathan's son. He has maimed feet," Ziba answered.

David sent word to inquire about her, and someone told him, "This is Eliam's daughter Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah the Hittite, isn't it?"

Just then, someone told David, "Ahithophel is one of Absalom's conspirators!" So David prayed, "LORD, please turn Ahithophel's counsel into foolishness."

Someone informed Joab, "The king is weeping bitterly, mourning for Absalom."

David expressed his longing, "Oh, how I wish someone would get me a drink of water from the Bethlehem well that's by the city gate!"

and said "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who has provided someone to sit on my throne today. I've seen it with my own eyes!'"

Meanwhile, the LORD had spoken to Ahijah, "Be on your guard! Jeroboam's wife is coming to ask you about her son, because he is ill. You're to say such and such to her. When she arrives, she will pretend to be someone else!"

"Come in, wife of Jeroboam. What is this pretension at being someone else? I have some harsh news. Go tell Jeroboam: "I raised you up from among the people. "I made you Commander-in-Chief over my people Israel.

So Gehazi ran after Naaman. When Naaman noticed someone running after him, he came down from his chariot, greeted him and asked, "Is everything all right?"

Someone asked, "Would you be willing to come with your servants?"

Later on, Elisha traveled to Damascus. King Ben-hadad of Aram was ill, but someone informed him, "The man of God has come here!"

David expressed a longing, "Oh, how I wish someone would get me a drink of water from the Bethlehem well that's by the city gate!"

But when Sanballat the Horonite and his servant Tobiah the Ammonite heard of this, they were greatly distressed because someone had come to do good for the Israelis.

But I asked him, "Should a man like me run? Should someone like me run into the Temple to save his life? I won't go there!"

Indeed, if he snatches someone away, who could restrain him? Who can say to him, "What are you doing?'

"I'm a laughingstock to my friends, someone who called on God. But then he answered this upright and blameless man, and I have become a laughingstock.

then let my wife cook for another person and may someone else sleep with her,

if I've observed someone who is about to die for lack of clothes or if I have no clothing to give to the poor,

For it is not an enemy who insults me I could have handled that nor is it someone who hates me and who now arises against me I could have hidden myself from him

May they flow away like rain water that runs off, may they become like someone who shoots broken arrows.

How long will you rage against someone? Would you attack him as if he were a leaning wall or a tottering fence?

For they cannot sleep unless they are doing evil, and they are robbed of their sleep unless they cause someone to stumble.

So also is it with someone who has sex with his neighbor's wife; anyone touching her will not remain unpunished.

Everything I say is sensible to someone who understands, and correct to those who have acquired knowledge.

Someone whose conduct is upright fears the LORD, but whoever is devious in his ways despises him.

The first to put forth his case seems right, until someone else steps forward and cross-examines him.

Whoever obeys a commandment keeps himself safe, but someone who is contemptuous in conduct will die.

You will be like someone who lies down in the sea, or like someone who sleeps on top of a mast.

An archer who shoots at anyone is like someone who hires a fool or anyone who passes by.

Someone who hates hides behind his words, harboring deceit within himself.

Let someone else praise you, not your own mouth; a stranger, and never your own lips.

Though you crush a fool in a mortar and pestle as someone might crush grain, his stupidity still won't leave him.

Whoever rebukes a man will later on find more favor than someone who flatters with his words.

Whoever steals from his father or mother but claims, "It's no sin," is a companion to someone who demolishes.

Does anything exist about which someone might say, "Look at this! Is this new?" It happened ages ago; it existed before we did.

After all, to the person who is good in God's sight, he gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy, but to the sinner he gives the troublesome task of acquiring and accumulating in order to leave it to someone who is good in the sight of God. This also is pointless and chasing after the wind.

For what happens to people also happens to animals a single event happens to them: just as someone dies, so does the other. In fact, they all breathe the same way, so that a human being has no superiority over an animal. All of this is pointless.

Better than both of them is someone who has not yet been born, because he hasn't experienced evil on earth.

Consider someone who is alone, having neither son nor brother. There is no end to all of his work, and he is never satisfied with wealth. "So for whom do I work," he asks, "and deprive myself of pleasure?" This, too, is pointless and a terrible tragedy.

If someone attacks one of them, the two of them together will resist. Furthermore, the tri-braided cord is not soon broken.

I observed all this, and carefully considered everything that is undertaken on earth, especially the time when someone dominates another to his detriment.

Everyone shares the same experience: a single event affects the righteous, the wicked, the good, the clean, the unclean, whoever sacrifices, and whoever does not sacrifice. As it is with the good person, so also it is with the sinner; as it is with someone who takes an oath, so also it is with someone who fears taking an oath.

"While someone is among the living, hope remains," because "it is better to be a living dog than to be a dead lion."

Someone who quarries stone might be injured; someone splitting logs can fall into danger.

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