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He replied, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so I may preach there also; that is why I came [from the Father].”


Now above the expanse that was over their heads there was something resembling a throne, it appeared like [it was made of] sapphire or lapis lazuli; and [seated] on that which looked like a throne, high up, was a figure with the appearance of a man.


for [doubtless] there have to be factions among you, so that those who are of approved character may be clearly recognized among you.


then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and stone them to death—the young woman because she did not cry out for help [though she was] in the city, and the man because he has violated his neighbor’s [promised] wife. So you shall remove the evil from among you.


for a will and testament takes effect [only] at death, since it is never in force as long as the one who made it is alive.


“Therefore my lyre (harp) is used for [the sound of] mourning,
And my flute for the [sound of the] voices of those who weep.


Does a spring send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?


But if someone has caused [all this] sorrow, he has caused it not to me, but in some degree—not to put it too severely—[he has distressed and grieved] all of you.


Now Joshua got up early in the morning and assembled the people, and went up with the elders of Israel before the people to Ai.


But at last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and in whom is a spirit of the holy gods; and I told the dream to him, saying,


Then Moses said to Aaron, and to his surviving sons, Eleazar and Ithamar, “Take the grain offering that is left over from the offerings by fire to the Lord, and eat it unleavened beside the altar, for it is most holy.


So Jacob consummated his marriage and lived with Rachel [as his wife], and he loved Rachel more than Leah, and he served with Laban for another seven years.


The Lord judges the peoples;
Judge me, O Lord, and grant me justice according to my righteousness and according to the integrity within me.


So Hiram sent word to Solomon, saying, “I have heard the message which you sent to me; I will do everything you wish concerning the cedar and cypress timber.


So they seized her, and she went through the horses’ entrance to the king’s house (palace), and she was put to death there.


Jesus replied, “If I have said anything wrong, make a formal statement about the wrong; but if [I spoke] properly, why did you strike Me?”


He called to the Lord and said, “O Lord my God, have You brought further tragedy to the widow with whom I am staying, by causing her son to die?”


not that we rule [like dictators] over your faith, but rather we work with you for [the increase of] your joy; for in your faith you stand firm [in your strong conviction that Jesus of Nazareth—the Messiah—is the Son of God, through whom we obtain eternal salvation].


Your hand will be lifted up against your adversaries,
And all your enemies shall be cut off and destroyed.


So they sent word and gathered all the lords (governors) of the Philistines to them and said, “What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel?” They answered, “Let the ark of the God of Israel be brought around to Gath.” So they took the ark of the God of Israel there.


This is a copy of the letter that Tattenai, governor of the province west of the [Euphrates] River, and Shethar-bozenai and his associates, the officials who were west of the River, sent to Darius the king.


“And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is put to death and [afterward] you hang him on a tree [as a public example],


Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth.”


while our more presentable parts do not require it. But God has combined the [whole] body, giving greater honor to that part which lacks it,


so that there would be no division or discord in the body [that is, lack of adaptation of the parts to each other], but that the parts may have the same concern for one another.


The spies saw a man coming out of the city and they said to him, “Please show us the entrance to the city and we will treat you kindly.”


If we have built an altar for ourselves to turn away from following the Lord, or if [we did so] to offer a burnt offering or grain offering on it, or if to offer sacrifices of peace offerings on it, may the Lord Himself require it [of us and hold us responsible].


Then Ziba said to the king, “Your servant will do according to everything that my lord the king commands.” So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table as one of the king’s sons.


They answered them, “He is; look, he is ahead of you. Hurry now, for he has come into the city today because the people have a sacrifice on the high place today.


Serug, Nahor, Terah,


The Portion of Jacob [the true God on whom Israel has a claim] is not like these;
For He is the Designer and Maker of all things,
And Israel is the tribe of His inheritance [and He will not fail them]—
The Lord of hosts is His name.


But put forth Your hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh [and severely afflict him]; and he will curse You to Your face.”


Nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who will be born to you, he shall build the house for My Name.’


Behold, the heavens and the highest of heavens belong to the Lord your God, the earth and all that is in it.


Then Amnon became extremely hateful toward her, for his hatred toward her was greater than the love which he had for her. And Amnon said to her, “Get up and get out!”


Of the sons of Simeon, their descendants, by their families (clans), by their fathers’ households, their numbered men according to the number of names, head by head, every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:


All the offerings of the holy things, which the Israelites offer to the Lord I have given to you and to your sons and your daughters with you as a continual allotment. It is an everlasting covenant of salt [that cannot be dissolved or violated] before the Lord to you and to your descendants with you.”


“I have certainly built You a lofty house,
A place for You to dwell in forever.”


Now if the servant says to you, ‘I will not leave you,’ because he loves you and your household, since he is doing well with you;


The sons of Abraham: Isaac [by his wife Sarah] and Ishmael [by Hagar her maid].


and the Israelites set out on their journey from the Wilderness of Sinai, and the cloud [of the Lord’s guiding presence] settled down in the Wilderness of Paran.


The armed men went in front of the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard came after the ark, while the priests continued to blow the trumpets.


So Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him; and they escorted him on his way, with his wife and all that he had.


Consider the lilies and wildflowers, how they grow [in the open field]. They neither labor nor spin [wool to make clothing]; yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory and splendor dressed himself like one of these.


Saul’s watchmen in Gibeah of Benjamin looked, and behold, the multitude melted away and they went here and there.


When Shelah had lived thirty years, he became the father of Eber.


In the house the disciples began questioning Him again about this.


For it is better that you suffer [unjustly] for doing what is right, if that should be God’s will, than [to suffer justly] for doing wrong.


And again He said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God?


Every prudent and self-disciplined man acts with knowledge,
But a [closed-minded] fool [who refuses to learn] displays his foolishness [for all to see].


But if your eye is bad [spiritually blind], your whole body will be full of darkness [devoid of God’s precepts]. So if the [very] light inside you [your inner self, your heart, your conscience] is darkness, how great and terrible is that darkness!


Then He said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How will you understand and grasp the meaning of all the parables?


“I [the Lord] have cut off and destroyed nations [as a warning to Judah];
Their corner towers (battlements) are in ruins.
I have made their streets desolate
So that no one passes by;
Their cities are destroyed
So that there is no man, there is no inhabitant.


But if the man [who was wronged] has no redeemer (relative) to whom the restitution may be made, it is to be given to the Lord for the priest, besides the ram of atonement with which atonement is made for the offender.


If you seek skillful and godly wisdom as you would silver
And search for her as you would hidden treasures;


The Chaldeans bring all of them up with a hook,
And drag them away with a net,
And gather them together in their fishing net;
So they rejoice and are glad.


And Paul replied, “Whether in a short time or long, I wish to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become such as I am, except for these chains.”


He has made me live in dark places
Like those who have long been dead.


And you will know [without any doubt] that I am the Lord; for you have not walked in My statutes nor have you executed My ordinances, but you have acted in accordance with the ordinances of the nations around you.”’”


That day is a day of [the outpouring of the] wrath [of God],
A day of trouble and distress,
A day of destruction and devastation,
A day of darkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick darkness,


So the king’s scribes were called at that time in the third month (that is, the month of Sivan) on the twenty-third day; and it was written in accordance with everything that Mordecai commanded, to the Jews, to the chief rulers (satraps), and the governors and officials of the provinces which extended from India to Ethiopia (Cush), 127 provinces, to every province in its own script (writing), and to every people in their own language and to the Jews according to their script and their language.


So on the third day Jeroboam and all the people returned to Rehoboam just as the king had directed, saying, “Return to me on the third day.”


but repays those who hate Him to their faces, by destroying them; He will not hesitate with him who hates Him, He will repay him to his face.


The words of a wise man’s mouth are gracious and win him favor, but the lips of a fool consume him;


When the Angel of the Lord had spoken these words to all the Israelites, the people raised their voices and wept.


After striking them many times [with the rods], they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to guard them securely.


You are witnesses, and so is God, how unworldly and just and blameless was our behavior toward you who believe [in our Lord Jesus Christ].


that Hadad escaped to Egypt, he and some Edomites from his father’s servants with him, while Hadad was [still] a little boy.


It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly
Than to divide the spoil with the proud (haughty, arrogant).


“Yet you were not willing to go up [to take possession of it], but rebelled against the command of the Lord your God.


“You shall sow but you shall not reap;
You shall tread olives, but shall not anoint yourself with oil,
And [you will extract juice from] the grapes, but you shall not drink the wine.


The inscription of the accusation against Him had been written [above Him]: “THE KING OF THE JEWS.”


“By me princes rule, and nobles,
All who judge and govern rightly.


When the donkey saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the way and His drawn sword in His hand, the donkey turned off the path and went into the field; but Balaam struck the donkey to turn her back toward the path.


Jerusalem sinned greatly;
Therefore she has become an unclean thing [and has been removed].
All who honored her [now] despise her
Because they have seen her nakedness;
Even she herself groans and turns [her face] away.


Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is greater than I can bear.


For though he flourishes among the reeds (his fellow tribes),
An east wind (Assyria) will come,
The breath of the Lord rising from the desert;
And Ephraim’s spring will become dry
And his fountain will be dried up.
Assyria will plunder his treasury of every precious object.


and I will [compassionately] remember My covenant, which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and never again will the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.


He will take the best of your fields, your vineyards, and your olive groves, and give them to his servants.


Wise men store up and treasure knowledge [in mind and heart],
But with the mouth of the foolish, ruin is at hand.


“I opened for my beloved,
But my beloved had turned away and was gone.
My heart went out to him when he spoke.
I searched for him, but I could not find him;
I called him, but he did not answer me.


Then they gave Hebron to Caleb, as Moses had said, and he drove out from there the three sons of Anak.


for the Lord your God who is among you is a jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely His]—otherwise the anger of the Lord your God will be kindled and burn against you, and He will destroy you from the face of the earth.


“All the kings of the nations, all of them lie [dead] in glorious array,
Each one in his own sepulcher.


then I will act with hostility against you in wrath, and I also will punish you seven times for your sins.


In the twilight, in the evening;
In the black and dark night.


David therefore appealed to God for the child [to be healed]; and David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground.


The first [river] is named Pishon; it flows around the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold.


Baasha king of Israel went up against Judah and fortified Ramah [north of Jerusalem], in order to prevent anyone from going out or coming in to Asa king of Judah.


These were their names: Ben-hur, in the hill country of [the tribe of] Ephraim;


and My wrath shall be kindled and burn; I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless.


“Then all of you approached me and said, ‘Let us send men [into the land] before us, so that they may explore and search the area for us, and bring back to us word regarding the way we should go, and the cities we should enter.’


otherwise, when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and lived in them,


The adversary has spread out his hand
Over all her precious and desirable things;
For she has seen the [Gentile] nations enter her sanctuary (the Jerusalem temple)—
The ones whom You commanded
That they should not enter into Your congregation [not even in the outer courts].


You are giving thanks well enough [in a way that God is glorified], but the other person [who does not understand you] is not edified [and spiritually strengthened since he cannot join in your thanksgiving].


So it shall serve as a sign and a reminder on your [left] hand (arm) and as frontlets between your eyes, for by a strong and powerful hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt.”


Of the sons of Judah, their descendants, by their families (clans), by their fathers’ households, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:


If [the family living in] the house is worthy [welcoming you and your message], give it your [blessing of] peace [that is, a blessing of well-being and prosperity, the favor of God]. But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace.


And I will bring about wonders in the sky above
And signs (attesting miracles) on the earth below,
Blood and fire and smoking vapor.


nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers [whose words are used as weapons to abuse, insult, humiliate, intimidate, or slander], nor swindlers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God.


But now [in this time since you began to build] I will not treat the remnant of this people as in the former days,’ declares the Lord of hosts.


So King Darius signed the document, that is, the injunction.


Moreover, Josiah removed the mediums and the soothsayers and the teraphim (household gods) and the idols and all the repulsive things that were seen in Judah and in Jerusalem, so that he might fulfill the words of the law written in the book which Hilkiah the priest found in the house (temple) of the Lord.


The lion has roared! Who will not fear?
The Lord God has spoken [to the prophets]! Who can but prophesy?


For if I do this work of my own free will, then I have a reward; but if it is not of my will [but by God’s choosing], I have been entrusted with a [sacred] stewardship.


By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood [on the doorposts], so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch them (the firstborn of Israel).


(The Chorus)“We will rejoice and be glad in you;
We will remember and extol your love more [sweet and fragrant] than wine.
Rightly do they love you.”(The Shulammite Bride)
“I am deeply tanned but lovely,
O daughters of Jerusalem,
[I am dark] like the tents of [the Bedouins of] Kedar,
Like the [beautiful] curtains of Solomon.


If this thing has been done by my lord the king, why have you not shown your servants who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?”


But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen or pay attention to them, just as the Lord had told Moses.


Whoever digs a pit [for another man’s feet] will fall into it,
And he who rolls a stone [up a hill to do mischief], it will come back on him.


I would have chosen to keep him with me, so that he might minister to me on your behalf during my imprisonment for the gospel;


He said to them, “You will drink My cup [of suffering]; but to sit on My right and on My left this is not Mine to give, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by My Father.”


“Furthermore, I withheld the rain from you
When there were still three months until the harvest.
Then I would send rain on one city,
And on another city I would not send rain;
One piece of ground was rained on,
While the part not rained on would dry up.


You will be pledged to marry a wife, but another man will be intimate with her [before you]; you will build a house, but you will not live in it; you will plant a vineyard, but you will not use its fruit.


For he who was a slave when he was called in the Lord is a freedman of the Lord, likewise he who was free when he was called is a slave of Christ.


Neither their silver nor their gold
Will be able to rescue them
On the day of the Lord’s indignation and wrath.
And the whole earth will be consumed
In the fire of His jealous wrath,
For He shall make a full and complete end,
Indeed a terrifying one,
Of all the inhabitants of the earth.


It shall be a day for building your walls,
On that day the boundary [of Israel] shall be [greatly] extended.


The house of Joseph spied out Bethel (now the name of the city was formerly Luz).


And Jacob (Israel) went down into Egypt, and there he died, as did our fathers;


The shields of his soldiers [of Media and Babylon] are colored red;
The warriors are dressed in scarlet.
The chariots blaze with fire of [flashing] steel
When he is prepared to march,
And the cypress spears are brandished [for battle].


behold, I am going to stir them up from the place where you have sold them [and return them to their land], and I shall return your action [of retaliation] on your own head.


Then, by agreement, these men came [together] and found Daniel praying and making requests before his God.


“Have pity on me! Have pity on me, O you my friends,
For the hand of God has touched me.


So they each took his own censer and put fire on it and laid incense on it; and they stood at the doorway of the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle), with Moses and Aaron.


and he took some food and was strengthened.

For several days [afterward] Saul remained with the disciples who were at Damascus.


And the exiles of this host of the sons (descendants) of Israel
Who are among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath,
And the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad
Shall possess the cities of the Negev.


Then Jehoiada made a covenant between the Lord, the king, and the people, that they would be the Lord’s people—also between the king and the people [to be his subjects].


Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you, am He (the Messiah).”


Jesus gave them permission. And the unclean spirits came out [of the man] and entered the pigs. The herd, numbering about two thousand, rushed down the steep bank into the sea; and they were drowned [one after the other] in the sea.


He says to himself, “God has [quite] forgotten;
He has hidden His face; He will never see my deed.”


There was a certain man—without a dependent, having neither a child nor a brother, yet there was no end to all his labor. Indeed, his eyes were not satisfied with riches and he never asked, “For whom do I labor and deprive myself of pleasure?” This too is vanity (a wisp of smoke, self-conceit); yes, it is a painful effort and an unhappy task.


Now pay attention: you are relying on Egypt, on that staff of crushed reed; if a man leans on it, it will only go into his hand and pierce it. So is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust and rely on him.


Therefore, because you impose heavy rent on the poor
And demand a tribute (food-tax) of grain from them,
Though you have built [luxurious] houses of square stone,
You will not live in them;
You have planted beautiful vineyards, but you will not drink their wine.


Now the [two] men (angelic beings) turned away from there and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.


And as bands of robbers [lie in] wait for a man,
So a band of priests murder on the road toward Shechem [covering their crimes in that city of refuge];
Certainly they have committed crimes and outrages.


For He has not despised nor detested the suffering of the afflicted;
Nor has He hidden His face from him;
But when he cried to Him for help, He listened.


Whatever is needed, including young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings to the God of heaven, and wheat, salt, wine, and anointing oil, according to the request of the priests at Jerusalem, let it all be given to them daily without fail,


When your children say to you, ‘What does this service mean to you?’


And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “So, you men could not stay awake and keep watch with Me for one hour?


Then Balak said to Balaam, “Neither curse them at all nor bless them at all!”


And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands and grasps it; he indeed bears fruit and yields, some a hundred times [as much as was sown], some sixty [times as much], and some thirty.”


But if you do not listen to the Lord’s voice, but rebel against His command, then the hand of the Lord will be against you [to punish you], as it was against your fathers.


For I tell you, not one of those who were invited [and declined] will taste my dinner.’”


The man who was dead sat up and began to speak. And Jesus gave him back to his mother.


Then the king turned around and blessed all the assembly of Israel, while all the assembly of Israel was standing.


His parents answered, “We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;


and [from Egypt] their bodies were taken back to Shechem and placed in the tomb which Abraham had purchased for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor in Shechem.


“Did not Moses give you the Law? And yet not one of you keeps the Law. Why do you want to kill Me [for not keeping it]?”


Wisdom along with an inheritance is good
And an [excellent] advantage for those who see the sun.


So the people left the city and were coming to Him.


For, in the first place, when you meet together in church, I hear that there are divisions among you; and in part I believe it,


Once he was useless to you, but now he is indeed useful to you as well as to me.


“Furthermore, their wealth will become plunder
And their houses a desolation.
Yes, they will build houses but not live in them,
And plant vineyards but not drink their wine.”


Then the Lord said to me, ‘Arise, go down from here quickly, for your people whom you brought from Egypt have acted corruptly. They have quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them; they have made (cast) a molten image for themselves.’


Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and screamed out, “You are the Son of God!”


Then the king swore an oath and said, “As the Lord lives, who has redeemed my soul from all distress,


Then the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter [as if to the dogs]—that magnificent sum at which I am valued by them!” So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the Lord.


yet for love’s sake I prefer to appeal to you—since I am such a person as Paul, an old man, and now also a prisoner [for the sake] of Christ Jesus—


He who loves transgression loves strife and is quarrelsome;
He who [proudly] raises his gate seeks destruction [because of his arrogant pride].


“So also I will make you sick, striking you down,
Desolating and devastating you, because of your sins.


So Israel (the ten northern tribes) has rebelled against the house (royal line) of David to this day (the date of this writing).


“When you enter your neighbor’s vineyard, you may eat your fill of grapes, as many as you please, but you shall not put any in your basket [to take with you].


Peter took Him aside [to speak to Him privately] and began to reprimand Him, saying, “May God forbid it! This will never happen to You.”


“You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’
In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy,
And you are not to fear what they fear nor be in dread of it.


From spoil won in battles they dedicated gifts to maintain and repair the house of the Lord.


When your dread and panic come like a storm,
And your disaster comes like a whirlwind,
When anxiety and distress come upon you [as retribution].


The dove came back to him in the evening, and there, in her beak, was a fresh olive leaf. So Noah knew that the water level had subsided from the earth.


Which is easier, to say to the paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven’; or to say, ‘Get up, and pick up your mat and walk’?


And a man from there answered, “But who is the father of the others?” So it became a proverb, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”


Then the Lord said to Aaron, “You shall have no inheritance in the land [of the Israelites], nor have any portion [of land] among them. I am your portion and your inheritance among the children of Israel.


He may eat the food of his God, both of the most holy and of the holy things,


Jesus sternly warned them [again and again] not to tell who He was.


“All nations shall call you happy and blessed, for you shall be a land of delight,” says the Lord of hosts.


For what [adequate] thanks can we offer to God for you in return for all the joy and delight we have before our God on your account?


You cannot drink [both] the Lord’s cup and the cup of demons. You cannot share in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons [thereby becoming partners with them].


and those who use the world [taking advantage of its opportunities], as though they did not make full use of it. For the outward form of this world [its present social and material nature] is passing away.


Timothy, my fellow worker, sends his greetings to you, as do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my kinsmen.


The elderly and honorable man, he is the head;
And the prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.


But no one puts a piece of unshrunk (new) cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and a worse tear results.


“In those times many will rise up against the king of the South (Egypt); also the violent men among your own people will arise in order to fulfill the [earlier] visions, but they will fail.


Thus says the Lord regarding all My evil neighbors (Gentile nations) who strike at the inheritance which I have granted to My people Israel, “Behold, I will uproot them from their land and I will uproot the house of Judah from among them.


‘Is it not laid up in store with Me,
Sealed up in My treasuries?


And the men of Israel came out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, and struck them down as far as [the territory] below Beth-car.


You shall present the Levites before the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle), and you shall also assemble the whole congregation of the children of Israel,


“They did not say, ‘Where is the Lord
Who brought us up from the land of Egypt,
Who led us through the wilderness,
Through a land of deserts and of pits,
Through a land of drought and of the deep darkness [of the shadow of death],
Through a land that no man passed through
And where no man lived?’


Under the expanse their wings were stretched out straight, one toward another. Every living being had two wings which covered its body on one side and on the other side.


Then the Lord will be jealous for His land [ready to defend it since it is rightfully and uniquely His]
And will have compassion on His people [and will spare them].


Nor is the gift [of grace] like that which came through the one who sinned. For on the one hand the judgment [following the sin] resulted from one trespass and brought condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift resulted from many trespasses and brought justification [the release from sin’s penalty for those who believe].


for He had healed many, and as a result all who had diseases pressed around Him to touch Him.


The wages of the righteous [the upright, those in right standing with God] is [a worthwhile, meaningful] life,
The income of the wicked, punishment.


So they went in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the Baby as He lay in the manger.


‘But if he cannot afford a lamb, then he shall bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons as his guilt offering for his sin to the Lord, one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering.


Then they were willing to take Him on board the boat, and immediately the boat reached the [shore of the] land to which they were going.


“I shall make the lame a [godly] remnant
And the outcasts a strong nation;
And the Lord shall reign over them in Mount Zion
From this time on and forever.


whereas even angels who are superior in might and power do not bring a reviling (defaming) accusation against them before the Lord.


and Ahimaaz became the father of Azariah, and Azariah became the father of Johanan,


All her people groan, seeking bread;
They have exchanged their desirable and precious things for food
To restore their lives.
“See, O Lord, and consider
How despised and repulsive I have become!”


Then Pharaoh called for the wise men [skilled in magic and omens] and the sorcerers [skilled in witchcraft], and they also, these magicians (soothsayer-priests) of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts and enchantments.


Gather up your bundle [of goods] from the ground,
You who live under siege.


The people served the Lord all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great work of the Lord which He had done for Israel.


So I will tear down the wall which you have plastered with whitewash and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundations will be exposed; when it falls, you will perish in its midst. And you shall know and understand fully that I am the Lord.


The one with whom you find your gods shall not live; in the presence of our relatives [search my possessions and] point out whatever you find that belongs to you and take it.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen the idols.


Now Zebah and Zalmunna were in Karkor with their armies, about fifteen thousand [fighting] men, all who were left of the entire army of the sons of the east; for a hundred and twenty thousand swordsmen had fallen.


But as for me, I will enter Your house through the abundance of Your steadfast love and tender mercy;
At Your holy temple I will bow [obediently] in reverence for You.


So he showed them the entrance to the city, and they struck the city with the edge of the sword, but they let the man and all his family go free.


So when all [the ten northern tribes of] Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people replied to the king, saying,“What portion do we have in David?
We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse;
To your tents, O Israel!
Look now after your own house, David!”
Then Israel went back to their tents.


And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees of the garden,


Jesus replied, “I did one work, and you are all astounded.


and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, like a fig tree shedding its late [summer] figs when shaken by a strong wind.


These are the things which defile and dishonor the man; but eating with [ceremonially] unwashed hands does not defile the man.”


So the Levites quieted all the people, saying, “Be still, for the day is holy; do not be worried.”


Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,


a tenth for each of the seven male lambs,


For if a man comes into your meeting place wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in dirty clothes also comes in,


For the king will hear and save his maidservant from the hand of the man who would destroy me and my son together from the inheritance of God.’


Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanksgiving to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever,


Then Solomon said, “You have shown Your servant David my father great lovingkindness, because he walked before You in faithfulness and righteousness and with uprightness of heart toward You; and You have kept for him this great lovingkindness, in that You have given him a son to sit on his throne, as it is today.


And I urge all of you to pray earnestly, so that I may be restored to you soon.


Has this house, which is called by My Name, become a den of robbers in your eyes [a place of retreat for you between acts of violence]? Behold, I Myself have seen it,” says the Lord.


Now may our God and Father Himself, and Jesus our Lord guide our steps to you [by removing the obstacles that stand in our way].


“Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, perfect peace (greetings). And now


Then those of the Negev shall possess the mountain of Esau,
And those of the Shephelah [shall possess] the Philistine plain;
Also, [they shall] possess the fields of Ephraim and the fields of Samaria,
And Benjamin will possess Gilead [across the Jordan River].


Then behold, the man clothed in linen, who had the scribe’s writing case at his side, reported, “I have done just as You have commanded me.”


When she looked, behold, there stood the [young] king [on the platform] by the pillar, as was customary [on such occasions], and the captains and the trumpeters were beside the king; and all the people of the land rejoicing and blowing the trumpets. Then Athaliah tore her clothes and cried, “Treason! Treason!”


These from the sons (descendants) of Gad were captains of the army; he who was least was equal to a hundred, and the greatest was equal to a thousand.


To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews [for Christ]; to men under the Law, [I became] as one under the Law, though not being under the Law myself, so that I might win those who are under the Law.


“This also will be my salvation,
For a godless man may not come before Him.


Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, and then bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”


But Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah approached and struck Micaiah on the cheek and said, “How did the Spirit of the Lord pass from me to speak to you?”


Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,


“I have told you these things in figurative language (veiled language, proverbs); the hour is now coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech, but I will tell you plainly about the Father.


so that the Lord may fulfill His promise concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons are careful regarding their way [of life], to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and mind and with all their soul, you shall not fail to have a man (descendant) on the throne of Israel.’


Gather the people, sanctify the congregation,
Assemble the elders,
Gather the children and the nursing infants.
Let the bridegroom come out of his room
And the bride out of her bridal chamber. [No one is excused from the assembly.]


Mephibosheth had a young son whose name was Mica. And all who lived in Ziba’s house were servants to Mephibosheth.


Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.


And He said to me, “Go in and see the wicked, repulsive acts that they are committing here.”


I thought it over and then challenged the nobles and the rulers. I said to them, “You are exacting usury (excessive interest) from your own brother (relative).” So I held a great assembly to confront them.


Elijah said to him, “Elisha, please stay here, for the Lord has sent me to Jericho.” But he said, “As the Lord lives and as your soul lives, I will not leave you.” So they came to Jericho.


Solomon had twelve deputies over all Israel, who secured provisions for the king and his household; each man had to provide for a month in the year.


In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, [and continue] until the twenty-first day of the month at evening.


The house of Joseph also went up against Bethel, and the Lord was with them.


The plan pleased me and I took twelve of your men, one man from each tribe.


They were not able to seize on anything He said in the presence of the people; and being unnerved at His reply, they were silent.


by driving out all your enemies from before you, as the Lord has spoken.


and I said to you, “I am the Lord your God; you shall not fear the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live.” But you have not listened to and obeyed My voice.’”


The plunder that remained from the spoil of war which the warriors had taken, was 675,000 sheep,


On the lips of the discerning, [skillful and godly] wisdom is found,
But discipline and the rod are for the back of the one who is without common sense and understanding.


Rehum the [Persian] commander [of the Samaritans] and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter against Jerusalem to Artaxerxes the king as follows—


Bethany was near Jerusalem, about two miles away;


O Lord, in accordance with all Your righteous and just acts, please let Your anger and Your wrath turn away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain. Because of our sins and the wickedness of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people have become an object of scorn and a contemptuous byword to all who are around us.


Solomon the son of David established himself securely over his kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him and made him exceedingly great.


And the woman [of the house] took a covering and spread it over the mouth of the well and scattered grain on it; so nothing was discovered.


Then Jehu said, “Take them alive.” So they took them alive and [later] slaughtered them at the well by the place of the sand heaps, forty-two men; he left none of them [alive].


And He replied, “It is one of the twelve [disciples], one who is dipping bread in the bowl with Me.


The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem and Ham and Japheth. Ham would become the father of Canaan.


Return to the stronghold [of security and prosperity], O prisoners who have the hope;
Even today I am declaring that I will restore double [your former prosperity] to you [as firstborn among nations].


Then a single powerful angel picked up a boulder like a great millstone and flung it into the sea, saying, “With such violence will Babylon the great city be hurled down [by the sudden, spectacular judgment of God], and will never again be found.


of Malluchi, Jonathan; of Shebaniah, Joseph;


Her (ceremonial) uncleanness was on her skirts;
She did not [seriously] consider her future.
Therefore she has come down [from throne to slavery] in an astonishing manner;
She has no comforter.
“O Lord” [cries Jerusalem], “look at my affliction,
For the enemy has magnified himself [in triumph]!”


Therefore the Lord does not rejoice over their young men,
Nor does He have compassion on their fatherless or their widows;
For every one of them is godless and an evildoer,
And every mouth is speaking foolishness.
In spite of all this, God’s anger does not turn away
But His hand is still stretched out [in judgment].


and say to them, ‘Listen to the word of the Lord, kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the people of Jerusalem who enter through these gates.


saying that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise [from death to life].”


But after two years had passed, Felix was succeeded [in office] by Porcius Festus; and wishing to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul imprisoned.


Then He called out to me and said to me, “See, those who are going to the north country have quieted My Spirit [of wrath] in the north country.”


Arise, O Lord! O God, lift up Your hand [in judgment];
Do not forget the suffering.


But whenever raw flesh appears on him, he shall be unclean.


He replied, “O unbelieving (faithless) generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to Me!”


Bela the son of Azaz, the son of Shema, the son of Joel, who lived in Aroer as far as Nebo and Baal-meon.


Do we [really] provoke the Lord to jealousy [when we eat food sacrificed to handmade “gods” at pagan feasts]? Are we [spiritually] stronger than He? [Certainly not! He knows that the idols are nothing. But we deeply offend Him.]


Then Herod secretly sent for the magi and learned from them the [exact] time the star [had first] appeared.


For it came about, when David was in Edom, and Joab the commander of the army had gone up to bury those killed [in battle] and had struck down every male in Edom


And the people from the towns in the vicinity of Jerusalem were coming together, bringing the sick and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all being healed.


those of the tribe of Simeon numbered 59,300.


Whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire.”


They answered, “John the Baptist, and some say, Elijah; but others, that one of the ancient prophets has come back to life.”


So the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand, only spare his life.”


Now I will soon pour out My wrath on you and spend My anger against you, and I will judge you in accordance with your ways and will repay you [with punishment] for all your outrageous acts.


Then I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take away some of the Spirit who is upon you, and will put Him upon them; and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you will not have to bear it all alone.


and they got into a boat and started to cross the sea to Capernaum. It was already dark, and Jesus had still not come [back] to them.


Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, since there are many of you; and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under it.”


For thus says the Lord;
“Behold, I am slinging out at this time the people of this land,
And will cause them [great] distress,
That they may find it [to be as I have said].”


But whatever city you enter and they do not welcome you, go out into its streets and say,


And Eber lived four hundred and thirty years after Peleg was born, and he had other sons and daughters.


And seeing the man who had been healed standing there with them, they had nothing to say in reply.


So it was their uncircumcised sons whom He raised up in their place, whom Joshua circumcised, because circumcision had not been performed on the way.


For at the voice of the Lord the Assyrians will be terrified,
When He strikes [them] with the rod.


For a freewill offering you may offer either a bull or a lamb which has an overgrown or stunted member (deformity), but for [the payment of] a vow it will not be accepted.


And His mercy is upon generation after generation
Toward those who [stand in great awe of God and] fear Him.


Therefore I was angered with this generation,
And I said, ‘They always go astray in their heart,
And they did not know My ways [nor become progressively better and more intimately acquainted with them]’;


Now the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the Nile, and [she, together with] her maidens walked along the river’s bank; she saw the basket among the reeds and sent her maid [to get it], and she brought it to her.


For the [punishment of the] wickedness of the daughter of my people [Jerusalem]
Is greater than the [punishment for the] sin of Sodom,
Which was overthrown in a moment,
And no hands were turned toward her [to offer help].


Then all those who were sitting in the Council, stared [intently] at him, and they saw that Stephen’s face was like the face of an angel.


The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus.


Then their eyes were [suddenly] opened [by God] and they [clearly] recognized Him; and He vanished from their sight.


And He began teaching in their synagogues and was praised and glorified and honored by all.


I will bring distress on men
So that they will walk like the blind [unable to find a way of escape],
Because they have sinned against the Lord;
Their blood will be poured out like dust [and trampled underfoot],
And their flesh like dung.


so that, as sin reigned in death, so also grace would reign through righteousness which brings eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


for when you eat, each one hurries to get his own supper first [not waiting for others or the poor]. So one goes hungry while another gets drunk.


Now the rest of the acts of Joash and everything that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah?


Bathsheba bowed down with her face to the ground, and laid herself face down before the king and said, “May my lord King David live forever!”


So the Lord God prepared a plant and it grew up over Jonah, to be a shade over his head to spare him from discomfort. And Jonah was extremely happy about [the protection of] the plant.


And we have sent along with him the brother who is praised in the gospel [ministry] throughout all the churches;


Saul and his son Jonathan and the people with them were staying in Geba of Benjamin, while the Philistines camped at Michmash.


“Is it nothing to you, all you who pass this way?
Look and see if there is any pain like my pain
Which was severely dealt out to me,
Which the Lord has inflicted [on me] on the day of His fierce anger.


Jesus looked at him and said, “How difficult it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!


And on the twenty-third day of the seventh month Solomon sent the people to their tents, rejoicing and happy in heart because of the goodness that the Lord had shown to David, to Solomon, and to His people Israel.


“The yoke of my transgressions is bound;
By His hand they are knit and woven together.
They have come upon my neck.
He has made my strength fail;
The Lord has put me into the hand
Of those against whom I cannot stand.


Jesus replied to him, “It is said [in Scripture], you shall not tempt the Lord your God [to prove Himself to you].’”


Then, indeed, you could lift up your face [to Him] without moral defect,
And you would be firmly established and secure and not fear.


There has not been a day like that before it or after it, when the Lord listened to (heeded) the voice of a man; for the Lord was fighting for Israel.


Then He said to the disciples, “The time will come when you will long to see [even] one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it.


Fear and profound awe gripped them all, and they began glorifying and honoring and praising God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and, “God has visited His people [to help and care for and provide for them]!”


Now the rest of the acts of Amaziah, from the first to the last, are they not written in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel?


in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness.


‘Since the day that I brought My people Israel out of Egypt, I did not choose a [particular] city out of all the tribes of Israel in which to build a house so that My Name (Presence) would be in it, but I chose David to be over My people Israel.’


For if the ministry that brings condemnation [the old covenant, the Law] has glory, how much more does glory overflow in the ministry that brings righteousness [the new covenant which declares believers free of guilt and sets them apart for God’s special purpose]!


Pay attention to me, O Lord [and intercede];
Listen to what my adversaries are saying [and are plotting against me]—


I think then that because of the impending distress [that is, the pressure of the current trouble], it is good for a man to remain as he is.


But when someone stronger than he attacks and overpowers him, he robs him of all his armor on which he had relied and divides his [goods as] spoil.


But be that as it may, I did not burden you [with my support]. But [some say that] I was sly and took you by trickery.


The [arrogant] fool’s anger is quickly known [because he lacks self-control and common sense],
But a prudent man ignores an insult.


Now a man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of [the goddess] Artemis (Diana), was bringing no small profit to the craftsmen.


They found written in the Law how the Lord had commanded through Moses that the Israelites should live in booths (huts) during the feast of the seventh month.


By this we will know [without any doubt] that we are of the truth, and will assure our heart and quiet our conscience before Him


but [instead I would act on this goal] as it is written [in Scripture],

They who had no news of Him shall see,
And they who have not heard [of Him] shall understand.”


From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel a Savior, [in the person of] Jesus, according to His promise.


Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be released. Are you unmarried? Do not seek a wife.


“Therefore, behold, I [the Lord God] will hedge up her way with thorns;
And I will build a wall against her [shutting off her way] so that she cannot find her paths.


Now have I come up against this place to destroy it without the Lord’s approval? The Lord said to me, ‘Go up against this land and destroy it.’”’”


And I (Zechariah) said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with [rich] garments. And the Angel of the Lord stood by.


You shall say to the Israelites, ‘This shall be a holy and sacred anointing oil, to Me [alone] throughout your generations.


“He will not return again to his house,
Nor will his place know about him anymore.


Afterward the sons of Israel will return [in deep repentance] and seek the Lord their God and [seek from the line of] David their king [the King of kings—the Messiah]; and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness and blessing in the last days.


and his brothers, heads of fathers’ households, 242; and Amashsai the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, the son of Immer,


Then on the fourth day they said to Samson’s wife, “Persuade your husband to tell us [through you] the [answer to the] riddle, or we will burn you and your father’s household with fire. Have you invited us to make us poor? Is this not true?”


He who learns from instruction and correction is on the [right] path of life [and for others his example is a path toward wisdom and blessing],
But he who ignores and refuses correction goes off course [and for others his example is a path toward sin and ruin].


for He was teaching them as one who had authority [to teach entirely of His own volition], and not as their scribes [who relied on others to confirm their authority].


The name of the star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the waters, because they had become bitter (toxic).


He did evil because he did not set his heart to seek and worship and honor the Lord.


“Therefore [you of the godly remnant of Judah, patiently] wait for Me,” declares the Lord,
“[Wait] for the day when I rise up as a witness [against the nations].
For it is My decision and My right to gather the nations,
To assemble kingdoms,
To pour out on them My indignation,
All [the heat of] My burning anger;
For [in that day] all the earth shall be consumed
By the fire of My zeal.


If sin is in your hand, put it far away [from you],
And do not let wrongdoing dwell in your tents;


and the two kidneys with the fat that is on them at the loins, and the lobe of the liver which he shall remove with the kidneys.


He who has an ear, let him hear and heed what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes [the world through believing that Jesus is the Son of God] will not be hurt by the second death (the lake of fire).’


“Let all their wickedness come before You;
And deal with them as You have dealt with me
Because of all my transgressions;
For my groans are many and my heart is faint.”


He will take your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.


“And if this is not so, who can prove me a liar
And make my speech worthless?”


Now in the fifth year of Joram (Jehoram) the son of Ahab king of Israel, when Jehoshaphat was king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat king of Judah became king.


But to the sons of Kohath he gave nothing, because they were assigned the care of the holy things which they carried on their shoulders [when the tabernacle was moved].


For [this is the fate of the Philistines:] Gaza will be abandoned
And Ashkelon a desolation;
[The people of] Ashdod will be driven out at noon [in broad daylight]
And Ekron will be uprooted and destroyed.


Where can we go up? Our brothers (spies) have made our hearts melt [in fear] and demoralized us by saying, “The people are bigger and taller than we; the cities are large, and fortified [all the way up] to heaven. And besides, we saw the [giant-like] sons of the Anakim there.”’


saying, “This is the blood of the covenant [that seals and ratifies the agreement] which God ordained and commanded [me to deliver to] you.”


So then, I have seen the wicked buried, those who used to go in and out of the holy place [but did not thereby escape their doom], and they are [praised in spite of their evil and] soon forgotten in the city where they did such things. This too is futility (vanity, emptiness).


They asked them, “Is this your son, who you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?”


I did not sit with the group of those who celebrate,
Nor did I rejoice;
I sat alone because Your [powerful] hand was upon me,
For You had filled me with indignation [at their sin].


But the word of the Lord [the good news about salvation through Christ] continued to grow and spread [increasing in effectiveness].


Jesus replied, “Because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe [in Me]? You will see greater things than this.”


not because we do not have a right to such support, but [we provided our own financial support] to offer ourselves as a model for you, so that you would follow our example.


Then Hazael said, “Surely not! For what is your servant, who is nothing more than a dog, that he would do this monstrous thing?” And Elisha answered, “The Lord has shown me that you will be king over Aram.”


By Silvanus, our faithful brother (as I consider him), I have written to you briefly, to counsel and testify that this is the true grace [the undeserved favor] of God. Stand firm in it!


But others were saying, “He is Elijah!” And others were saying, “It is a prophet, like one of the prophets [of old].”


A large crowd was following Him because they had seen the signs (attesting miracles) which He continually performed on those who were sick.


“Will all these [victims of his greed] not take up a taunting song against him,
And in mocking derision against him
Say, ‘Woe (judgment is coming) to him who increases that which is not his—
How long [will he possess it]?
And [woe to him who] makes himself wealthy with loans.’


Now if I habitually do what I do not want to do, [that means] I agree with the Law, confessing that it is good (morally excellent).


Then they were each given a white robe; and they were told to rest and wait quietly for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers and sisters who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed.


Abram, the same as Abraham.


Let your way [in life] be far from her,
And do not go near the door of her house [avoid even being near the places of temptation],


At that very hour Jesus healed many people of sicknesses and infirmities and evil spirits; and He gave [the gracious gift of] sight to many who were blind.


“He raises up the poor from the dust,
He lifts up the needy from the ash heap
To make them sit with nobles,
And inherit a seat of honor and glory;
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,
And He set the land on them.


When Zimri saw that the city was taken, he went into the fortress of the king’s palace; and while inside, he set fire to the king’s palace and died,


And Jesus went up on the mountainside and sat down there with His disciples.


Then he sent them to Bethlehem, saying, “Go and search carefully for the Child; and when you have found Him, report to me, so that I too may come and worship Him.”


Therefore, they offer sacrifices to their net
And burn incense to their fishing net;
Because through these things their catch is large and they live luxuriously,
And their food is plentiful.


and say ‘We piped the flute for you [playing wedding], and you did not dance; we wailed sad dirges [playing funeral], and you did not mourn and cry aloud.’


Though you have eyes, do you not see? And though you have ears, do you not hear and listen [to what I have said]? And do you not remember,


For if that [Law] which fades away came with glory, how much more must that [gospel] which remains and is permanent abide in glory and splendor!


Jesus got up and began to accompany the ruler, with His disciples.


So when you meet together, it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper,


Mordecai told him everything that had happened to him, and the exact amount of money that Haman had promised to pay to the king’s treasuries for the destruction of the Jews.


but showing graciousness and lovingkindness to thousands [of generations] of those who love Me and keep My commandments.


for she had been saying to herself, “If I only touch His outer robe, I will be healed.”


Who made the world like a wilderness
And overthrew its cities,
Who did not permit his prisoners to return home?’


Strangers have devoured his strength,
Yet he does not know it;
Gray hairs are sprinkled on him,
Yet he does not know.


Also I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, to a distant nation,” for the Lord has spoken.


“The Lord is righteous and just;
For I have rebelled against His commandment (His word).
Hear now, all you peoples,
And look at my pain;
My virgins and my young men
Have gone into captivity.


After hearing the king, they went their way; and behold, the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them [continually leading the way] until it came and stood over the place where the young Child was.


“The villagers ceased to be; they ceased in Israel
Until I, Deborah, arose,
Until I arose, a mother in Israel.


For those who lead this people are causing them to go astray;
And those who are led [astray] by them are swallowed up.


When a man takes hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying,
“You have a robe, you shall be our judge and ruler,
And this pile of ruins will be under your control,”


For this reason the crowd went to meet Him, because they heard that He had performed this [miraculous] sign.


Later, in the days of [King] Artaxerxes, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel and the rest of their associates wrote to Artaxerxes king of Persia; and the text of the letter was written in Aramaic and translated from Aramaic.


But He strictly warned and admonished them not to tell this to anyone,


Then they said one to another, “We are not doing the right thing. This is a day of good news, yet we are keeping silent. If we wait until the morning light, some punishment [for not reporting this now] will come on us. So now come, let us go and tell the king’s household.”


“Yet a little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to lie down and rest”—


But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the repair of the walls of Jerusalem went on, and that the breaches were being closed, they were very angry.


The assembled people kept shouting, “It is the voice of a god and not of a man!”


Then Korah assembled all the congregation against Moses and Aaron at the doorway of the Tent of Meeting (tabernacle). And the glory and brilliance of the Lord appeared to all the congregation.


and to the blast of a trumpet and a sound of words [such that] those who heard it begged that nothing more be said to them.


Now on that same night the Lord said to Gideon, “Arise, go down against their camp, for I have given it into your hand.


Now the heart of the king of Aram (Syria) was enraged over this thing. He called his servants and said to them, “Will you not tell me which of us is helping the king of Israel?”


So King Jehoram left Samaria at that time and assembled all [the fighting men of] Israel.


and Pathrusim and Casluhim—from whom came the Philistines—and Caphtorim.


Depart from me, all you who do evil,
For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.


And behold, one who resembled the sons of men touched my lips. Then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me, “O my lord, because of the vision anguish has come upon me, and I have retained no strength.


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.


Now there was a large herd of pigs grazing there on the mountain.


He walled me in so that I cannot get out;
He has weighted down my chain.


Many are saying, “Oh, that we might see some good!”
Lift up the light of Your face upon us, O Lord.


Then He will speak to them in His [profound] anger
And terrify them with His displeasure, saying,


Then the trees said to the vine, ‘You come and reign over us.’


Then fearing that we might run aground somewhere on the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern [to slow the ship] and kept wishing for daybreak to come.


saying to him, “See that you tell no one anything [about this]; but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your purification what Moses commanded, as proof to them [that you are really healed].”


Now the word of the Lord came to Solomon, saying,


and many of the Jews had come to see Martha and Mary, to comfort them concerning [the loss of] their brother.


And when Joshua had sent the people away, the [tribes of the] Israelites went each to his inheritance, to take possession of the land.


Afterward the people moved on from Hazeroth and camped in the Wilderness of Paran.


After they finished ridiculing Him, they stripped Him of the scarlet robe and put His own clothes on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him.


They said this to test Him, hoping that they would have grounds for accusing Him. But Jesus stooped down and began writing on the ground with His finger.


Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night and said to him: “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.


from Aram (Syria), Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, and Amalek, and from the spoil of Hadadezer the son of Rehob, king of Zobah.


On the contrary, you know that it was because of a physical illness that I [remained and] preached the gospel to you the first time;


Ephraim has provoked most bitter anger;
So his Lord will leave his bloodguilt on him [invoking punishment]
And bring back to him his shame and dishonor.


But she said, “No, because this wrong of sending me away is worse than the other that you have done to me!” But he would not listen to her.


Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was approaching.


Be courageous, and let us show ourselves courageous for the benefit of our people and the cities of our God. And may the Lord do what is good in His sight.”


“He makes [great and scheming] counselors walk barefoot
And makes fools of judges.


King David also dedicated these [gifts] to the Lord, along with the silver and gold that he had dedicated from all the nations which he subdued:


All these were of expensive stones, of stone cut according to measure, sawed with saws, inside and outside; even from the foundation to the coping, and from the outside to the great courtyard.


So David got up early in the morning, left the flock with a keeper, picked up the provisions and went just as Jesse had directed him. And he came to the encampment as the army was going out in battle formation shouting the battle cry.


So, when the closest relative (redeemer) said to Boaz, “Buy it for yourself,” he pulled off his sandal [and gave it to Boaz to confirm the agreement].


So you too, when you see these things happening, know [without any doubt] that the kingdom of God is near.


He wrote [a decree] in the name of King Ahasuerus, and sealed it with the king’s ring, and sent letters by couriers on horseback, riding on the royal [mail] relay horses, the offspring of the racing mares.


Anyone who is found will be pierced through,
And anyone who is captured will fall by the sword.


the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and they worship Him who lives forever and ever; and they throw down their crowns before the throne, saying,


But if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw,


“Therefore, you will have no one stretching a measuring line [dividing the common land]
For you by lot in the assembly of the Lord.


and he said to the second angel, “Run, speak to that young man, saying, ‘Jerusalem will be inhabited [like villages] without walls [spreading out into the open country] because of the great number of people and livestock in it.


‘As for the promise which I made with you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit stands [firm and immovable] and continues with you; do not fear!’


Observe, I am about to build a house for the Name of the Lord my God, dedicated to Him, to burn fragrant incense [of sweet spices] before Him, to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on Sabbaths, New Moons, and on the festivals of the Lord our God, as ordained forever in Israel.


“Send [this message] to all the exiles, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord concerning Shemaiah of Nehelam, “Because Shemaiah has prophesied to you, although I did not send him, and he has made you trust in a lie,”


“Why do you persecute me as God does?
Why are you not satisfied with my flesh (anguish)?


Now this is the account of the forced labor which King Solomon conscripted to build the house of the Lord, his own house, the Millo (fortification), the wall of Jerusalem, [and the fortress cities of] Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.


I am no longer worthy to be called your son; [just] treat me like one of your hired men.”’


Jeuz, Sachia, and Mirmah. These were his sons, heads of fathers’ households.


So I said I will bring you up out of the suffering and oppression of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Amorite, the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”’


“The Lord has rejected all the strong men
In my midst;
He has proclaimed an established time against me
To crush my young men.
The Lord has trampled down as in a wine press
The Virgin Daughter of Judah.


To my shame, I must say, we have been too weak [in comparison to those pseudo-apostles who take advantage of you].But in whatever anyone else dares to boast—I am speaking foolishly—I also dare to boast.


But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep [the protector and provider].


for the cherubim spread out their wings over the place of the ark, making a covering above the ark and its carrying poles.


However, the Jews did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they called the man’s parents.


even as I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel, saying, ‘Solomon your son shall certainly be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place’; I will indeed do so this very day.”


And Elisha said to him, “Take a bow and arrows.” So he took a bow and arrows.


Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died. David’s servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, “While the child was still alive, we spoke to him and he would not listen to our voices. How then can we tell him the child is dead, since he might harm himself [or us]?”


When the scribes [belonging to the sect] of the Pharisees saw that Jesus was eating with the sinners [including non-observant Jews] and tax collectors, they asked His disciples, “Why does He eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”


Now may the Lord show lovingkindness and truth and faithfulness to you. I too will show this goodness to you, because you have done this thing.


Let our leaders stand for and represent the entire assembly; let all those in our cities who have married foreign wives come at appointed times, together with the elders and judges of each city, until the burning anger of our God over this matter is turned away from us.”


for we have heard him say that this Jesus the Nazarene will tear down this place and will change the traditions and customs which Moses handed down to us.”


You shall not do any laborious work [on that day], but you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord.’”


Then she came and told the man of God. He said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”


Now Tamar was wearing a [long-sleeved] robe of various colors; for that is how the virgin daughters of the king dressed themselves in robes. Then Amnon’s personal servant took her out and bolted the door behind her.


Then Hazael departed from Elisha and came to his master, who said to him, “What did Elisha say to you?” And he answered, “He told me you would certainly recover.”


The border continued along to the north of the slope of Beth-hoglah; and the border ended at the northern bay of the Salt (Dead) Sea, at the south end of the Jordan. This was the southern border.


“From on high He sent fire into my bones,
And it prevailed over them.
He has spread a net for my feet;
He has turned me back.
He has made me desolate and hopelessly miserable,
Faint all the day long.


“Am I the sea, or the sea monster,
That You set a guard over me?


and the Lord sent you on a mission, and said, ‘Go, totally destroy the sinners, the Amalekites, and fight against them until they are eliminated.’


And as John was finishing his course [of ministry], he kept saying, ‘What or who do you think that I am? I am not He [the Christ]; but be aware, One is coming after me whose sandals I am not worthy to untie [even as His slave]!’


Therefore my heart rejoiced and my tongue exulted exceedingly;
Moreover my flesh also will live in hope [that is, will encamp in anticipation of the resurrection];


So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stopped at the entrance of Elisha’s house.


And they have not known the path of peace.”


the nineteenth to Mallothi, his sons and his relatives, twelve;


They shall leave none of it until morning nor break any of its bones; in accordance with all the statutes of the Passover they shall observe it.


For there is nothing hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come out into the open.


“As for that night, let darkness seize it;
Let it not rejoice among the days of the year;
Let it not be counted in the number of the months.


Then your barns will be abundantly filled
And your vats will overflow with new wine.


Then Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.”


But after ordering them to step out of the Council [chamber], they began to confer among themselves,


who had come to listen to Him and to be healed of their diseases. Even those who were troubled by unclean spirits (demons) were being healed.


Then Delilah realized that he had told her everything in his heart, so she sent and called for the Philistine lords, saying, “Come up this once, because he has told me everything in his heart.” Then the Philistine lords came up to her and brought the money [they had promised] in their hands.


But the news about Him was spreading farther, and large crowds kept gathering to hear Him and to be healed of their illnesses.


Indeed, we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined and inappropriate life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies [meddling in other people’s business].


But John tried to prevent Him [vigorously protesting], saying, “It is I who need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?”


The baptism of John—from where did it come? From heaven [that is, ordained by God] or from men?” And they began debating among themselves [considering the implications of their answer], saying, “If we say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say to us, ‘Then why did you not believe John?’


Now the queen [mother], overhearing the [excited] words of the king and his nobles, came into the banquet area. The queen [mother] spoke and said, “O king, live forever! Do not be alarmed at your thoughts or let your face be changed.


Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you and you will be clean.”


All the labor of man is for his mouth [for self-preservation and enjoyment], and yet the desire [of his soul] is not satisfied.


Then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome]
And discover the knowledge of God.


But the high places [of pagan worship] were not removed from Israel. Nevertheless Asa’s heart was blameless all his days.


men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Now Zedekiah dishonored the oath by breaking the covenant, and behold, he gave his hand and pledged his allegiance, yet did all these things; he shall not escape.’”


And these are the names of those who were born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,


Mizraim [the ancestor of the Egyptians] became the father of Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim


And I saw [that even though Judah knew] that for all the acts of adultery (idolatry) of faithless Israel, I [the Lord] had sent her away and given her a certificate of divorce, yet her treacherous sister Judah was not afraid; but she went and was a prostitute also [following after idols].


“With Him are might and sound wisdom,
The misled and the misleader are His [and in His power].


And if anyone competes as an athlete [in competitive games], he is not crowned [with the wreath of victory] unless he competes according to the rules.


These are their descendants: The firstborn of Ishmael, Nebaioth; then Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,


Of the sons of Issachar, their descendants, by their families (clans), by their fathers’ households, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:


A quick-tempered man acts foolishly and without self-control,
And a man of wicked schemes is hated.


‘Whom have you taunted and blasphemed?
Against whom have you raised your voice,
And haughtily lifted up your eyes?
Against the Holy One of Israel!


For how can such a [weakened] servant of my lord talk with such [a being] as my lord? For now there remains no strength in me, nor has any breath been left in me.”


“The adversaries of the Lord will be broken to pieces;
He will thunder against them in the heavens,
The Lord will judge the ends of the earth;
And He will give strength to His king,
And will exalt the horn (strength) of His anointed.”


Then Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of hundreds appointed over the army and said to them, “Take her out between the ranks, and whoever follows her put to death with the sword.” For the priest had said, “Let her not be put to death in the house (temple) of the Lord.”


Jesus asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he answered, “Since childhood.


The second also [died childless], and the third, down to the seventh.


Then you will know and understand fully that I am the Lord your God,
Dwelling in Zion, My holy mountain.
Then Jerusalem will be holy,
And strangers [who do not belong] will no longer pass through it.


Enosh lived eight hundred and fifteen years after the birth of Kenan and had other sons and daughters.


Then the Lord called yet again, “Samuel!” So Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But Eli answered, “I did not call, my son; lie down again.”


Jesus replied to them, “I will also ask you a question, and if you tell Me the answer, then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.


Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in [the person] and live there; and the last state of that person becomes worse than the first.”


Saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan,
As the portion of your possession and inheritance.”


Then you shall collect all its spoil (plunder) into the middle of its open square and burn the city and set fire to the spoil as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. It shall be a ruin forever. It shall not be built again.


So Aaron shall carry the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob) in the breastpiece of judgment over his heart when he enters the Holy Place, to bring them in continual remembrance before the Lord.


O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! Do not delay, for Your own sake, O my God, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”


And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.


The man went into the land of the Hittites and built a city and named it Luz, which is its name to this day.


When Enosh was ninety years old, he became the father of Kenan.


And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s [shed] blood from your hand.


For the Assyrian king has said,

“I have done this by the power of my [own] hand and by my wisdom,
For I have understanding and skill.
I have removed the boundaries of the peoples
And have plundered their treasures;
Like a bull I have brought down those who sat on thrones.


Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.


Their land has also been filled with idols;
They worship the work of their hands,
That which their own fingers have made.


The king said to me, “What do you request?” So I prayed to the God of heaven.


For Barnabas was a good man [privately and publicly—his godly character benefited both himself and others] and he was full of the Holy Spirit and full of faith [in Jesus the Messiah, through whom believers have everlasting life]. And a great number of people were brought to the Lord.


of Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah, Uzzi;


So Moses gave an inheritance to the tribe of the sons of Reuben according to their families.


but the fat, the kidneys, and the lobe of the liver from the sin offering he offered up in smoke on the altar, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.


To those who are without (outside) the Law, [I became] as one without the Law, though [I am] not without the law of God, but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law.


Then he said to him, “Come home with me and eat bread.”


Thus [the king of] Edom refused to give Israel passage through his territory, so Israel turned away from him.


For just like the lightning, when it flashes out of one part of the sky, gives light to the other part of the sky, so [visible] will the Son of Man be in His day.


And God said, “Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve and worship God at this mountain.”


“I said, ‘Most certainly you will [reverently] fear Me;
Accept correction.’
So Jerusalem’s dwelling will not be cut off
In accordance with all that I have appointed concerning her [punishment],
But they were eager [even rising early] to make all their deeds corrupt.


Blessed [joyful, nourished by God’s goodness] are you who hunger now [for righteousness, actively seeking right standing with God], for you will be [completely] satisfied. Blessed [forgiven, refreshed by God’s grace] are you who weep now [over your sins and repent], for you will laugh [when the burden of sin is lifted].


‘Thus says the Lord God, “This too I will let the house of Israel ask Me to do for them: I will increase their people like a flock.


When he had landed at Caesarea, he went up and greeted the church [at Jerusalem], and then went down to Antioch.


Now formerly in Israel this was the custom concerning redeeming and exchanging property. To confirm a transaction, a man pulled off his sandal and gave it to the other. This was the way of confirming and attesting in Israel.


These were the Levites by their fathers’ households, the heads of the fathers’ households of those registered, according to the number of names of the individuals who were the servants of the house of the Lord, from twenty years old and upward.


“O earth, do not cover my blood,
And let there be no [resting] place for my cry [where it will cease being heard].


He removed from the house of the Lord the covered way for the Sabbath which they had built in the house, and the outer entrance of the king, because of the king of Assyria [who might confiscate them].


For you, being so wise, gladly tolerate and accept the foolish [like me]!


“I weep for these things;
My eyes overflow with tears,
Because a comforter,
One who could restore my soul, is far away from me.
My children are desolate and perishing,
For the enemy has prevailed.”


O Lord, lead me in Your righteousness because of my enemies;
Make Your way straight (direct, right) before me.


And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, “The Lord is with you, O brave man.”


He also made ten [portable] basins in which to wash, and he put five on the right (south) side and five on the left (north). They would rinse things for the burnt offering in them, but the Sea was for the priests to wash in.


The merciful and generous man benefits his soul [for his behavior returns to bless him],
But the cruel and callous man does himself harm.


There were about 5,000 men who ate, besides women and children.


Now at the same time, they also learn to be idle as they go from house to house; and not only idle, but also gossips and busybodies [meddlers in things that do not concern them], talking about things they should not mention.


David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts (armies), was with him.


And you Philippians know that in the early days of preaching the gospel, after I left Macedonia, no church shared with me in the matter of giving and receiving except you alone;


He wrote in the letter, “Put Uriah in the front line of the heaviest fighting and leave him, so that he may be struck down and die.”


“Then You came down on Mount Sinai,
And spoke with them from heaven;
And You gave them fair ordinances and true laws,
Good statutes and commandments.


So what benefit did you get at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? [None!] For the outcome of those things is death!


The leaders of the people: Parosh, Pahath-moab, Elam, Zattu, Bani,


He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants.


Before certain men came from James, he used to eat [his meals] with the Gentiles; but when the men [from Jerusalem] arrived, he began to withdraw and separate himself [from the Gentile believers], because he was afraid of those from the circumcision.


He said, “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who spoke with His mouth to my father David and has fulfilled it with His hand, saying,


Tamar, Judah’s daughter-in-law, bore him Perez and Zerah. Judah’s sons were five in all.


It happened when Israel became strong, that they put the Canaanites to forced labor, but they did not drive them out completely.


When they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; so they were struck down [in defeat].


“Remember now, who, being innocent, ever perished?
Or where [and in what circumstances] were those upright and in right standing with God destroyed?


And I said, “What is it?” And he said, “This is the ephah (grain basket) going forth. This,” he continued, “is their appearance throughout the land


‘All winged insects that walk on all fours are detestable to you;


So David made a name for himself when he returned from killing 18,000 Arameans (Syrians) in the Valley of Salt.


When they left Joash (for they left him very ill), his own servants conspired against him because of the blood of the son of Jehoiada the priest, and they murdered him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the City of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.


And he got up and immediately picked up the mat and went out before them all, so that they all were astonished and they glorified and praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”


But He said this to test Philip, because He knew what He was about to do.


Money from the guilt offerings and money from the sin offerings was not brought into the house of the Lord [for repairs]; it was for the priests.


Your wealth has rotted and is ruined and your [fine] clothes have become moth-eaten.


Now these are the descendants of Perez: Perez was the father of Hezron,


Now, so that you may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will tell you everything.


The wicked man earns deceptive wages,
But he who sows righteousness and lives his life with integrity will have a true reward [that is both permanent and satisfying].


suffering wrong [destined for punishment] as the wages of doing wrong. They count it a delight to revel in the daytime [living luxuriously]. They are stains and blemishes [on mankind], reveling in their deceptions even as they feast with you.


“Now, why do you cry out loudly?
Is there no king among you?
Has your counselor perished?
For agony has gripped you like a woman in childbirth.


Then the woman left her water jar, and went into the city and began telling the people,


Now the people became like those who complain and whine about their hardships, and the Lord heard it; and when the Lord heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of the Lord burned among them and devoured those in the outlying parts of the camp.


The Lord dealt with me according to my righteousness (moral character, spiritual integrity);
According to the cleanness of my hands He has rewarded me.


“I was also blameless before Him,
And kept myself from wrongdoing.


And the people to whom they are prophesying will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem, victims of famine and sword; and they will have no one to bury them—neither them, nor their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters. For I will pour out their [own] wickedness on them [and not only on the imposters posing as prophets, for the people could not have been deceived without their own consent].


When they crouch in their dens
And lie in wait in their lair?


So it happened that as Joab was besieging the city, he assigned Uriah to the place where he knew the [enemy’s] valiant men were positioned.


and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the Lord in front of the veil (curtain) of the sanctuary.


What is left of the grain offering belongs to Aaron and his sons; it is a most holy part of the offerings to the Lord by fire.


But I will establish My covenant (solemn promise, formal agreement) with you; and you shall come into the ark—you and your [three] sons and your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.


Naarah bore him Ahuzzam, Hepher, Temeni and Haahashtari. These were Naarah’s sons.


But the woman had taken the two men and hidden them; so she said, “Yes, two men came to me, but I did not know where they were from.


They replied, “We have nothing here except five loaves and two fish.”


This is a faithful and trustworthy saying worthy of full acceptance and approval.


I thought, ‘After she has done all these things she will return to Me’; but she did not return, and her treacherous (faithless) sister Judah saw it.


These [in the first group] are the ones along the road where the word is sown; but when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.


Then when he was set outside [to die], Pharaoh’s daughter rescued him and claimed him for herself, and cared for him as her own son.


Then you will again distinguish between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve Him.


Then I broke my second staff, Union, into pieces to break the brotherhood between Judah (the Southern Kingdom) and Israel (the Northern Kingdom).


They all conspired together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to cause a disturbance in it.


But that same slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii; and he seized him and began choking him, saying, ‘Pay what you owe!’


the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites.”


For you are not being sent to a people of unintelligible speech or difficult language, but to the house of Israel,


He stood and measured the earth;
He looked and startled the nations,
Yes, the eternal mountains were shattered,
The ancient hills bowed low and collapsed.
His ways are eternal.


I call on you, brothers and sisters, listen [patiently] to this message of exhortation and encouragement, for I have written to you briefly.


‘You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain [that is, irreverently, in false affirmations or in ways that impugn the character of God]; for the Lord will not hold guiltless nor leave unpunished the one who takes His name in vain [disregarding its reverence and its power].


And when He had taken a cup [of wine] and given thanks, He gave it to them, and they all drank from it.


But he has not invited me, your servant, nor Zadok the priest, nor Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, nor your servant Solomon.


another company turned toward Beth-horon, and another toward the border overlooking the Valley of Zeboim toward the wilderness.


“But as the time [for the fulfillment] of the promise which God had made to Abraham was approaching, the [Hebrew] people increased and multiplied in Egypt,


And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, there will be no rain on them.


Then Saul said, “This is what you shall say to David: ‘The king wants no dowry except a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to take vengeance on the king’s enemies.’” Now Saul’s intention was to cause David’s death at the hand of the Philistines.


I have sent him back to you in person, that is, like sending my very heart.


They spat on Him, and took the reed and struck Him repeatedly on the head.


And God said to Noah, “This [rainbow] is the sign of the covenant (solemn pledge, binding agreement) which I have established between Me and all living things on the earth.”


Hear this word which I take up for you as a funeral song, O house of Israel:


Then I looked again at vanity under the sun [in one of its peculiar forms].


My servants will bring the logs down from Lebanon to the [Mediterranean] sea, and I will have them made into rafts to go by sea to the place (port) that you direct me; then I will have them broken up there, and you shall carry them away. Then you shall return the favor by providing food for my household.”


“However, you may slaughter and eat meat within any of your [city] gates, whatever you wish, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you [as His generous provision for daily life]. The [ceremonially] unclean and the clean may eat it, such as the gazelle and the deer.


Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Go and take a lamb for yourselves according to [the size of] your families and slaughter the Passover lamb.


All this time you have been thinking that we are [merely] defending ourselves to you. It is in the sight of God that we have been speaking [as one] in Christ; and everything, dearly beloved, is to strengthen you [spiritually].


[Now some] other small boats from Tiberias had come in near the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks.


They came into the interior of the house as if to get wheat [for the soldiers], and they struck him in the stomach. Then Rechab and Baanah his brother escaped [unnoticed].


“Have I concealed my transgressions like Adam or like other men,
By hiding my wickedness in my bosom,


So that He sets on high those who are lowly,
And He lifts to safety those who mourn.


So circumcise [that is, remove sin from] your heart, and be stiff-necked (stubborn, obstinate) no longer.


So He declared to you His covenant which He commanded you to follow, the Ten Commandments; and He wrote them on two tablets of stone.


For who is the greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves.


So Hathach went out to Mordecai in the [open] square of the city, which was in front of the king’s gate.


Since many boast [of worldly things and brag] about human accomplishments, I will boast too.


But now, with no further place for work in these regions, and since I have longed for many years to come to you—


But Jesus, turning toward them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.


“My hand has found the wealth of the people like a nest,
And as one gathers eggs that are abandoned, so I have gathered all the earth;
And there was not one that flapped its wing, or that opened its beak and chirped.”


The crowd answered, “You have a demon [You are out of Your mind]! Who wants to kill You?”


They were completely and utterly astonished, and said to Him, “Then who can be saved [from the wrath of God]?”


Then Hezekiah said, “Now you have consecrated yourselves to the Lord; approach and bring sacrifices and thank offerings into the house of the Lord.” And the assembly brought in sacrifices and thank offerings, and all those who were willing brought burnt offerings.


Now these five [Amorite] kings fled and hid themselves in the cave at Makkedah.


not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed either by a [so-called prophetic revelation of a] spirit or a message or a letter [alleged to be] from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has [already] come.


For it is evident that our Lord descended from [the tribe of] Judah, and Moses mentioned nothing about priests in connection with that tribe.


These were the chief officers of King Solomon, two hundred and fifty [in authority] who ruled over the people.


The locusts came up over all the land of Egypt and settled down in the whole territory, a very dreadful mass of them; never before were there such locusts as these, nor will there ever be again.


For all the [pagan] nations of the world greedily seek these things; and your [heavenly] Father [already] knows that you need them.


But Joab told him, “You are not the man to carry news [to King David] today, but you shall carry news another day. On this day you shall carry no news, because the king’s son is dead.”


So He went throughout Galilee, preaching [the gospel] in their synagogues and casting out demons.


Then the fourth angel sounded [his trumpet], and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and a third of the daylight would not shine, and the night in the same way [would not shine].


Their land has also been filled with silver and gold
And there is no end to their treasures;
Their land has also been filled with horses
And there is no end to their chariots.


So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and did just as the Lord had commanded; Aaron threw down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent.


The disciples began looking at one another, puzzled and disturbed as to whom He could mean.


and began saying to Him, “By what authority are You doing these things, or who gave You this authority to do these things?”


Now when they entered the house he was lying on his bed in his bedroom. They [not only] struck and killed him, [but] they also beheaded him. Then they took his head and traveled all night by way of the Arabah.


Now when the king [and the people] of Ai saw it, the men of the city hurried and got up early and went out to meet Israel in battle, the king and all his people at the appointed [time and] place before the desert plain (the Arabah). But he did not know that there was an ambush against him [waiting] behind the city [on the west side].


For I tell you that this [Scripture] which is written must be completed and fulfilled in Me: ‘And He was counted with the criminals’; for that which refers to Me has its fulfillment [and is settled].”


He issued a proclamation and it said, “In Nineveh, by the decree of the king and his nobles: No man, animal, herd, or flock is to taste anything. They are not to eat or drink water.


‘O Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, because I know that a spirit of the holy gods is in you and no mystery baffles or troubles you, tell me the visions of my dream which I have seen, along with its interpretation.


For when every commandment in the Law had been read by Moses to all the people, he took the blood of the calves and goats [which had been sacrificed], together with water and scarlet wool and with a bunch of hyssop, and he sprinkled both the scroll itself and all the people,


While Peter was thoughtfully considering the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Now listen, three men are looking for you.


The name of the second river is Gihon; it flows around the entire land of Cush [in Mesopotamia].


But as for the sons (descendants) of Israel who lived in the cities of Judah [including Benjamin], Rehoboam reigned over them.


God has selected [for His purpose] the insignificant (base) things of the world, and the things that are despised and treated with contempt, [even] the things that are nothing, so that He might reduce to nothing the things that are,


that you should remember the words spoken in the past [about the future] by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior given by your apostles [His personally chosen representatives].


The Ammonites’ king replied to the messengers of Jephthah, “It is because Israel took away my land when they came up from Egypt, from the [river] Arnon as far as the Jabbok and [east of] the Jordan; so now, return those lands peaceably.”


Therefore, you shall keep (follow, obey) the commandment and the statutes and judgments (precepts) which I am commanding you today.


And Joshua took about five thousand men and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city.


But if they will not believe these two signs or pay attention to what you say, you are to take some water from the Nile and pour it on the dry ground; and the water which you take out of the river will turn into blood on the dry ground.”


Then Pharaoh said, “Tomorrow.” Moses replied, “May it be as you say, so that you may know [without any doubt] and acknowledge that there is no one like the Lord our God.


(The Bridegroom)
“If you do not know [where your lover is],
O you fairest among women,
Run along, follow the tracks of the flock,
And pasture your young goats
By the tents of the shepherds.


What profit is there for the worker from that in which he labors?


but as to how he now sees, we do not know; or who has opened his eyes, we do not know. Ask him [and stop asking us]; he is of age, he will speak for himself and give his own account of it.”


And there will be a pavilion for shade from the heat by day, and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and the rain.


In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah.


But do not prophesy any longer at Bethel, for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal residence.”


Thus says the Lord of hosts,
“They will thoroughly gather like [fruit on] a vine what is left of Israel;
Pass your hand [over the vine] again and again [Babylon, tool of destruction] like a grape gatherer,
Over the branches [stripping the tendrils off the vine].”


So all the people went to Gilgal, and there they made Saul king before the Lord in Gilgal. There they also sacrificed peace offerings before the Lord; and there Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced greatly.


Now when they heard [the term] resurrection from the dead, some mocked and sneered; but others said, “We will hear from you again about this matter.”


May peoples serve you,
And nations bow down to you;
Be lord and master over your brothers,
And may your mother’s sons bow down to you.
May those who curse you be cursed,
And may those who bless you be blessed.”


“If I were to cause predatory beasts to pass through the land and they ravaged it and depopulated it of children, and it became desolate so that no one would pass through because of the predators,


But Jesus said to them, “Because of your hardness of hearts [your callousness and insensitivity toward your wives and the provision of God] he wrote you this precept.


Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women [to death]. So what do You say [to do with her—what is Your sentence]?”


Beat your plowshares into swords
And your pruning hooks into spears;
Let the weak say, “I am strong!”


Then the one (Gabriel) whose appearance was like that of a man touched me again, and he strengthened me.


Zion stretches out her hands,
But there is no comforter for her.
The Lord has commanded concerning Jacob
That his neighbors should be his enemies;
Jerusalem has become a filthy thing [an object of contempt] among them.


For those who have served well as deacons gain a high standing [having a good reputation among the congregation], and great confidence in the faith which is [founded on and centered] in Christ Jesus.


And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great and complete was its fall.”


“O inhabitant of [Jerusalem, whose palaces are made from the cedars of] Lebanon,
You who nest in the cedars,
How you will groan and how miserable you will be when pains come on you,
Pain like a woman in childbirth!


On the second day, all of the heads of fathers’ households of all the people, the priests, and the Levites, were gathered before Ezra the scribe to gain insight into the words of the Law (divine instruction).


The priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the guilt offering before the Lord for his sin which he has committed; and he shall be forgiven for his sin.


‘The flowers appear on the earth once again;
The time for singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.


A day of trumpet and the battle cry [of invaders]
Against the fortified cities
And against the high corner towers (battlements).


And it came about when Samuel was old that he appointed his sons as judges over Israel.


Now these are the records of the descendants of Terah. Terah was the father of Abram (Abraham), Nahor, and Haran; and Haran was the father of Lot.


(as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every firstborn male that opens the womb shall be called holy [set apart and dedicated] to the Lord)”


When they brought these kings out to Joshua, Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and told the commanders of the men of war who had gone with him, “Come up close, put your feet on the necks of these kings.” So they came forward and put their feet on the necks [of the five kings].


I made great works: I built houses for myself; I planted vineyards for myself;


From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to the Lord, but the foundation of the temple of the Lord had not been laid.


Then leaning back against Jesus’ chest, he (John) asked Him [privately], “Lord, who is it?”


then your heart will become lifted up [by self-conceit and arrogance] and you will forget the Lord your God who brought you from the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.


“I brought you into a plentiful land
To eat its fruit and [enjoy] its good things.
But you came and defiled My land
And you made My inheritance repulsive.


but I did not want to do anything without first getting your consent, so that your goodness would not be, in effect, by compulsion but of your own free will.


Who knows whether He will relent [and revoke your sentence],
And leave a blessing behind Him,
Even a grain offering and a drink offering [from the bounty He provides you]
For the Lord your God?


So now, my lord, as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, since the Lord has prevented you from shedding blood, and from avenging yourself by your own hand, now then let your enemies and those who seek to do evil to my lord, be as [self-destructive as] Nabal.


“I will drive him like a peg in a firm place,
And he will become a throne of honor and glory to his father’s house.


The wise in heart will be called understanding,
And sweet speech increases persuasiveness and learning [in both speaker and listener].


“My transgression is sealed up in a bag,
And You cover my wickedness [from Your view].


Go, cry out to the gods you have chosen; let them rescue you in your time of distress.”


Now listen to me; I will advise you, and may God be with you [to confirm my advice]. You shall represent the people before God. You shall bring their disputes and causes to Him.


“In the fullness of his excess (great abundance) he will be in trouble;
The hand of everyone who suffers will come against him [he is miserable on every side].


So the Lord said to Joshua, “Get up! Why is it that you have fallen on your face?


You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.


Jesus ordered him to tell no one [that he might happen to meet], “But go and show yourself to the priest, and make an offering for your purification, just as Moses commanded, as a testimony (witness) to them [that this is a work of Messiah].”


To our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.


saying, “What are we to do with these men? For the fact that an extraordinary miracle has taken place through them is public knowledge and clearly evident to all the residents of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it.


but the seventh day is a Sabbath [a day of rest dedicated] to the Lord your God; on that day you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock or the stranger who stays inside your [city] gates, so that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you.


If I shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or if I command locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence and plague among My people,


They would not accept my counsel,
And they spurned all my rebuke.


He who pays attention to the word [of God] will find good,
And blessed (happy, prosperous, to be admired) is he who trusts [confidently] in the Lord.


Moses said to the Lord, “The people cannot come up to Mount Sinai, because You warned us, saying, ‘Set barriers around the mountain and consecrate it.’”


All those who heard him continued to be amazed and said, “Is this not the man who in Jerusalem attacked those who called on this name [of Jesus], and had come here [to Damascus] for the express purpose of bringing them bound [with chains] before the chief priests?”


So the king did not listen to the people; for the situation was from the Lord, so that He might fulfill His word which He spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.


Greet one another with a kiss of love.To all of you who are in Christ, may there be peace.


“The waters surrounded me, to the point of death.
The great deep engulfed me,
Seaweed was wrapped around my head.


He is not the God of the dead, but of the living; you are greatly mistaken and you are deceiving yourselves!”


As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].


For we who live are constantly [experiencing the threat of] being handed over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the [resurrection] life of Jesus also may be evidenced in our mortal body [which is subject to death].


He kisses the lips [and wins the hearts of people]
Who gives a right and straightforward answer.


So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on the roof of his house, and in their courtyards and the courtyards of God’s house, and in the open square of the Water Gate and in the square of the Gate of Ephraim.


Look, He is speaking publicly, and they say nothing to Him! Is it possible that the rulers really know that this is the Christ?


All these cities were fortified and unassailable with their high walls, gates, and bars; in addition, [there were] a very great number of unwalled villages.


“Go up through the rows of Jerusalem’s vineyards and destroy [them],
But do not completely destroy everything.
Strip away her branches and the tendrils [of her vines],
For they are not the Lord’s.


Now I, Paul, urge you by the gentleness and graciousness of Christ—I who am meek [so they say] when with you face to face, but bold [outspoken and fearless] toward you when absent!


Now when King David heard about all these things, he was very angry [but failed to take any action].


In those days I saw some in Judah who were treading wine presses on the Sabbath, and bringing in sheaves or sacks of grain and loading them on donkeys, as well as wine, grapes, figs, and all kinds of loads, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day. So I protested and warned them on the day they sold the produce.


At that time certain Chaldeans came forward and brought [malicious] accusations against the Jews.


The fee [for sharpening] was a pim (two-thirds of a shekel) for the plowshares, the picks, the pitchforks, and the axes, and to straighten the goads (cattle prods).


“On that day they shall take up a [taunting, deriding] parable against you
And wail with a doleful and bitter song of mourning and say,
‘We are completely destroyed!
God exchanges the inheritance of my people;
How He removes it from me!
He divides our fields to the rebellious [our captors].’


The Angel of the Lord did not appear again to Manoah or his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was the Angel of the Lord.


Many will follow their shameful ways, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned.


So the Levites appointed Heman the son of Joel, and from his relatives, Asaph the son of Berechiah; and from the sons of Merari their relatives, Ethan the son of Kushaiah,


But Gideon said to him, “Please my lord, if the Lord is with us, then why has all this happened to us? And where are all His wondrous works which our fathers told us about when they said, ‘Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian.”


“Behold now, I have prepared my case;
I know that I will be vindicated.


The man bowed his head and worshiped the Lord.


As for Me, hear this: I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will go in [the sea] after them; and I will be glorified and honored through Pharaoh and all his army, and his war-chariots and his horsemen.


If Satan casts out Satan [that is, his demons], he has become divided against himself and disunited; how then will his kingdom stand?


He shall bring them to the priest, who shall offer first the one for the sin offering, and shall nip its head at the front of its neck, but shall not sever it [completely].


There is no fear of God [and His awesome power] before their eyes.”


So now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king in place of David my father; and as for me, I am but a little boy [in wisdom and experience]; I do not know how to go out or come in [that is, how to conduct business as a king].


They said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “O king, live forever!


As for Ishmael, I have heard and listened to you; behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful and will greatly multiply him [through his descendants]. He will be the father of twelve princes (chieftains, sheiks), and I will make him a great nation.


True instruction was in Levi’s mouth and injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many from wickedness.


When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.


Then he said, “Do you understand [fully] why I came to you? Now I shall return to fight against the [hostile] prince of Persia; and when I have gone, behold, the prince of Greece is about to come.


“People have heard that I groan,
That I have no comforter [in You].
All my enemies have heard of my desperation;
They are delighted [O Lord] that You have done it.
Oh, that You would bring the day [of judgment] which You have proclaimed
So that they will become like me.


So I swore [an oath] in My wrath,
They shall not enter My rest [the promised land].’”


Oh, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous [those in right standing with You];
For the righteous God tries the hearts and minds.


Then came the word of the Lord to Jeremiah, saying,


“Do not gaze at me because I am deeply tanned,
[I have worked in] the sun; it has left its mark on me.
My mother’s sons were angry with me;
They made me keeper of the vineyards,
But my own vineyard (my complexion) I have not kept.”


“Therefore I will give their wives to others
And their fields to new owners;
Because from the least even to the greatest
Everyone is greedy for [unjust] gain;
From the prophet even to the priest
Everyone practices deceit and deals in corruption.


the white owl, the pelican, the carrion vulture,


But some men joined him and believed; among them were Dionysius, [a judge] of the Council of Areopagus, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.


But in truth we have done this out of concern, for a reason, saying, ‘In time to come your sons (descendants) may say to our sons, “What claim do you have to the Lord, the God of Israel?


If your right hand makes you stumble and leads you to sin, cut it off and throw it away [that is, remove yourself from the source of temptation]; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.


Then the prophet approached the king of Israel and said to him, “Go, strengthen yourself and observe and see what you have to do; for at the first of next year the king of Aram (Syria) will come up against you.”


Again the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,


“Let his left hand be under my head
And his right hand embrace me.”


Isaac said to them, “Why have you [people] come to me, since you hate me and have sent me away from you?”


And even they [the unbelieving Jews], if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in; for God has the power to graft them in again.


David was unwilling to move the ark of the Lord into the City of David with him; instead he took it aside to the house of Obed-edom the Gittite.


“I will cut off the cities of your land
And tear down all your fortifications.


The tongue of the righteous is like precious silver (greatly valued);
The heart of the wicked is worth little.


so that this may be a sign among you; when your children ask later, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’


He put garrisons in Edom; in all Edom he put garrisons, and all the Edomites became servants to David. And the Lord helped him wherever he went.


And this is how I saw the horses and their riders in my vision: the riders had breastplates [the color] of fire and of hyacinth (sapphire blue) and of brimstone (yellow); and the heads of the horses looked like the heads of lions; and from out of their mouths came fire and smoke and brimstone (burning sulfur).


So you, also, outwardly seem to be just and upright to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.


And in his place [in Syria] will arise a despicable and despised person, to whom royal majesty and the honor of kingship have not been conferred, but he will come [without warning] in a time of tranquility and seize the kingdom by intrigue.


That son who is [high] priest in his place shall put them on [each day for] seven days when he comes into the Tent of Meeting to minister in the Holy Place.


But Israel did not burn any of the cities that stood [walled and fortified] on their mounds, except Hazor alone, which Joshua burned.


And I will grant this people favor and respect in the sight of the Egyptians; therefore, it shall be that when you go, you will not go empty-handed.


Therefore, I hope [that it is His will] to send him immediately, just as soon as I see how my case turns out;


Just as He says in [the writings of the prophet] Hosea:

I will call those who were not My people, ‘My people,’
And [I will call] her who was not beloved, ‘beloved.’”


take these men and purify yourself along with them, and pay their expenses [for the temple offerings] so that they may shave their heads. Then everyone will know that there is nothing to the things they have been told about you, but that you yourself also follow and keep the Law.


The sons of Eli [Hophni and Phinehas] were worthless (dishonorable, unprincipled) men; they did not know [nor respect] the Lord


“By me kings reign
And rulers decide and decree justice.


The third river is named Hiddekel (Tigris); it flows east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.


As for the man who does this, may the Lord cut off from the tents of Jacob to the last man those who do this [evil thing], awake and aware, even the one who brings an offering to the Lord of hosts.


They have dealt treacherously against the Lord,
For they have borne illegitimate (pagan) children.
Now the New Moon will devour them along with their land [bringing judgment and captivity].


King Solomon [in turn] gave to the queen of Sheba everything that she wanted, whatever she asked, besides what he gave to her from his royal bounty. So she returned to her own country, she and her servants.


Yet I withdrew My hand and acted for My Name’s sake, that it would not be profaned in the sight of the [pagan] nations in whose sight I had brought them out [of slavery].


Now, therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.’


The Chaldeans answered the king and said, “There is not a man on earth who can tell the king this matter, for no king, lord or ruler has ever asked such a thing as this of any magician or enchanter or Chaldean.


(The Shulammite Bride)
“Listen! My beloved!
Behold, he comes,
Climbing on the mountains,
Leaping and running on the hills!


But shall we say, ‘From men?’” —they were afraid [to answer because] of the crowd, for everyone considered John to have been a real prophet.


But when David saw that his servants were whispering to one another, he realized that the child was dead. So David said to them, “Is the child dead?” And they said, “He is dead.”


But if [any nation] will not listen and obey, I will [completely] uproot and destroy that nation, says the Lord.”


He who is steadfast in righteousness attains life,
But he who pursues evil attains his own death.


I wish that all the people were as I am; but each person has his own gift from God, one of this kind and one of that.


to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord [the day when salvation and the favor of God abound greatly].”


and if a spirit (sense, attitude) of jealousy comes over him and he is jealous and angry at his wife who has defiled herself—or if a spirit of jealousy comes over him and he is jealous of his wife when she has not defiled herself—


“Woe (judgment is coming) to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the miracles done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon [cities of the Gentiles], they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes [their hearts would have been changed and they would have expressed sorrow for their sin and rebellion against God].


Then some of the men of Benjamin and Judah came to the stronghold to David.


He replied to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants asked him, ‘Then do you want us to go and pull them out?’


But to keep it from spreading further among the people and the nation, let us [sternly] warn them not to speak again to anyone in this name.”


But the number of bricks which they were making before, you shall [still] require of them; you are not to reduce it in the least. For they are idle and lazy; that is why they cry, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’


Jesus said to him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this very night, before a rooster crows twice, you will deny [that you even know] Me three times.”


So they named that place Bochim (weepers); and there they offered sacrifices to the Lord.


And after the seven days [God released the rain and] the floodwaters came on the earth.


For this reason Moses has given you [God’s law regarding] circumcision (not that it originated with Moses, but with the patriarchs) and you circumcise a man [even] on the Sabbath.


But I (Gabriel) will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth. There is no one who stands firmly with me and strengthens himself against these [hostile spirit forces] except Michael, your prince [the guardian of your nation].


“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Just as I planned to do harm to you when your fathers provoked Me to wrath,’ says the Lord of hosts, ‘and I did not relent,


The word of the Lord also came to me, saying,


Then I looked, and I heard a solitary eagle flying in midheaven [for all to see], saying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe [great wrath is coming] to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpets which the three angels are about to sound [announcing ever greater judgments]!”


for at that time there will be such tribulation as has not occurred, from the beginning of the creation which God made, until now—and never will [be again].


I have seen a horrible thing [sins of every kind] in the house of Israel!
Ephraim’s prostitution (idolatry) is there; Israel has defiled itself.


Then Hazael king of Aram (Syria) went up, fought against Gath [in Philistia], and captured it. And Hazael resolved to go up to Jerusalem.


“Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up;
Again, He sends the waters out, and they overwhelm and devastate the earth.


I will draw out Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army, with his chariots and his infantry to meet you at the river Kishon, and I will hand him over to you.’”


This greeting is in my own hand—Paul.


and a man who had been unable to walk from birth was being carried along, whom they used to set down every day at that gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, so that he could beg alms from those entering the temple.


And now, because you have done all these things,” says the Lord, “and I spoke [persistently] to you, even rising up early and speaking, but you did not listen, and I called you but you did not answer,


He has blocked my ways with cut stone;
He has made my paths crooked.


For in this way Amos has said, ‘Jeroboam will die by the sword and Israel will certainly go from its land into exile.’”


“Therefore do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them, for I shall not listen when they cry to Me in the time of their disaster.


“And your life would be brighter than the noonday;
Darkness [then] would be like the morning.


“Scarcely had I passed them
When I found him whom my soul loves.
I held on to him and would not let him go
Until I had brought him to my mother’s house,
And into the chamber of her who conceived me.”


And the men of the city came out and fought against Joab, and some of the people among the servants of David fell; Uriah the Hittite also died.


But the next day Hazael took the bedspread and dipped it in water and covered the king’s face, so that he died. And Hazael became king in his place.


Who killed Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth (Gideon)? Was it not a woman who threw an upper millstone on him from the wall so that he died at Thebez? Why did you go so near the wall?’ Then you shall say, ‘Your servant Uriah the Hittite is also dead.’”


So David reigned over all Israel, and continued to administer justice and righteousness for all his people.


So now, take your stand and see this great thing which the Lord will do before your eyes.


yet of all winged insects that walk on all fours you may eat those which have legs above their feet with which to leap on the ground.


So they sent the ark of God to Ekron. And as the ark of God came to Ekron, the Ekronites cried out, “They have brought the ark of the God of Israel [from Gath] to us, to kill us and our people.”


So Moses went out and spoke to the people the words of the Lord, and he gathered seventy men from among the elders of the people and stationed them around the Tent (tabernacle).


Then he answered, “I do not know whether He is a sinner [separated from God]; but one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”


So if this is the way You are going to deal with me, please kill me at once, if I have found favor in your sight, and do not let me see my wretchedness.”


The Philistines were afraid, for they said, “God has come into the camp.” And they said, “Woe [disaster is coming] to us! For nothing like this has happened before.


when they see your modest and respectful behavior [together with your devotion and appreciation—love your husband, encourage him, and enjoy him as a blessing from God].


For Ephraim has constructed many altars for sin;
They are altars intended for sinning [which multiply his guilt].


So Joshua had the ark of the Lord taken around the city [on the first day], circling it once; then they came back into the camp and spent the night in the camp.


You approached and stood at the foot of the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire to the [very] heart of the heavens: darkness, cloud and thick gloom.


So now [if that is the case, then] it is no longer I who do it [the disobedient thing which I despise], but the sin [nature] which lives in me.


Believers, I beg of you, become as I am [free from the bondage of Jewish ritualism and ordinances], for I have become as you are [a Gentile]. You did me no wrong [when I first came to you; do not do it now].


When she opened it, she saw the child, and behold, the baby was crying. And she took pity on him and said, “This is one of the Hebrews’ children.”


When Nahor had lived twenty-nine years, he became the father of Terah.


Go among the rocks and hide in the dust
From the terror of the Lord and from the splendor of His majesty.


I urged Titus to go, and I sent the brother with him. Titus did not take advantage of you, did he? [No!] Did we not conduct ourselves in the same spirit and walk in the same steps? [Of course!]


I will also spread My net over him, and he will be caught in My snare. And I will bring him to Babylon, to the land of the Chaldeans; yet he will not see it, though he will die there.


“But the eyes of the wicked will fail,
And they will not escape [the justice of God];
And their hope is to breathe their last [and die].”


Then the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab king of Israel to go up and fall [defeated] at Ramoth-gilead?’ And one said this and another said that.


which some have professed and by doing so have erred (missed the mark) and strayed from the faith.Grace be with you.


Next to him the men of Tekoa made repairs, but their nobles did not support the work of their overseers.


When the rainbow is in the clouds and I look at it, I will [solemnly] remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”


So they gathered it every morning, each as much as he needed, because when the sun was hot it melted.


Then Absalom’s servants came to the woman at the house and asked, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” And the woman said to them, “They have crossed over the brook.” When they searched and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.


“Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and do them, that the Lord your God will keep with you the covenant and the [steadfast] lovingkindness which He swore to your fathers.


being extremely disturbed and thoroughly annoyed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in [the case of] Jesus the resurrection of the dead.


Then He stooped down again and started writing on the ground.


[If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”]


I have many things to say and judge concerning you, but He who sent Me is true; and I say to the world [only] the things that I have heard from Him.”


the sons of Arah, 775;


He [is the one who] shall build a house for My Name and My Presence, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.


“If she is a wall (discreet, womanly),
We will build on her a turret (dowry) of silver;
But if she is a door (bold, flirtatious),
We will enclose her with planks of cedar.”


Ruth answered her, “I will do everything that you say.”


The king replied, “I know for certain that you are bargaining for time, because you have seen that my command [to you] is firm and irrevocable.


Once the head of the house gets up and closes the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door [again and again], saying, ‘Lord, open to us!’ then He will answer you, ‘I do not know where you are from [for you are not of My household].’


They slice off [in discord] what is on the right hand but are still hungry,
And they eat what is on the left hand but they are not satisfied;
Each eats the flesh of his own arm.


And if these [neighboring nations] will diligently learn the ways of My people, to swear by My Name, saying, ‘As the Lord lives’—even as they taught My people to swear by Baal, then they will be built up among My people.


“Those in the west are astonished and appalled at his fate,
And those in the east are seized with horror.


Now upward, from that which appeared to be His waist, I saw something like glowing metal that looked like it was filled with fire all around it; and downward, from that which appeared to be His waist, I saw something like fire; and there was a brightness and a remarkable radiance [like a halo] around Him.


The brother of Micah, Isshiah; of the sons of Isshiah, Zechariah.


So they said to Him, “Who are You [anyway]?” Jesus replied, “What have I been saying to you from the beginning?


You have said, ‘It is useless to serve God. What profit is it if we keep His ordinances, and walk around like mourners before the Lord of hosts?


You shall take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood which is in the basin, and touch some of the blood to the lintel [above the doorway] and to the two doorposts; and none of you shall go outside the door of his house until morning.


But when Herod [Antipas] the tetrarch was repeatedly reprimanded [and convicted by John’s disapproval] for having Herodias, his brother’s wife [as his own], and for all the wicked things that Herod had done,


For you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you just as a father does [in dealing with] his own children, [guiding you]


“Separate yourselves from among this congregation, so that I may consume them immediately.”


The wife does not have [exclusive] authority over her own body, but the husband shares with her; and likewise the husband does not have [exclusive] authority over his body, but the wife shares with him.


I will first doubly repay and punish them for their wickedness and their sin [before I return them to their land], because they have profaned My land; they have filled My inheritance with the carcasses of their detestable idols and with their abominations.”


“As for me, Daniel, my spirit was distressed and anxious within me, and the visions [that appeared] in my mind kept alarming (agitating) me.


Therefore My people go into exile because they lack knowledge [of God];
And their honorable men are famished,
And their common people are parched with thirst.


and they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the very act of adultery.


‘Therefore keep all My statutes and all My ordinances and do them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live may not vomit you out [as it did those before you].


from the tribe of Gad, Geuel the son of Machi.


“He uncovers mysteries [that are difficult to grasp and understand] out of the darkness
And brings black gloom and the shadow of death into light.


I sent a message to him, saying, “Such things as you are saying have not been done; you are inventing them in your own mind.”


and did not inquire of the Lord [instead]. Therefore the Lord killed him and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.


King Solomon made two hundred large shields of beaten (hammered) gold; six hundred shekels of gold went into each shield.


whenever I go [on my trip] to Spain—I hope to see you as I pass through [Rome], and to be helped on my journey there by you, after I have first enjoyed your company for a little while.


“He makes priests walk barefoot,
And He overturns men firmly seated and secure.


In the days of King Saul they made war with the Hagrites, who fell by their hands; and they lived in their tents throughout all the land east of Gilead.


Then the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward the sky, so that darkness may come over the land of Egypt, a darkness which [is so awful that it] may be felt.”


“[Even] the priests did not say, ‘Where is the Lord?’
And those who deal with the law [given to Moses] did not know Me.
The rulers and shepherds also transgressed against Me,
And the prophets prophesied by [the authority and in the name of] Baal
And walked after [idolatrous] things that did not benefit [them].


“For the despairing man there should be kindness from his friend;
So that he does not abandon (turn away from) the fear of the Almighty.


So David lived in the stronghold and called it the City of David. And he built all around [the surrounding area] from the Millo [fortification] and inward.


the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl,


But Joshua commanded the people, “You shall not shout [the battle cry] nor let your voice be heard nor let a word come out of your mouth, until the day I tell you to shout. Then you shall shout!”


And by the first day of the first month they finished investigating all the men married to foreign wives.


And having been warned [by God] in a dream not to go back to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.


He also brought out the people who were there, and put them to [work with] the saws and sharp iron instruments and iron axes, and made them work at the brickkiln. And he did this to all the Ammonite cities. Then David and all the men returned to Jerusalem.


He led you through the great and terrible wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water; it was He who brought water for you out of the flinty rock.


and He will put the sheep on His right [the place of honor], and the goats on His left [the place of rejection].


“You gave them bread from heaven for their hunger,
And brought water for them out of a rock for their thirst,
And You told them to enter and take possession of
The land that You swore to give them.


“But as a mountain, if it falls, crumbles into nothing,
And as the rock is moved from its place,


‘For there the seed will produce peace and prosperity; the vine will yield its fruit, and the ground will produce its increase, and the heavens will give their dew. And I will cause the remnant of this people to inherit and possess all these things.


Shelah lived four hundred and three years after Eber was born, and he had other sons and daughters.


But when I saw that they were not being straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas (Peter) in front of everyone, “If you, being a Jew, live [as you have been living] like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how is it that you are [now virtually] forcing the Gentiles to live like Jews [if they want to eat with you]?”


Of the sons of Zebulun, their descendants, by their families (clans), by their fathers’ households, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:


Now the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) was approaching.


The perverse in heart are repulsive and shamefully vile to the Lord,
But those who are blameless and above reproach in their walk are His delight!


They did not realize [or have the spiritual insight to understand] that He was speaking to them about the Father.


For you will be like an oak whose leaf withers and dies
And like a garden that has no water.


What! Do you not have houses in which to eat and drink? Or do you show contempt for the church of God and humiliate those [impoverished believers] who have nothing? What will I say to you? Shall I praise you for this? In this I will not praise you!


David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and went to her and lay with her; and she gave birth to a son, and David named him Solomon. And the Lord loved the child;


‘You renew Your witnesses against me
And increase Your indignation and anger toward me;
Hardship after hardship is with me [attacking me time after time].


But My covenant [My promise, My solemn pledge], I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this time next year.”


It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed).


Then Abraham said, “Oh may the Lord not be angry [with me], and I will speak only this once; suppose ten [righteous people] are found there?” And He said, “I will not destroy it for the sake of the ten.”


“He guards the feet of His godly (faithful) ones,
But the wicked ones are silenced and perish in darkness;
For a man shall not prevail by might.


and command the people, saying, “You are passing through the territory of your brothers the sons of Esau (the Edomites), who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you. So be very careful;


I assure you and most solemnly say to you, you will not come out of there until you have paid the last cent.


And every man’s holy gifts shall be the priest’s; whatever any man gives the priest, it becomes his.’”


Is it not [the beginning of the] wheat harvest today? I will call to the Lord and He will send thunder and rain; then you will know [without any doubt], and see that your evil which you have done is great in the sight of the Lord by asking for yourselves a king.”


Jesus, aware of this [discussion], said to them, “Why are you discussing [the fact] that you have no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened?


The lookout called down and told the king. The king said, “If he is alone, he has good news to tell.” And he came nearer and nearer.


Of these you may eat: the whole species of migratory locust, of bald locust, of cricket, and of grasshopper.


To this present hour we are both hungry and thirsty; we are continually poorly dressed, and we are roughly treated, and wander homeless.


If you are wise, you are wise for yourself [for your own benefit];
If you scoff [thoughtlessly ridicule and disdain], you alone will pay the penalty.


Now Samuel did not yet know [or personally experience] the Lord, and the word of the Lord was not yet revealed [directly] to him.


Beware of men [whose nature is to act in opposition to God], for they will hand you over to the courts and flog you in their synagogues;


But Peter said to Him, “Even if they all fall away [and desert You, ashamed and afraid of being associated with You], yet I will not [do so]!”


He immediately stood up before them, picked up his stretcher, and went home glorifying and praising God.


It shall come about, when I bring clouds over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the clouds,


the king of Debir, one; the king of Geder, one;


Their partiality testifies against them,
They display their sin like Sodom;
They do not even hide it.
Woe (judgment is coming) to them!
For they have brought evil on themselves [as a reward].


We continue to pray night and day most earnestly that we may see you face to face, and may complete whatever may be imperfect and lacking in your faith.


Then all the people who were in the city were called together to pursue them, and they pursued Joshua and were lured away from the city.


I [Habakkuk, in my vision] saw the tents of Cushan under distress;
The tent curtains of the land of Midian were trembling.


Jesus said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”


“For the rich men of the city are full of violence [of every kind];
Her inhabitants speak lies
And their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.


The name of Hebron was formerly Kiriath-arba [city of Arba]; for Arba was the greatest man among the [giant-like] Anakim. Then the land had rest from war.


And Rehoboam slept with his fathers [in death] and was buried in the City of David; and Abijah his son became king in his place.


and Kibzaim with its pasture lands and Beth-horon with its pasture lands; four cities.


But now bring me a musician.” And it came about while the musician played, that the hand (power) of the Lord came upon Elisha.


“So I will send a fire [of war, conquest, and destruction by the Babylonians] upon Judah
And it will devour the strongholds of Jerusalem.”


So Miriam was shut up outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on until Miriam was brought in again [and declared ceremonially clean from her leprosy].